
Why are honest men reliable and women not? The marriage is unfortunate to meet again but regret it

Recently, I received a private message from Ms. Liu, saying how noble my family is, how unhappy my current marriage is, life is like this, if you can't resist it, then enjoy it, sometimes things are so accidental.

Why are honest men reliable and women not? The marriage is unfortunate to meet again but regret it

Ms. Liu grew up in a very wealthy family, her parents are particularly kind to Ms. Liu, they are very pampered, Ms. Liu did not let Ms. Liu live so stressfully. Anyway, Ms. Liu grew up so big and has always been very happy. But the first boyfriend I met in college hurt Ms. Liu a lot, and I can't forget it. He is also a rich second generation, especially handsome, especially tall, and there are many girls who like him. But he confessed to Ms. Liu.

Why are honest men reliable and women not? The marriage is unfortunate to meet again but regret it

Ms. Liu was extremely excited in her heart, and within a month he had an affair. Ms. Liu tried to understand him and forgive him, but she didn't expect him to go even further. Then Ms. Liu broke up. Ms. Liu was particularly sad at that time, thinking that the rich and handsome boys were not reliable, so she wanted to find a good one for Ms. Liu, no money and no tightness, Ms. Liu had enough.

Why are honest men reliable and women not? The marriage is unfortunate to meet again but regret it

When Ms. Liu joined the club, she met her second boyfriend, who is also a boyfriend in the true sense of Ms. Liu, and should now be called an ex-boyfriend. Although he has no money at home, he is super good to Ms. Liu, who is very happy and determined to have a good relationship with him. But the pressure on this family is too great, Ms. Liu did not feel anything at first, and then Ms. Liu's parents always said that gradually Ms. Liu was also affected, and felt that she would definitely suffer with him in the future. He loves the wrong poor man can't ask for it.

Why are honest men reliable and women not? The marriage is unfortunate to meet again but regret it

After a year of dating, Ms. Liu broke up with him, and Ms. Liu knew that he was sad because he really cared about Ms. Liu and paid a lot for Ms. Liu, but Ms. Liu was unwilling to continue with him. After the breakup, Ms. Liu was with a man introduced by her parents and married as soon as she graduated. The man was well-off and capable.

Why are honest men reliable and women not? The marriage is unfortunate to meet again but regret it

But it was cold to Ms. Liu. Ms. Liu and she also have no feelings. That day, I went to a cocktail party with him, and Ms. Liu actually met Ms. Liu's ex-boyfriend. He wears a suit of exquisite leather shoes, and he also looks very temperamental. Ms. Liu's husband took the initiative to come forward to greet him and called him, Wang Zong, Ms. Liu was stunned. Ms. Liu did not expect that he would be so rich and rich. At the beginning, Ms. Liu still abandoned him fiercely and looked down on him, and Ms. Liu really regretted not being able to do it at the beginning. Hey, thinking of her current husband, Ms. Liu is congested.

Why are honest men reliable and women not? The marriage is unfortunate to meet again but regret it

Emotional analysis;

Ms. Liu also has a face to say that Ms. Liu looks down on migrant workers, Ms. Liu looks down on her ex-boyfriend, looks down on that kind of short and poor, and now she regrets it. Then I will tell Ms. Liu that if he has not become the boss now, he said that he has not become rich. Even if Ms. Liu had seen him, would she have despised him, and whether she was thinking in her heart that she had not married him that year. Ms. Liu looks at herself now although she and her husband, he does not love Ms. Liu too much, but there is food and clothing, Ms. Liu has money, people can see in front of them many times, especially some people themselves are not beautiful in their hearts, and when they regret it, they know how wrong their original choice was, Ms. Liu Is also deserved. Ms. Liu as a woman, Ms. Liu is poor and loves the rich, or that Ms. Liu climbs the high branches, which can not be called climbing high branches, this is blunt, as a woman, Ms. Liu does not even have the most basic woman's kind heart, Ms. Liu should be Ms. Liu's husband is not good for Ms. Liu, Ms. Liu feels that this is retribution. That as a retribution, I can only say yes.

Why are honest men reliable and women not? The marriage is unfortunate to meet again but regret it

In fact, I said I wanted to congratulate Ms. Liu, but everyone might scold Ms. Liu. If everyone says to endure, then you can only endure, I wish Ms. Liu happiness.

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