
6-year-old girl was diagnosed with spleen and stomach failure, doctor: 3 kinds of breakfast is "soft stone", less feeding baby

First, pediatricians: 3 kinds of breakfast is "soft stone", very hurt the spleen and stomach, parents feed the baby less

1. Hand-grabbed cakes, fritters

This kind of fried food, the child is more likely to eat, both convenient and delicious, parents are also willing to buy for the child to eat, but these foods belong to high-calorie, high-fat food, children eat more is not only easy to catch fire, but also affect the gastrointestinal digestion, seriously hinder the child's physical development.

6-year-old girl was diagnosed with spleen and stomach failure, doctor: 3 kinds of breakfast is "soft stone", less feeding baby

2. White porridge pickles

Many families like to use white porridge with pickles to make breakfast, especially the elderly, although it is said that this is very appetizing, children also love to eat, but pickles contain a lot of salt, and easy to breed bacteria, children eat more will increase the burden of the spleen and stomach, affecting physical development.

3. Soup with rice

Children's chewing ability is relatively poor, so many parents will let their children eat "soup bubble rice", but soup bubble rice due to the child's chewing times is small, rice does not enter the intestine without chewing, it is easy to stimulate the gastric mucosa, increase the gastrointestinal digestive burden, causing children to accumulate food, indigestion and other issues.

6-year-old girl was diagnosed with spleen and stomach failure, doctor: 3 kinds of breakfast is "soft stone", less feeding baby

Second, pediatricians: maintain the child's spleen and stomach, insist on eating some of it every day, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and promote development

Children's spleen and stomach are not good, most of them are caused by bad eating habits, and parents usually need to pay attention to the protection of their children's spleen and stomach.

Eating an ice cream in the hot summer is very pleasant, and for children, it is even more enjoyable. But a piece of ice cream may be the culprit that hurts the child's spleen and stomach. In ancient times, there was a health theory of "spring and summer yang", coupled with the physiological characteristics of the child's own "spleen is often insufficient", so in the summer, the child's spleen and stomach should be maintained

First: Quit "cool"

In the spring and summer season, yang qi is generated, and at this time, it should conform to the trend of yang qi and avoid "coolness" so as not to hurt the spleen and yang. First of all, do not over-consume "cold" foods, such as cold drinks, raw and cold seafood, and things taken directly from the refrigerator. In addition to cold food, pay attention to the cold that you feel directly. As the saying goes, "cold starts from under the feet", walking barefoot on the tile floor, summer air conditioning temperature is too low, these are easy to cause the abdomen, feet cold feeling cold.

Second: eat "sweet"

Food has "five tastes (sour, bitter, sweet, spicy, salty)", the five flavors are in line with the five organs (liver, heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys), so the sweet taste into the spleen can supplement the spleen, and the taste is sweet, children will prefer. In the summer, parents can give their children appropriate consumption of sweet foods, such as apples, watermelons, loofahs, red dates, millet, coix seeds, taro, yams, potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc., can be made into porridge, soups, dishes, juices, etc., but also pay attention to the fact that sweet food is easy to hinder the transport of the spleen and stomach, the gas machine is not smooth, bloating, constipation, so do not blindly or only eat sweet food, but also with other foods, nutritional balance. In addition, do not eat too much acidic food in summer, such as hawthorn, yogurt, tomatoes, plums, oranges, etc., too acidic is easy to kew the spleen soil, hindering the digestive function of the child's spleen and stomach.

Third: more "move"

Recently, due to the impact of the epidemic, children have less outdoor exercise, coupled with eating too much, too much food to delay the spleen and stomach, affecting the transport function of the spleen and stomach, and the symptoms of anorexia, bloating, bad breath and constipation appear. In the summer, you can also increase outdoor exercise, such as walking, running, etc., exercise can enhance the function of the spleen and stomach, promote digestion.

Fourth: Move the "hand"

At home, parents can give their children a simple massage to condition their children's spleen and stomach. Parents can rub their children's abdomen after rubbing heat with both hands, if the child's spleen and stomach are weak, anorexia, and loose stools, they can rub the abdomen counterclockwise; if the child has bad breath, bloating, and constipation, they can rub the abdomen clockwise.

Third, pediatricians: parents usually do a good job of 2 points to better maintain their children's spleen and stomach

1. Insist on outdoor exercise

Children in the development period, can not be separated from outdoor exercise, every day let children insist on outdoor exercise for half an hour, on the one hand can promote digestion, prevent food accumulation, on the other hand can stimulate bone growth, promote physical growth.

6-year-old girl was diagnosed with spleen and stomach failure, doctor: 3 kinds of breakfast is "soft stone", less feeding baby

2. Adhere to a reasonable diet

Usually pay attention to the child's diet, reasonable combination of meat, eat less fried, irritating food, eat 7 points full of food, maintain a light diet, and protect the child's delicate spleen and stomach.

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