
Dehumidifying in spring, eight foods have miraculous effects

The spring yang qi rises, the cold air recedes, the rain gradually disappears, the climate is pleasant, the principle of health maintenance, focusing on the healthy spleen and dispelling dampness. Spring temperatures are rising, so it's a good idea to eat lightly.

In "Drinking and Eating", it is said: "In the spring temperature, it is advisable to eat wheat to cool it." ”

Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow and the source of qi, blood and biochemistry, and Li Dongyuan proposed: "Spleen and stomach injuries are yuan qi decline, and yuan qi decline is people's life expectancy." ”

If the spleen and stomach effect is sound, the human body's nutrient absorption and utilization is sufficient, and on the contrary, the nutrient absorption and utilization is poor.

What does TCM call "wet"?

Chinese medicine believes that the spleen regulates the water in the body.

If the spleen is healthy, the human body is not susceptible to disease caused by moisture; conversely, the spleen is weak and will make people sick with excessive moisture. Moisture is different from internal wetness and external wetness.

Internal dampness: due to excessive thinking, irregular living habits such as dietary irregularities and other reasons lead to spleen deficiency.

External humidity: When internal humidity leads to spleen deficiency, if it is in a humid environment (such as spring), the moisture in the air will take advantage of the void and destroy the human body together with the internal humidity.

Dehumidifying in spring, eight foods have miraculous effects

What are the manifestations of "moisture weight"?

The spleen is mainly transported to wet water, the spleen is weak, the spleen is not healthy, the water is wet and stopped, the symptoms are loss of appetite, the abdomen is stuffy, the stool is leaking, the nausea is vomiting, the limbs are sleepy, puffy, the urine is unfavorable, the tongue is white and greasy, the pulse is slow, etc.

Volume 44 of the General Records of Saint Francis: "Spleen deficiency ~ weakness is cold, people are bloated, water valleys do not disappear, breath and acid, vomiting, cholera discharge, heavy limbs, many thoughts, bad smells of human voices." ”

Dehumidifying in spring, eight foods have miraculous effects

The most common symptoms of heavy moisture are:

Phlegm is coughing

In the spring, the incidence of respiratory diseases is high, because of the wet sputum inside, the upper lung system, lung loss, cough and phlegm. In addition, it can also be seen that the phlegm wet stops the stomach, stomach loss and descent, nausea and vomiting; sputum is left wet to inject into the meridian joints, causing the limbs to be heavy; phlegm dampness inhibits the head from qingyang, which causes dizziness of the head.

General weakness

If the wet evil attacks the muscle surface, trapping Qingyang, and the Qingyang does not rise, the head is as heavy as a bundle of cloth. If the wet evil blocks the meridian joints and the yang qi cannot be reached, it can be seen that the skin is not kind, and the joint pain is heavy.

The stool is sticky and unpleasant

In the season of heavy humidity, many people will feel that the skin around them is sticky and uncomfortable, because the wet evil disease has the characteristics of stickiness and stagnation. The most common example is that the stool is not formed, and the viscosity is unpleasant. In addition, it can also be seen that the urine is stagnant, as well as the mouth stickiness, mouth sweetness and tongue moss thick and slippery.

Dehumidifying in spring, eight foods have miraculous effects

How do I get wet?

1, less salt:

Eating too much salt can easily cause water and sodium molecules to remain in the body, which will aggravate moisture and cause edema. It is recommended that the daily salt intake per person should not exceed 6 grams.

2. Exercise

You can choose to exercise for about 60 minutes in the form of jogging, brisk walking, tai chi and so on in the early morning or evening.

3. Diet regulation:

Moist foods such as barley, mustard fruit, and red adzuki beans can be added to the porridge and rice cooked in the morning, middle and evening; two or three peppercorns can be added to the soup to remove its turbidity.

4. Drink more water:

To get rid of dampness does not mean that water cannot be drunk, on the contrary, water should be drunk more. By excretion, water can take away the body's toxins and moisture.

5. Environmental ventilation

Open the window for ventilation when the sun is shining at noon; you can buy some dehumidifier boxes or lime or charcoal, and put them in all corners of the home, which helps to reduce the humidity of the environment.

Dehumidifying in spring, eight foods have miraculous effects

Eight wet foods are recommended

1. Barley

According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", barley: "healthy spleen and stomach, tonic lungs and heat, dispel wind and dampness, nourish the face, light body and prolong life." Wang Mengying believes that "healthy spleen and stomach, tonic lungs and slow liver ~~ and boil soup and drink." It can also be steamed, porridge and cooked rice, all of which are inappropriate. The spleen is about strong and should not be eaten. Under sexual expertise, pregnant women should not do it. ”

Barley is beneficial to water and swelling, spleen and dampness, heat and pus removal and other effects. It can be used as a soup or porridge and rice with stalk rice, which is a good food therapy product, and it should be used after stir-frying to remove dampness.

