
What about your baby's hands-on ability? These methods make children not "hand cripples"

The most direct way for babies to understand the world is to touch them through their hands, which is also the most critical step in promoting the development of the baby's brain.

So what are the benefits of hands-on ability for babies?

What about your baby's hands-on ability? These methods make children not "hand cripples"

1 Promote the development of baby's memory and thinking ability

There are many kinds of human memory, such as: image memory, logical memory, action memory and emotional memory. The least easily forgotten of these memories is the action memory. Therefore, there is a saying that "it is better to see once than to go through with your hands", so it is also very important to actually operate the hands-on for learning, and the hands-on ability can promote the development of memory and thinking.

What about your baby's hands-on ability? These methods make children not "hand cripples"

2 Cultivate children's ability to live independently

People with strong hands-on ability, life skills are also relatively high, the ability to live independently is also relatively strong, you can face a lot of difficulties independently. The ability to live independently also needs to be cultivated from an early age, otherwise it will lack the ability to do things independently when you grow up, and you can train the baby to do housework with the parents from a young age, so that the baby can solve various problems on his own when he grows up.

What about your baby's hands-on ability? These methods make children not "hand cripples"

3 Develop your child's willpower

Let the baby to operate by himself, itself will encounter a lot of difficulties, the baby needs to overcome the difficulties a little bit to complete, in the process of the baby's hands-on, you can experience what is persistence, how to face difficulties, but also to enhance the baby's willpower.

4 Enhance your baby's self-confidence

Every time the baby completes his own work independently, he will ask for credit, at which time the adult will praise the baby, and the baby will be more confident. This self-confidence has played a very positive role in the baby's progress, and the baby will continue to try to make his own works to achieve progress.

What about your baby's hands-on ability? These methods make children not "hand cripples"

5 Increase your child's joie de vivre

The baby is energetic and always very active, let the baby do handicrafts, the baby will feel very happy. Some simple handicrafts will also stimulate the baby's hands-on interest, and the baby will feel very happy to see the works he has worked hard to make.

According to relevant research, cultivating the baby's hands-on ability is the most effective way to improve the baby's brain development, and recently many mothers have reflected that their children are "handicapped", so for these babies, how should they improve their hands-on ability?

What about your baby's hands-on ability? These methods make children not "hand cripples"

1 Improve your baby's finger dexterity

The strength of the baby's hands-on ability actually depends on the flexibility of the baby's fingers. Because every time the baby stretches out his hands to explore, the first information transmitted to the baby's brain is the finger contact, so the baby's cognitive ability development and finger flexibility are inseparable. In layman's terms, if the baby's finger flexibility is higher, the stronger the baby's cognitive ability and the smarter the brain.

What about your baby's hands-on ability? These methods make children not "hand cripples"

Therefore, if you want to improve your baby's hands-on ability, you can first start by improving the flexibility of your baby's fingers. You can buy some toys for your child that can improve the flexibility of your fingers, such as Rubik's Cubes and puzzles, so that your baby's fingers will accumulate more experience as they do more and more. These accumulated experiences will improve the baby's judgment of things, so that the baby's hands-on ability gradually becomes stronger.

2 Described by language

In the previous article, we have made an answer to how to cultivate the baby's finger flexibility, but this is still far from enough to improve the baby's hands-on ability, and the mothers also need to let the baby learn the language description to further cultivate the baby's hands-on ability. If your baby always observes things around him through his eyes, not through his hands.

What about your baby's hands-on ability? These methods make children not "hand cripples"

For your baby, you may never know what these touches are. Only when the baby touches it, will know what kind of touch these things are, and the mother should name the items when the baby touches things, so that not only can the baby learn a lot of vocabulary, but also improve the baby's hands-on ability.

What about your baby's hands-on ability? These methods make children not "hand cripples"

3 Improve your baby's concentration

The most lacking thing for the baby itself is concentration, and if you want to improve your baby's hands-on ability, you also need to cultivate your baby's concentration. Bao Mom can prepare a quiet environment for the child, put the baby in it, so that the baby can seriously do a thing, do not disturb the baby, so that for a long time, the baby will have its own rhythm, can exercise the baby's concentration.

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