
Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

Watching a good TV series is like reading a good book, which can always bring new inspiration. For example, the drama "Female Psychologist", each case of it can always be thought-provoking.

Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

Xiao Mo is a well-behaved child, but in elementary school, he was bullied in school, because he refused to clean up for the bad children, and they blocked them on the way out of school.

Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

Intimidated by bad boys, he did not dare to tell his teachers and parents, but his cowardice was rewarded with constant bullying.

One day he couldn't stand it and plucked up the courage to tell his parents about the bullying at school, but he didn't get help and support from his parents.

Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

His mother even said, "If you don't provoke others, how can others bully you?" Others don't like you, and you should look for reasons from yourself. ”

Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

When Xiao Mo needed help the most, the inappropriate education of his parents led to the defect of his character. He developed a flattering personality, and he tried to please others in order to make others like him. The unreasonable demands of others are not rejected, so that eventually the spirit is on the verge of collapse.

Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

Parents should be the strongest fortress of the child, if the child can not give the child the necessary protection when he needs it, the child's world will face collapse.

The next case is just the opposite, the second-born mother is depressed after childbirth, and she has the urge to kill her infant son, she is frightened by this idea, and can only turn to the psychologist.

Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

Postpartum depression is nothing new to this day, but it has not attracted enough attention. Some people think that postpartum depression is not a disease at all, that is, the mother is too pretentious. But when they see the mother jumping off the building with her child in her arms, who can remain indifferent?

Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

The reason why the mother in the play is depressed is because after giving birth to her second child, she found that life became a mess, she herself seemed to have become irrelevant, only her son was the baby of the family. The mother-in-law will only call her to do housework, the husband will only watch the ball, no one cares about her, only the daughter who is in elementary school can give her a little comfort.

Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

The daughter is like a little angel, bringing her a ray of sunshine when her mother is at her darkest, warming her heart and preventing her from falling into darkness because of postpartum depression.

Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

Today's society is under great pressure, and it is not easy to beat workers, but after having children, no matter how tired you are working outside, when you return home and see your children's smiles, you will feel worthwhile.

Female psychologist: Parents are the strong fortress of children, and children are the elixir to treat parents

Children are like a panacea, healing the wounded hearts of their parents and making them strong enough to fight against the sufferings of life.

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