2, red red beans

The 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia records: red adzuki bean sweet, acid, flat. Return to the heart, small intestine meridian. It has the effect of reducing swelling, detoxifying and discharging pus. It is used for water swelling, edema of athlete's foot, jaundice and urine redness, rheumatic fever paralysis, carbuncle sore poison, intestinal carbuncle abdominal pain. The saponin component contained in adzuki bean can stimulate the intestine, so it has a good diuretic effect, in addition to red adzuki bean also contains protein, fat, starch and other components.

Dehumidifying in spring, eight foods have miraculous effects

3. Tangerine peel

In the "Materia Medica Preparation", it is said: (Tangerine Peel) adjusts the fast diaphragm, guides stagnation and eliminates phlegm, breaks the water, publicizes the five viscera, and rules over all diseases, all of which take the function of rationalizing dryness and wetness.

Tangerine peel has two special effects: dryness and wetness and rational qi. Tangerine peel is dry and wet, especially good at reducing the moisture of the scorched spleen and stomach. The so-called one or two orange peels and one or two gold, a hundred years of orange peel win gold.

Tangerine peel contains volatile oil, hesperidin, vitamin B, vitamin C and other ingredients, suitable for stomach fullness, indigestion, loss of appetite and other conditions. Tangerine peel contains pectin, which can reduce the deposition of lipids in blood vessels and help prevent arteriosclerosis to some extent. Tangerine peel has a unique aromatic smell and has the effect of improving sleep

4. Winter melon

Winter melon is slightly cold, into the bladder meridian, diuretic effect, to make soup to eat but also to ingest a lot of water, so drink winter melon soup diuretic drainage effect. Winter melon contains a certain amount of propanolic acid, has a good effect of inhibiting the conversion of sugar into fat, coupled with the high water content in winter melon soup, eating can enhance satiety, reduce the intake of functional ingredients, plus winter melon does not contain fat, calories are very low, eating has the effect of lipid-lowering weight loss.

5. Qi Shi

It is flat in solidity, sweet and astringent, and has the effect of fixing kidney astringency, supplementing spleen and stopping diarrhea, benefiting water and moisture, tonifying and strengthening qi, and nourishing and strengthening. In terms of healthy spleen and stomach, Qi Shi can strengthen the digestion capacity of the spleen and stomach, improve the function of the spleen and stomach, and secondly, alleviate spleen deficiency, regulate the resulting unfavorable urination, stool leakage and other symptoms. In Su Dongpo's health care, it is emphasized to eat mustard.

6. Lotus leaf

"Lotus leaf weight loss, making people thin". Lotus leaf has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. Modern research has shown that lotus leaves also have a hypolipidemic effect. Lotus leaves are delicate and fragrant, grown in water, clear and emerald green, rich in nutritional value, can be used as a cooking raw material, increase flavor and degreasing. The lotus leaves are brewed into tea, which has the effect of refreshing the heat and dampness, cooling the blood and stopping the bleeding.

7. Huai Yam

Yam tastes sweet and flat, and enters the spleen, lungs and kidneys. It has a variety of effects such as strengthening the spleen, tonifying the lungs, fixing the kidneys, and improving sperm. The "Diet Recipe for Living with The Breath" believes that "cooking food to supplement the spleen and kidneys, adjusting the second stool, strengthening the muscles and bones, enriching the body, dispelling fog dew, and clearing the heat." It can be used as a food and a feast. Irrigated without labor, it is advisable to plant widely. ”

Dehumidifying in spring, eight foods have miraculous effects

8. Poria

Poria is sweet, light and flat. Return to the heart, lungs, spleen, kidney meridians. It has the effect of water seepage, spleen, calming and so on. It is commonly used for the treatment of edema and urine deficiency, phlegm drinking and dizziness, spleen deficiency and lack of food, stool diarrhea, restlessness, palpitations and insomnia and other symptoms. It is known as one of the "Eight Treasures" of Chinese medicine. Modern research shows that Poria has pharmacological effects such as regulating immune function, anti-tumor and anti-aging, and is actually a good product for prolonging, intellectualizing and anti-aging. Poria is characterized by supplementation but not steepness, and sharpness but not fierceness. The medicinal properties are peaceful, can not only correct, but also dispel evil, is the spleen deficiency and dampness of the indispensable spleen to dispel damp Chinese medicine.

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