
Oyster Fairy: Diet therapy and health care kidney meal, asparagus fried shrimp balls, garlic paste white meat, so that you are healthier

author:Those things that license

As the weather gets colder, many people have begun to join the army of health and kidney nourishment, all kinds of nourishment. Many friends in winter kidney will start from the diet, many recipes have the effect of nourishing the kidneys Oh, three dietary health care kidney meals, so that everyone can make the kidneys healthier through diet in winter.

Oyster Fairy: Diet therapy and health care kidney meal, asparagus fried shrimp balls, garlic paste white meat, so that you are healthier

Stir-fried shrimp balls with asparagus

1. Stir-fried shrimp balls with asparagus

Ingredients: Prepare prawns, egg whites, pepper, corn starch, ginger and garlic, cashew nuts, asparagus, carrots.

Step 1: Wash the prawns directly into shrimp kernels, add egg white, pepper and corn starch and stir;

Step 2: Boil the water in the pot and fish it out, slice the ginger and garlic directly into the pot and stir-fry, add cashew nuts and shrimp and stir-fry;

Step 3: Stir-fry the asparagus and carrots directly from the pan, add some salt and cooking wine and starch.

Oyster Fairy: Diet therapy and health care kidney meal, asparagus fried shrimp balls, garlic paste white meat, so that you are healthier

White meat with garlic paste

2. White meat with garlic paste

Ingredients: Prepare pork belly, cinnamon, ginger, grass fruit, star anise, fennel, peppercorns, fragrant leaves, cooking wine, garlic, hot sauce, chicken powder, sugar, red oil, pepper oil, sesame oil, vinegar, soy sauce and salt.

Step 1: Wash the pork belly directly, add water, add star anise, green onion ginger, cinnamon, grass fruit, star anise, fennel, peppercorns and fragrant leaves, and cooking wine to cook.

Step 2: Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes, add salt and simmer. The garlic is mashed, the pan is heated and the garlic is sautéed, adding salt, sugar, red oil, pepper oil, sesame oil, vinegar, soy sauce and broth.

Step 3: Slice the pork belly directly, place it on a plate, and drizzle the roasted garlic paste.

Oyster Fairy: Diet therapy and health care kidney meal, asparagus fried shrimp balls, garlic paste white meat, so that you are healthier

Braised pork with sea cucumber

3. Braised pork with sea cucumber

Ingredients: Prepare sea cucumber, pork belly, oil and salt, green onion, ginger and garlic, star anise, soy sauce, rock sugar and cooking wine.

Step 1: Wash the sea cucumber directly into sections and steam for half an hour. Cut the pork belly directly into pieces, soak in water, add water and cooking wine to remove fishy;

Step 2: Prepare the pot to add oil and heat it up, stir-fry the pork belly under the pot, add the old soy sauce to color, and put the green onion ginger and star anise under the pot;

Step 3: Heat water and cooking wine to boil, add rock sugar to simmer, and then simmer the sea cucumber in the pot.

The above is about a few delicious kidney recipes, and if you want kidney health in winter, you can learn it.

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