
Children repeatedly accumulate food, easy to damage the spleen and stomach! 3 tricks to remove accumulated food heat, promote digestion and absorption

"The Origin of Diseases: Children's Miscellaneous Diseases and Syndromes": "Children's food should not be oversatiable, full will hurt the spleen, spleen injuries can not be consumed by food, so that children's limbs are heavy, the body is bitter and hot, and the face and yellow abdomen are also large." ”

This text is translated into grounded words, the general meaning is: feeding children, can not exceed the amount, overeating is easy to damage the spleen and stomach, after the spleen and stomach are injured, it is easy to produce internal heat, heat will slowly drain the body's water, so that the child's face is yellow, limbs are weak, bloating.

With the continuous improvement of living standards, the choice of foods that parents give their children is becoming more and more abundant. The name of the disease "accumulation of food" is also well known to more parents, and it has become one of the diseases that plague parents.

The dangers of repeated accumulation of food in children

If the child accumulates food for a long time and does not heal, it will damage the spleen and stomach, and the spleen and stomach will be damaged functionally. The weakness of the spleen and stomach will in turn affect the ability to digest and absorb food, and it will be easier to accumulate food.

Spleen and stomach weakness accumulation of food children, will accompany, yellowish face sometimes have weakness or like warm do not like cold, stomach is not swollen or soft, you touch her belly child also likes, like there are hot things close to her stomach, some children do not like to eat picky eating, belongs to poor appetite, some are not full, eat and do not digest, belong to the stomach strong spleen.

Whether it is short-term or long-term repeated accumulation of food, it will affect the child's spleen and stomach, affect the digestion and absorption of body nutrients, and delay the growth and development of children.

How to correctly regulate children's accumulated internal heat?

Mothers also deal with the accumulation of food in a variety of ways, there are children to drink antipyretic medicine, there are children to use the folk circulation of small prescriptions for heat, as well as let children drink more water, eat more fruit, and some mothers who know a little parenting knowledge, will give children some dietary drugs. So, let's take a steak now, when the child has accumulated food and internal heat, how should it be handled?

As the saying goes, know thyself and know the other, and never lose a battle. First of all, we need to understand how the heat inside the food comes from.

How is the heat generated by accumulation of food?

The food that the child eats, ideally, is matched with his digestive ability, the spleen and stomach can digest and absorb it, convert it into energy to transport to various parts of the body, and what cannot be used is excreted by the body in the form of defecation. However, if the child eats what should not be eaten, or eats too much, these can not be digested at all, not completely digested, or only digested part of the things in the gastrointestinal tract piled up, accumulation for a long time will affect the overall fluency of the digestive channel, slowly these foods will rot and deteriorate, become smelly, the heat produced to all corners of the body steaming; in addition, eating too much, the child's spleen and stomach have been in a "working" state, all the time in overtime, no empty moments, the process of consuming food, It is also a thermogenic process.

This is the principle of heat generation in accumulated food. And this kind of heat can not be simply and rudely handled by the idea of extinguishing fires, because as long as the accumulated hot food cannot be discharged, the body will definitely mobilize more energy to gather here, and the internal heat will always exist. Therefore, it is difficult to solve the internal heat of food by drinking more water, eating fruit, and drinking small herbal tea that clears the fire. On the contrary, these treatment methods are relatively cold and will stimulate the spleen and stomach, resulting in these corrupt foods, even more unable to be discharged.

When I was a child, every New Year's Day, my grandmother liked to use wood-fired hot pot croquettes, and the important task of burning fire was entrusted to our older children. When the fire is burned, we feel that the more the fire burns, the better, so we keep adding firewood, and a lot of heat steaming on Grandma's face makes Grandma choke badly, and she will order us to withdraw some firewood. And children who accumulate internal heat, the internal environment of the gastrointestinal tract is like a burning fire, if you want to make the heat steam less, you need to withdraw the firewood inside.

Therefore, the general idea of dealing with the internal heat of accumulated food is: to draw salary from the bottom of the kettle and eliminate food stagnation.

Use these 3 tricks to remove accumulated food internal heat and promote digestion and absorption

In the short term, the accumulation of food heat, that is, eating too much, eating messy, the gastrointestinal tract has a real food blockage generated by the heat, the idea of processing is relatively simple, that is, to find a way to accumulate food, the fever will also disappear.

Whether it is the accumulated food internal heat generated by simple food blockage, or the accumulated food internal heat generated by spleen deficiency, it can be improved from the following three aspects:

First, adjust the child's diet and reduce the pressure on the child's spleen and stomach;

Children who accumulate food in the short term, the symptoms are relatively mild, may be simply to let the child hungry two meals empty stomach, boil some white radish water to drink, or go to the park to run around, the accumulation of food can be eliminated.

If the child's symptoms are slightly more serious and the meat is eaten more, you can give the child a large hawthorn pill;

Rice noodles are eaten too much, and children can be boiled with grain sprouts and malt water to drink. If the child does not refuse to rub it, it can be matched with clockwise rubbing.

After the general accumulation of food, in order to prevent the recurrence of food accumulation and generate new internal heat, it is also necessary to give the child a light diet for about a week to let the spleen and stomach rest and recuperate during this time.

Second, appropriately increase the amount of exercise in children to help digest food accumulated in the gastrointestinal tract.

Children who are usually easy to accumulate food will have a slightly worse physique, and in general, they will not be very active, or they will shout tired after a little exercise. Moms should spend more time to let children find fun in sports, for example, they can have about two or three playmates, playing a game of you chasing me; or directly parents participating in the children' games of eagle catching chickens and wooden people. The child unconsciously increased the amount of exercise and was happy. Happiness and exercise are the two magic weapons to defeat the accumulation of food.

Third, you can do massage for your child

Children with spleen deficiency and easy to accumulate food should pay attention to the health care of the spleen and stomach every day, and the mother can also cooperate with simple massage techniques to condition the child.

1. Knead the middle cavity

The "Secretary of Juvenile Tuina" has this record of the middle acupuncture point:

Mid-neck. Under the heart socket. Stomach also. Accumulated food stagnation here. Kneader. Put the child to sleep on their backs. Press it with the palm of my hand and rub it. Knead left and right. Then the accumulation of stagnant food stuffiness. i.e. digestion.

It can be seen that kneading the acupuncture point helps to help digestion and excrete food. Press about 100 times.

2. Press the foot for three miles

Usually, you can also give the child more pressure to rub the foot three miles, which is a very important acupuncture point for the conditioning of spleen and stomach digestion. Press about 100 times.

Children's spleen and stomach are relatively delicate, too full and hungry will cause damage to the spleen and stomach, control the accumulation of food heat, or need to be controlled from the source of feeding. The wisdom of raising children, the ancestors summed it up for us a thousand years ago: If you want children to be safe, three points of hunger and cold.

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