
Comprehensive prevention and control technology of major diseases of kiwifruit

author:Seed bank app

1. Rational planting of disease-resistant varieties. When building the garden, kiwifruit varieties and rootstocks with strong disease resistance and suitable for local cultivation were selected. Before flowering, young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage, the whole garden was sprayed with 800-1000 times of the immune inducer 5% amino-oligosaccharide water solution once, which could significantly improve the disease resistance of the tree. Pay attention to diseased trees and weak trees, use them with caution or sparingly.

Comprehensive prevention and control technology of major diseases of kiwifruit

2. Detection and disinfection of tree carcasses and propagation materials for asymptomatic carriers. When transporting propagation materials such as pollen, seedlings, and scions, it should be tested for asymptomatic carriers or special test strips. According to the test results, the germ-carrying propagation material can be transported only after disinfection treatment. Disinfection treatment can be used to soak seedling scion with pesticides and spray the collected male flower buds with pesticides to reduce the risk of pathogen transmission.

Comprehensive prevention and control technology of major diseases of kiwifruit

3. Reduce the number of pathogens in orchards and the spread of pathogens. The agricultural tools used in the orchard, as well as the pruning scissors and saws, grafting joints, etc., are disinfected with 70% alcohol to reduce the spread of germs. Remove the diseased and disabled bodies, diseases and insects in the park in a timely manner and take them out of the park in time for centralized destruction. During the dormant period of the trunk, apply stone sulfur mixture to reduce overwintering pests and diseases. Disease-free sterile scion and pollen are collected in disease-free areas and orchards for gardening, grafting and pollination.

Comprehensive prevention and control technology of major diseases of kiwifruit

4. Strengthen healthy cultivation and orchard management. Cultivate strong trees and maintain good ventilation and light transmission in the garden. Strengthen water and fertilizer management to ensure soil fertility and aeration. Apply well-rotted farmhouse fertilizer, bio-organic fertilizer, oil residue, etc., plant green manure plants such as hairy roots, foliar spraying microbial agents, and underground roots apply microbial fertilizer to enhance the disease resistance of the tree. Orchards cultivated in facilities and protected areas should pay more attention to strengthening soil management to prevent acidification. According to the characteristics of the variety, the climate characteristics and the orchard site conditions, the load should be reasonable, and the nitrogen fertilizer should not be used blindly and in large quantities and the yield should be pursued. Before winter and early spring, it is necessary to pay attention to the anti-freezing measures in the orchard.

Comprehensive prevention and control technology of major diseases of kiwifruit

The comprehensive prevention and control technology of major diseases of kiwifruit is introduced here, and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield kiwifruit, you can download the seed bank app, and the country's excellent kiwifruit varieties are available for everyone to choose.

Comprehensive prevention and control technology of major diseases of kiwifruit

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