
Murderous love, let me now become a "wasted man"

Murderous love, let me now become a "wasted man"

| Jane

Figure | Internet

Typography | What a river

Music | As in the beginning

I once brushed a copy on Douyin: You spoiled me as a princess, but told me that you fell in love with Cinderella.

The princess was spoiled by the prince and did not know the sinister nature of the world, and her shoulders could not resist and could not lift. Leaving the prince, how much suffering she had to go through to achieve self-reliance.

Pampering and spoiling favoritism will always make people yearn for it, but murderous love is like a sugar-coated cannonball, destroying people invisible.

I once saw a netizen share his experience of killing love on Zhihu.

She and her boyfriend met each other on a blind date, and at first the man seemed to be normal, but as the relationship lasted for a long time, the nature of the general letter was gradually exposed.

All day long to the netizens, she was speechless, so the netizens had a plan and decided to teach him a lesson.

No matter what the boyfriend said later, the netizens all looked like twenty-four filial girlfriends, obedient and obedient.

The boyfriend said that there are many girls chasing him in the unit, and it is a blessing for netizens to be able to be with him.

Netizens replied: "Of course, you are so good." ”

He said that he would take his parents to live after marriage, and netizens said: "No problem, it is not easy for parents to give birth to you, and it is also appropriate to serve your in-laws." ”

After a month like this, netizens felt almost the same.

Pat your ass and leave, just find a reason to break up with your boyfriend.

The boyfriend was not used to looking for her for a while at first, but netizens blocked all his contact information. After the boyfriend and the object of the blind date, none of them can get along with him for a month, all yellow.

As the saying goes: It is better to listen to the scolding of the high people than to listen to the praise of the thieves.

Some people can hide their malice under praise, and some people hide their bitterness in scolding.

Murderous love, let me now become a "wasted man"

Some people compare the killing with the PUA to analyze which one is more terrible.

PUA reinforces your inferiority by constantly demeaning, and killing makes you overwhelmed by layers of praise, both of which are essentially consuming people.

But the terrible thing about killing is that it destroys people invisibly, it is more difficult to detect than the honey belly sword, it is like a chronic poison wrapped in a honey shell, the effect is slow, but one day it will hollow you out.

Let's take an example.

Before her friend Kobayashi met her ex-boyfriend, she was a fierce and energetic urban white-collar beauty. It's a better mix of female friends around me.

But after falling in love, in the face of her boyfriend's gushing praise and meticulous care, the domineering queen was slowly transformed into an arrogant petite princess.

Two people go out to travel, the boyfriend will always do a detailed travel strategy in advance to ensure that she has a good time; the two have a conflict, no matter who is right and who is wrong, the boyfriend will always apologize to her first; in life, after the two live together, the family's big and small chores Boyfriend also does it single-handedly, there is no need to worry at all...

In the face of such a twenty-four filial boyfriend, who can not love.

Kobayashi thought to himself: I seem to have found the person who was destined to spend the rest of my life together.

So later, even in the face of the boyfriend pretending to inadvertently propose: "Baby, the work is so hard, or you quit, I will raise you." "Such words.

Kobayashi didn't hesitate too much and agreed.

But the good times did not last long, and half a year passed. Kobayashi's boyfriend did not end up with Kobayashi because of the opposition from his family.

After the two parted ways, Kobayashi packed up his emotions and prepared to return to work and concentrate on his career.

But she soon found that some of her peers had achieved promotion through their own continuous efforts; some of them had bravely started a business after finding what they liked, and they had gained a lot; and even those classmates who had married young and early in the early years and would regret it were now happy families.

And he still stayed where he was, or even regressed.

Because he resigned for half a year and was out of touch with society, Kobayashi's work ability was already inferior to before, and he needed to start all over again.

Murderous love, let me now become a "wasted man"

Someone once said: We should draw courage and strength from a love, not spend all the courage and strength to love.

Love is sustained by sweet words, but it is also attracted to each other by each other's charm.

In this world, there are many killings in the name of love, and people are gradually raised in a honeypot.

The warm pulse of love words, the care of treasures is certainly sinking, but if you become dependent on this and give up everything that once supported you, that really belongs to you, then the end may be difficult to end well.

So, be wary of murderous love.

Although sweet words are smooth to the ear, it is only by saying contrary words that people grow.

A healthy relationship is to make people grow and gain strength from it, not to raise a person.

At the same time, we must always reflect on ourselves and recognize the current situation.

Treat people sincerely, do not kill others, and do not be killed by them. Then even if you are in the mud, you can still clear the water without demon.

Finally, may we always remain awake souls.

Murderous love, let me now become a "wasted man"


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