
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...

Remember the night my daughter was born,

I put her in the crook of my arm and held her all night.

That night, the eyes did not leave her, even for a moment.

At that time, I was asking myself, "How long can I hold her in this life?" How long can she hold me? ”

From the moment her daughter was born,

Dad's heart became the softest heart in the world.

Author | Petite clouds

The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...

I saw that on the pink page, the girl's name was written on the left, and the right side was written "I love you",

Dad exclaimed, "Oops... My mother...",

Although there is no comment, the tone is complicated.

The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...

The child's "early love" is different from what parents think

The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...

The reaction of parents affects the child's concept of marriage and love

On Weibo, a mother complained that her daughter had received a love letter.

It turned out that an 8-year-old boy asked his classmates to hand over several notes to his daughter, all of which were his confessions: "I love you, I love you super...".

The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...

Love knocks on the door of the child's heart, and the parents must be able to hold the bottom

The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...

The basic difference between boys and girls lies in their gender characteristics, and they are the private parts of the child, that is, the part covered by the pants of the boy and girl, and the chest of the girl.

The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...
The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...

3. Tell your child the difference between sex and love.

Children express joy between each other, often by marrying or having a baby to promise each other, and even imitate the love of adults, and commit inappropriate behavior.

This requires parents and children to figure out what it means to get married and have a baby.

My 6-year-old son said to me, "Mom, I want to marry Sissi and have a baby." ”

I told him that although you like Sissi a lot, you can't marry her and have a baby yet.

Marriage and birth of a baby can not wait until adulthood, because when you give birth to a baby, you must feed him, buy him milk powder, clothes, which requires you to have the ability to earn money and have an economic foundation.

In addition, giving birth to a baby is a combination of sperm and egg, they are in the body of boys and girls, only until they mature, can give birth to a baby.

Now your body is not well developed, and you do not have the ability to have a baby.

Children understand what is allowed and what cannot be done, and with the respect and acceptance of parents as the premise, children can get through smoothly and parents will be at ease.

The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...

Parental success lies in the ability of children to deal with problems independently and intelligently.

This requires parents to be prepared with relevant knowledge and dare to let go. Children have the opportunity to experience, and when it is time to fall in love and get married, they will not turn a blank slate in the emotions of the two sexes.

Under the premise of safety, allowing children to conform to the ebb and flow of inner emotions, parents neither exert force nor walk away. Patiently and with love accompany him through.

In this way, the child will not only gain valuable experience, but also learn the ability to manage happiness.

The "early love" in the eyes of children and the "early love" in the eyes of parents may not be the same...

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