
The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

Children should be the crystallization of parental love, a living life, a freedom, and a hope

However, how many parents have children and raise children only to fight for face and pass on incense

In the end, it not only increases the burden on themselves and society, but also affects innocent children

There are also people who have embarked on the road of sin for this reason, and have lost their footing into thousands of years of hatred, and finally tasted the evil consequences themselves

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In our country, equality between men and women has been a slogan for many years

However, there are still some families that can be said to do everything in order to have a son

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

Recently, I have seen a few news, which really shocked me, and I will share these stories with you below

Hope it inspires you


In order to raise their sons, they did not hesitate to become fertility machines

In Yichun, Jiangxi, there was a recent death due to carbon monoxide poisoning

The deceased in the incident were a young couple in their early thirties

Shockingly, after their deaths, they left 8 children, the oldest was only 12 years old, and the youngest was only 9 months old

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

It is shocking to have so many children at such a young age

The truth behind it is also a mixture of feelings

According to reports, several of the couple's children are daughters, except for the fifth and eighth sons

The fifth was born with a hearing loss and was not very healthy

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

The situation of several children can be said to be clear at a glance, and the purpose of the couple to fight for 8 children is also clear

It turns out that it's all about having a healthy and lively son!

On closer inspection, the couple can be said to have been pregnant and had children non-stop since they were about twenty years old

For more than ten years, the husband has earned money by running transportation alone to support his wife and children

The wife is in an endless cycle of pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare all year round

Two young people, more than thirty years of life, so dedicated to "giving birth to a son"

The terrible thing is, after their tragic accident

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

These 8 poor children became orphans in an instant, and they were already poorly cared for by their families

Now I have to send someone to live under the fence and live with my uncle

The government also has to pay for the couple's behavior, subsidizing the orphan subsidy fee of 1200 yuan per child every month

A hard work, not only burdens yourself with suffering

It also harms children and places a burden on the government and others

And in life, like this couple, there are not a few families who have given birth to one child after another in order to fight for their son

In a recent news, a mother gave birth to three children

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

After she left the delivery room, the doctor asked: "You will not fight for four children in the future."

It was this sentence that made this mother cry in pain in an instant, and she couldn't understand why her life was so bitter

They are all women, and others easily give birth to sons, but she has given birth to daughters three times

Under this news, a netizen's message is even more powerless to complain, and even a little creepy

The netizen claimed that he had beaten the fetus more than a dozen times, and finally gave birth to his son as he wished

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

She also passed on her experience everywhere, saying that doing a B ultrasound after 5 months of pregnancy is both time-saving and labor-saving, and if the girl is directly beaten off at that time, it will be good

Such a heartbreak, it is really a mother

Whether you have a son or a daughter, it is actually the same

But in order to raise their sons, these people did not hesitate to become fertility machines, not only trampling on their own lives and their children's lives

It also increases the burden on society and the family, and more importantly, it suffers from innocent children


In order to raise their sons, they did not hesitate to test the law by example

The most concerned news during this period is Sun Haiyang, who has been looking for his son for fourteen years

Finally found his long-lost biological son, Sun Zhuo

For fourteen years, Sun Haiyang and his wife have been running around looking for a son, suffering hardships and suffering all their sins

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

And their son Sun Zhuo, who was abducted at a young age, has been greatly affected by both life and education for so many years

It can be said that the reason for all these tragedies is because of the loss of human traffickers

But in fact, the "buyer couple" is also hard to blame

To a certain extent, it is precisely because of the needs of these buyers that there is a market for human trafficking

The reason why the "buyer couple" wanted to buy Sun Zhuo was only to raise a son to inherit the incense

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

The couple originally had two daughters, but because they did not have sons, they felt very faceless in the eyes of those around them

So they spent money to buy Sun Zhuo, and for Sun Zhuo, they were all kinds of flattery and all kinds of pampering

Even behind his two biological daughters

And the reason why they did this is not to really love Sun Zhuo, but as netizens said

"The buyer loves Sun Zhuo's gender, and only Sun Haiyang loves Sun Zhuo himself"

Outrageously, in order to raise his son, he did not hesitate to buy and sell people and actively violated the laws of the country

In order to inherit his own incense, he even let another family bear the pain and suffering of losing blood relatives for more than ten years

In order to make himself face, he did not hesitate to snub his two biological daughters and buy other people's children as treasures

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

What is even more frightening is that such buyers are not in the minority

In fact, almost all boy trafficking cases, where buyers are very patriarchal

They often have children of their own, and they are more than one child, and all of them are girls without exception

Like Guo Zhen, the prototype in "Lost Alone", and Fu Jiantao, who was abducted and sold with Sun Zhuo

They were all abducted into the families of several daughters who wanted to raise sons

Being a person must have your own bottom line, and the same is true for parents

It is the duty of every citizen not to set himself on the path of crime for his own selfish desires

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

Destroying other people's families and happiness and snubbing their own biological children is really harmful to others and to oneself.

