
# If autumn has a taste # fat loss # eat more fruits is not as good as eating the right fruit # slimming trivia believe I ❗️❗️❗️ eat more these 10 kinds of fruits can make you lose 10 pounds more ~ what water to eat in autumn

author:Wang Xinyu oh

#如果秋天有味道 #减脂 #多吃水果不如吃对水果 #瘦身小知识

Believe me, ❗️❗️❗️ eating these 10 more fruits can make you lose 10 pounds~

What fruits to eat in the fall to lose weight

Apples – break down fat

Eat before lunch

Not only is it low in calories, its rich pectin, which belongs to soluble dietary fiber, can produce satiety, and fruit acid can also promote the decomposition of fat in the human body, which is very helpful for weight loss.

Citrus – relieves fatigue

Eat at 3-4 p.m

Citrus is rich in vitamin C, citric acid, and other antioxidants that help maintain clear memory, while it also contains a lot of terpenoids for fatigue-relieving effects.

Dragon fruit – increases satiety

Eat before lunch

Eaten half an hour or an hour before lunch, dragon fruit is also rich in dietary fiber, which can effectively help intestinal peristalsis, eliminate toxins, and increase satiety.

Pears – increase satiety

Eat at 3-4 p.m

Pears are rich in soluble dietary fiber, which can provide a certain sense of satiety, and rich in B vitamins, which can reduce fatigue and enhance vitality.

Barre – Fat killer eats at 3-4 p.m

Low GI (glycemic index), low calorie, high VC, high dietary fiber, antioxidant, promote skin health, regulate three highs, moisturize and laxative, known as the fruit world

Fat killer

Cherry – melatonin

Eat before bedtime

Hard sugar lukewarm, good stomach, has the effect of tonifying qi, eating some cherries can also help remove moisture, at the same time, cherries are still one of the few foods containing melatonin, so eating some cherries before going to bed can not only ensure sleep time, but also improve sleep quality to a certain extent.

Grapefruit – dietary fiber

Eat at night

Grapefruit flavored glycic acid, rich in vitamin C, can supplement the body's vitamins, grapefruit is rich in fruit acid and dietary fiber, can increase intestinal peristalsis, accelerate the body's metabolism, so eating grapefruit at night can play a role in fat loss and weight loss.

Kiwi – aids digestion

Eat before meals

Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium and dietary fiber, which can not only promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, but also increase satiety, which is very suitable for eating before meals.

Pineapple – stomach and appetite

Eat after meals

Pineapple contains a protein breakdown enzyme that can help break down protein in the diet and promote digestion, and butyl ester in pineapple helps to strengthen the stomach and eliminate food, which is very suitable for eating after meals.

cherry tomatoes – aids digestion

Eat after meals

Cherry tomatoes are rich in organic acids, which can effectively help stomach digestion and adjust gastrointestinal function.

# If autumn has a taste # fat loss # eat more fruits is not as good as eating the right fruit # slimming trivia believe I ❗️❗️❗️ eat more these 10 kinds of fruits can make you lose 10 pounds more ~ what water to eat in autumn
# If autumn has a taste # fat loss # eat more fruits is not as good as eating the right fruit # slimming trivia believe I ❗️❗️❗️ eat more these 10 kinds of fruits can make you lose 10 pounds more ~ what water to eat in autumn
# If autumn has a taste # fat loss # eat more fruits is not as good as eating the right fruit # slimming trivia believe I ❗️❗️❗️ eat more these 10 kinds of fruits can make you lose 10 pounds more ~ what water to eat in autumn
# If autumn has a taste # fat loss # eat more fruits is not as good as eating the right fruit # slimming trivia believe I ❗️❗️❗️ eat more these 10 kinds of fruits can make you lose 10 pounds more ~ what water to eat in autumn
# If autumn has a taste # fat loss # eat more fruits is not as good as eating the right fruit # slimming trivia believe I ❗️❗️❗️ eat more these 10 kinds of fruits can make you lose 10 pounds more ~ what water to eat in autumn
# If autumn has a taste # fat loss # eat more fruits is not as good as eating the right fruit # slimming trivia believe I ❗️❗️❗️ eat more these 10 kinds of fruits can make you lose 10 pounds more ~ what water to eat in autumn
# If autumn has a taste # fat loss # eat more fruits is not as good as eating the right fruit # slimming trivia believe I ❗️❗️❗️ eat more these 10 kinds of fruits can make you lose 10 pounds more ~ what water to eat in autumn
# If autumn has a taste # fat loss # eat more fruits is not as good as eating the right fruit # slimming trivia believe I ❗️❗️❗️ eat more these 10 kinds of fruits can make you lose 10 pounds more ~ what water to eat in autumn
# If autumn has a taste # fat loss # eat more fruits is not as good as eating the right fruit # slimming trivia believe I ❗️❗️❗️ eat more these 10 kinds of fruits can make you lose 10 pounds more ~ what water to eat in autumn

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