
Do you still need a normal obstetric examination after repeated epidemics? Pregnant mothers pay attention to these points

As of 0-24:00 on December 13, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 51 new confirmed local cases (44 cases in Zhejiang, including 38 cases in Shaoxing City, 4 cases in Ningbo City, and 2 cases in Hangzhou City; 5 cases in Inner Mongolia, all in Hulunbuir City; 1 case in Heilongjiang, in Qiqihar City; and 1 case in Shaanxi City, in Xi'an City).

With the recurrence of the epidemic, many pregnant mothers and friends have some worries, whether they should go to the obstetric examination during the epidemic period, will there be a risk of infection? In this regard, we will answer several questions that everyone is more concerned about

Do you still need a normal obstetric examination after repeated epidemics? Pregnant mothers pay attention to these points

Approaching the New Year, gatherings and other personnel gathering activities are increasing, at this time the epidemic may be repeated, pregnant mothers pay special attention to strengthen prevention, the following problems to pay attention to!

1. During the special period, what should pregnant mothers do with obstetric examinations?

If the local government or maternity hospital does not have special instructions, mothers can still have normal obstetric examinations, but pay attention to safety protection, wear masks, do a good job of disinfection, try to avoid taking public transportation, and if necessary, you can travel by private car.

2. What obstetric examinations can be postponed or not done, and which must be done?

First trimester (< 13 weeks)

It has been determined to be an intrauterine pregnancy, and there is no vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, severe vomiting, etc., and some tests can be postponed, but the NT test recommends that it be done 11-14 weeks after menopause.

Second trimester (13-28 weeks)

In this period, there are three main tests to be done: Down's screening, fetal malformation screening, and gestational diabetes screening, and the specific schedule can be consulted with an obstetrician.

Third trimester (28-40 weeks)

If there is no abnormal situation such as pregnancy comorbidities during the epidemic period, the examination can be postponed, but the 36-37 weeks of obstetric examination is a test to determine the mode of delivery, monitor the intrauterine condition of the fetus, and determine the fetal orientation. You can also consult with the doctor, monitor at home, and appropriately postpone the examination.

Do you still need a normal obstetric examination after repeated epidemics? Pregnant mothers pay attention to these points

3. What can I monitor at home?

Body temperature monitoring: Regularly measure body temperature, pay attention to whether you have symptoms of fever, cough, and runny nose.

Weight monitoring: It is recommended that the body mass index is 18.5-23.5, with a weight gain of about 0.5 kg/week; the body mass index < 18.5, with a weight gain of about 0.5-0.75 kg/week; the body mass index is 23.5-28, with a weight gain of about 0.25-0.5 kg/week; the body mass index is > 28, and the weight gain is controlled at 0.25 kg/week.

Fetal movement monitoring: every morning, afternoon, and evening at a fixed time point of 1 hour each, fetal movement count ≥ 3 times / 1 hour is normal,

Blood pressure monitoring: bring your own electronic sphygmomanometer, under normal circumstances, pregnant women should have systolic blood pressure below 140 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure should be less than 90 mm Hg.

Do you still need a normal obstetric examination after repeated epidemics? Pregnant mothers pay attention to these points

4. What should I go to the hospital for examination?

Pregnant mothers are recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible if they find physical abnormalities, such as vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, abnormal fetal movements, and signs of labor

5. What protective measures do pregnant mothers need to take when they go to the hospital?

Wear a medical-grade mask, carry disinfectant wipes or hand sanitizer with you, and clean and disinfect when you go home, including washing your ears and nose when washing your face, and changing clothes when you go out.

6. How do I know if I'm infected?

The early manifestations of the new crown virus are similar to the common cold, if there is low-grade fever, sore throat, cough and other symptoms, you should be vigilant, especially if you have been to high-risk areas, or have been exposed to suspected cases, it is recommended to isolate yourself at home and report to the community for further confirmation.

Do you still need a normal obstetric examination after repeated epidemics? Pregnant mothers pay attention to these points

7. What should I do if I have a fever and cough during pregnancy?

First of all, it is necessary to regularly monitor the body temperature, make a record, including body temperature, diet, other symptoms, etc., if necessary to take medication, consult the doctor online, follow the doctor's advice, and do not take the medication yourself.

Note that if the symptoms are not relieved for more than 2 days, and accompanied by shortness of breath, fetal heart rate abnormalities, etc., they should be examined in time.

The above is the matters that pregnant mothers need to pay attention to during the special period of the epidemic, and the epidemic prevention requires everyone to work together, and I hope that mothers can give birth safely and healthily!

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