Having children and daughters is the same, and parental love should be their own children, not the gender of their children


In order to raise their sons, they did not hesitate to trample on their lives

In August, I saw such a news

A man surnamed Chen took the community hospital to court for beating up his son, whom he could not ask for

At first glance, it seems to be worthy of sympathy, and it was only discovered after careful understanding

The reason why things are like this is entirely because Mr. Chen himself prefers sons to daughters

Already with two daughters, he always wanted to fight for another son, so his wife became pregnant for the third time

Mr. Chen went through the back door to buy a doctor from the community hospital to help him do a gender test

As a result, the doctor told him that it was a girl, and Mr. Chen did not hesitate to advocate immediately killing her

The funny thing is that when the child knocked it down, he found that it was a boy

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

Mr. Chen regretted it this time, and said that he wanted to find the other party to say something

Seriously, Mr. Chen deserved to get such a result, but it was a pity that he had a living life

For some parents, they only see gender in their eyes and do not know how to respect life

In order to raise their sons, many families secretly find relationships to check, and once they find out that they are girls, they do not hesitate to choose to give up

There are also some people who buy what "tire drug" at a high price.

I hope that after eating, I can "turn female to male", and the result is either that the child is eaten to death, or that a deformed child is born

Both boys and girls are a living life, and a person does not know how to respect life

What qualifications do you have to become a parent?

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!


Will you be happy when you give birth to a boy?

There is a scene in the documentary "Singles" that I am still impressed by

A young man from the countryside who worked as a cook in the city for many years has never found a wife

One day, the family called him back to the blind date, and the young man rushed hundreds of miles back

Only to find out that before him, there were already five or six marriage proposals in front of the girl's door

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

A classmate of mine in junior high school, born in the countryside, his parents have favored sons and daughters since childhood, and they have loved him in every way

As a result, when he read the second year of junior high school, he hated that studying was too hard, and chose to quit school

Until now, he is in his thirties and has achieved nothing, and the other day he has a blind date with a mother of two children

He thought that the other party was divorced with children, he was still married for the first time, and he did not look at the other party very much, and as a result, when he wanted to contact and contact

People have found the right person

With such a disparity in the ratio of men to women, the marriage problem of boys has become a very difficult real problem

The China Bureau of Statistics recently released the "China Statistical Yearbook 2021", which shows that in China's rural areas

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

The ratio of men to women has reached 107.91, of which 17.52 million are men in marriageable age than women in the same age group

Many parents, suffering and burdened, raised their sons

They also have to pay for their sons' marriages, and if their children don't get married, they mostly have to live with their parents

Become a veritable "nibbling old man"

Such a life is a tragedy for both children and parents

On the other hand, even if the son is married and has his own small family

Pampered from childhood, they often have to ask their parents to do their best to help until they squeeze out the old man's efforts

I once saw such a news that an old man named Ma Suzhen had two daughters and a son

From the beginning of the two ma Suzhen couple are partial to the son, the best are left to him, to him is responsive

In order to make his son's marriage happy, the old man took out all his savings to buy a new house for his son

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

This is not enough, and he also handed over his medical insurance card to his son

As a result, when Ma Suzhen's wife died, she saw her son's ruthlessness for the first time in her old age

At first, the three children took turns to take Ma Suzhen to the house to take care of her, and each time the two daughters were filial to her

However, once he arrived at his son's house, he not only ate and slept badly, but also often suffered from the dislike and humiliation of his son and daughter-in-law

After a long time, the son simply ignored her and directly pushed her to his two daughters

What is even more hateful is that when Ma Suzhen needed to undergo cataract surgery, the son refused to hand over the medical insurance card that his mother had let him keep

In desperation, Ma Suzhen sued her son in court three times

Although some child support was recovered, the old man's heart was broken

And all this tragedy is caused by the preference for sons over daughters

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

It is said that raising children to prevent the elderly, but in reality, those who serve the elderly are often daughters a little more

In fact, boys and girls are the same, only if you love them well and educate them, they will love you in the future and will be filial to you

Those patriarchal families blindly suppress their daughters and spoil their sons

In the long run, it not only chilled her daughter's heart, but also ruined her son's life

Even he himself could not avoid being repulsed


Actor Yi Nengjing once said that she is the 7th daughter of the family

Before she was born, her father threatened that if he still had a daughter, he would go out and find someone else to have a son

After she was born, her father turned around and left, turned around and had a son with someone else

And the mother also blamed herself many times, believing that she was not angry and that her husband was right to leave

Years later, his father was in a huge debt, and it was Yi Nengjing who helped and asked for help

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

And the mother and sisters also lived in a big house with the help of Yi Nengjing

Who says women are inferior to men? How many parents always think that their daughters are outsiders, and that only by giving birth to a son can they prevent old age?

It is thought that giving birth to a daughter is a loss of money, and only by giving birth to a son can we honor our ancestors

But forget, whether it's a boy or a girl

Whether or not you can become an excellent filial piety child lies in the education and guidance of your parents

Having children is a happy and natural thing

As a parent, don't do it for the sake of face, for the sake of the so-called succession

Just trample on life, ignore the law and human morality, and make acts that disregard conscience

The 31-year-old couple has 8 children in a row, and the truth behind it is extremely frightening, and some people are not worthy of being parents at all!

Finally, may all life under the heavens come into this world out of love

May all life under the heavens be treated equally

I also hope that parents in the world can fear life, respect life, love and accept their children from the bottom of their hearts

Remember that boys and girls are their own children! Love them and give them a harmonious and stable family

Educating them towards a better and brighter future is the duty of parents

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