
There are clever ways to deal with [baby food], parents quickly collect!

The old difficulties encountered by parents, in addition to coaxing the baby to eat, is the problem of the baby's accumulation of food!

What is accumulation of food?

Accumulation of food refers to a disease of traditional Chinese medicine, which occurs more often in infants and young children, referring to the excessive amount of milk food in children, damage to the spleen and stomach, and the stagnation of milk food in the gastrointestinal disease formed by the middle focus. Food accumulation over time will cause malnutrition in children and affect growth and development!

In the concept of the older generation, it is said that "it is a blessing to be able to eat", and the more the baby eats, the better! But it ignores this fact: the baby's own digestive function has not yet developed perfectly, once too much eating, or the digestive function and the food eaten are not so matched, the food is not digested, stuck in the stomach, it is likely to appear bloating, abdominal pain, acid reflux, vomiting... Wait for the accumulation of food problems!

There are clever ways to deal with [baby food], parents quickly collect!

How to tell if your baby has accumulated food?

Of course, not all gastrointestinal diseases are a problem of accumulation of food, today Gu Mommy will teach you a few tricks: how to correctly distinguish the baby has accumulated food:

From the perspective of whether there is appetite: the baby's appetite is weak, and the appetite is obviously worse, which is a sign of accumulated food;

From the tongue: observe the baby's tongue, you will find that the tongue is white and thick, and the tongue is white;

Judging from the smell in the child's mouth: hiccups, smelling of sour rot in the exhaled breath;

From the abdomen point of view: intuitively find that the baby's abdomen is bulging, let the baby lie flat, and there is a muffled sound of "bang, bang, bang" when tapping the baby's abdomen at the front of the palm;

From the perspective of whether there is fever: touching the palms of the baby's hands and feet with your hands will feel warm, and the body temperature during the accumulation of food will rise to 37.5-38 degrees Celsius;

From the perspective of sleep: because the baby's stomach and abdomen are swollen, it feels very uncomfortable, resulting in unstable sleep, crying, clenching teeth or repeatedly turning over;

From the perspective of abdominal pain and diarrhea: babies who cannot express themselves will express abdominal pain with crying when massaging their abdomen with their hands; babies who can express it will directly cry out for abdominal pain, and abdominal pain will worsen after eating; and even vomiting and diarrhea will occur after 1-2 days of accumulation of food!

There are clever ways to deal with [baby food], parents quickly collect!

There is a way to deal with food accumulation!

If it is determined that the baby has accumulated food, Gu Mommy suggests that you can alleviate the baby's food accumulation through the following methods:

1. Diet:

Adjust your diet and reduce your diet!

During the accumulation of food, it is necessary to adjust the diet structure, on the basis of nutritional balance, reduce the amount of food, give the baby some digestible and easily absorbed foods, eat less irritating, high-calorie and high-fat foods, and reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach!

Recall the diet of the baby in the first 3 days of food accumulation, find the food that causes the baby to accumulate food, pay attention to control the intake of this food; at the same time, you can appropriately eat some digestible dietary remedies such as hawthorn and chicken gold according to the baby's own situation.

Create a good eating atmosphere, cultivate the baby's eating habits of chewing slowly and eating well, pay attention to "one more than four don't": drink more water, don't swallow without chewing, don't eat too fast, don't eat too full, don't play while eating!

There are clever ways to deal with [baby food], parents quickly collect!

2. Athletically:

Eat for half an hour and do exercise appropriately!

Whether it is a month-old baby or a baby after 1 year old, after eating for half an hour, you can take your baby to some interactive games, which is not only conducive to gastrointestinal health, but also promotes parent-child feelings!

Month-old babies can enhance their gastrointestinal peristalsis by massaging their abdomen, crawling, etc.; babies over 1 year old have more activities, such as walking after meals, cycling, playing ball, etc., so as to improve the baby's digestive ability.

There are clever ways to deal with [baby food], parents quickly collect!

3. Those with severe accumulation of food:

See a doctor in time and follow the doctor's instructions

Of course, babies with serious food accumulation, especially when there is fever, vomiting and diarrhea, Gu Mommy recommends that parents take their babies to see a doctor at children's hospital in time and follow the doctor's instructions!

Parents who are more interested in TCM massage can also learn from experienced doctors such as pinching, rubbing the abdomen, rubbing the middle neck and other methods to cope with and prevent the baby's accumulation of food.

There are clever ways to deal with [baby food], parents quickly collect!

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