
A good marriage can be sought.

A good marriage can be sought.

Author: Concubine, freelance writer.


In an interview with "People", Luo Yonghao talked about his and his wife's many years of married life. "I have a lot of friends who are not very married in middle age, and they really have no channels to solve it, drink with them until two or three o'clock, go home after drinking, and may still open their eyes until dawn." But I'm different, I have a wife when I get home, I just have to talk to her and fall asleep together, and I have no problem at all. Just by smelling her body, like the smell of her hair, I almost felt like I was inhaling a therapeutic potion. ”

A good marriage can be sought.

Indeed, a good marriage is like a good medicine that can heal the wounds in life.


In May 2012, Luo Yonghao founded Hammer Technology. At the end of 2018, Luo Yonghao's company declared bankruptcy, and he himself was saddled with nearly 600 million yuan in debt. When Luo Yonghao's business was about to fail, he went to the bank to borrow 96 million yuan, and the loan amount was nearly 100 million. When the bank signs a loan for him, it needs to have his wife sign it together. Luo Yonghao called his wife, and her wife really came to sign the 96 million yuan loan.

A good marriage can be sought.

After his wife returned home, she said to Luo Yonghao, "You have been tossing and turning for so many years, and you have not left me anything." If you have any accidents, how many films do I have to make for this 96 million, and how many bowls can I brush to return it? But even so, she signed it, which means that she is willing to go in and out with her husband and bear this huge debt without regret. You may not know that this is Luo Yonghao's third entrepreneurial failure. And his wife can give him unreserved trust and be a solid backing when he works hard. Luo Yonghao once said that he had a heart upset for a while, and he was afraid that he would die of overwork, so he bought 20 million yuan of accident insurance, and the beneficiary wrote his wife. His wife always followed him when she went out during that time, afraid that he would have some accident. She said to Luo Yonghao: "If there is an accident, there will be an accident together, and I don't want to be the beneficiary." ”

A good marriage can be sought.

Not all marriages are as beautiful as Luo Yonghao's and his wife, and it is not uncommon to suspect each other in marriages and toss them together. Even on the news, you can see shocking information such as cheating on transferring property, killing wives and cheating on insurance. At the mouth of public opinion, he said: "No one in this world can hurt me except my wife." Therefore, his wife is Luo Yonghao's life medicine, and in the dark moment of life, it is his marriage, and it is his wife who saves him.


Luo Yonghao said in "Lu Yu Has a Covenant": "No matter how bad a man is, as long as he is a person who is afraid of his wife, it means that this person is not bad, and he has at least people who care and people who have scruples." "As long as there is a person who can give you psychological comfort, no matter what happens, you can cross it." In this age of fear of marriage and childbearing, I can't help but think about the meaning of marriage.

A good marriage can be sought.

Formally, marriage is a combination of wealth, psychology and physiology; in essence, marriage is a specific social covenant between the two parties. The essence of marriage is to find a lifelong partner, only if the two have a common goal, can communicate and cooperate well, in order to run the marriage well. When Wu Jing filmed "Wolf Warrior", because the subject matter was not optimistic and no one invested, he took out all his savings in order to complete his dream, and even mortgaged the house he lived in. Wu Jing said to Xie Nan, "If I lose, I will have nothing." ”

A good marriage can be sought.

Hearing this news, Xie Nan was not dissuaded, not waved away, she said: "This is your dream, if you don't realize it, we live and live in a house, you will not be happy, go, you lose, I will raise you." Later, "Wolf Warrior" caught fire in the north and south of the river, and Wu Jing was also completely on fire, and he won the bet. On many occasions, when asked who the person he most wanted to thank was, Wu Jing said "my wife". Xie Nan wrote on Weibo: "My definition of husband and wife is that of a comrade-in-arms, and it is impossible not to give the back to the other party's lifelong friendship. That's what she said, and that's what she did. At this moment when "husband and wife are originally the same forest bird, and the great disaster is about to fly separately", there are not many couples who can support each other.


Contemporary writer Zhou Guoping once said: "Good marriage is on earth, bad marriage is hell, don't think of finding heaven in marriage." ”

A good marriage can be sought.

A good marriage is the signature on the infinite guarantee form, it is the bottom of the 'I raise you', and a life is too long to always have someone who knows each other and walks through life together. It's not that wives can't live a hard life with you, only if you are not good to her and this feeling is not trustworthy, they will leave you. Even if the road is full of thorns, as long as there is love in the heart and you around you, it is enough to resist everything.

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