
Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

The newly renovated house, the walls were covered with stickers by children, and I wanted to beat up the bear child when I was angry.

After chatting with a few parents, I found that not only my children, but also many children like to play stickers. The walls, chairs, desks, and living room tables in the home are all objects of children's stickers. The child posted everywhere, it is very difficult to clean up, and the child does not let it clean, and it is reasonable to say that it is his own work.

As a parent, do you obey your child or let your child do it at will? Or is it to forcibly prevent children from playing with stickers?

A parenting expert friend told me that do not prevent children from playing with stickers, playing stickers is in line with the laws of children's physical and mental development, and can make children play smarter and smarter.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

Playing with stickers can exercise your child's fine movements

Fine movements, mainly refer to the movements of the hands, also often referred to as small muscle movements. Refers to the ability to complete specific tasks with the movement of small muscles or small muscle groups in the hands and fingers, and with the cooperation of mental activities such as perception and attention.

Its essence is the coordination of hands, eyes and brain. Holding, pinching, pointing, pointing, pressing, these are all fine movements.

When the child's fine movements are in place, the finger nerves mature, and the child can achieve hand-eye coordination. Small local movements such as wrist rotation and pen writing and drawing can only be achieved by children.

The child can develop fine movements in the process of playing with stickers. Because the child in the process of playing stickers, to line and line alignment, graphics and graphics match, which requires the child's small hands to be flexible, so in the process of playing, the child's fine movements have been exercised, hand and eye in the process of playing stickers will be more coordinated. At the same time, it will drive the child's brain development.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

Playing with stickers can exercise your child's ability to observe

In the process of playing with stickers, children need to observe with their own eyes in order to paste the stickers to the right position, to see what shape and color the stickers are, and where they are pasted is just the same as the graphics.

Don't underestimate this step, it is a very simple action for adults, but for 2 or 3-year-old children, to do this step, it is impossible to do without careful observation.

If the child often plays with stickers, then his observation ability will be well exercised.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

Playing with stickers can improve your child's concentration

Concentration, simply put, is the length of time that children continue to pay attention to an event or an object. Children with good concentration will be more outstanding in learning in the future.

However, for a 2- or 3-year-old child, his concentration usually lasts only a few minutes. Therefore, we parents must deliberately practice concentration from the child's childhood.

I've found that children are able to devote themselves to stickers and be particularly focused when they play with stickers. Several times, my son was playing with stickers, and I called him and he didn't hear him.

In order to accurately and quickly paste the sticker to the appropriate position, the child needs to use his brain to think, this process as long as the parents do not bother, the child can maintain a certain degree of concentration to complete, this is a good way to exercise concentration, parents can also try.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

After talking with friends who are parenting experts, I realized that there are so many benefits to letting children play with stickers. No wonder many parents have bought sticker books.

The last time I went to my cousin's house, I saw my cousin's children playing with sticker books. At that time, I was still very puzzled to ask my cousin: I was also a graduate of a famous school, why did I not pay attention to my children's education? Everyone's children have gone to the early education class early, and the cousin's economic strength is good, why not give the child a class, and let the child play stickers at home every day?

It turns out that playing and playing are not the same, some play is purely blind play, while some play allows children to develop intelligence and exercise thinking in play.

Knowing that there are many benefits to children playing with stickers, and then looking at children's walls at home, they are not angry.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

After careful selection, I chose several sets of sticker books for the child, telling the child not to paste it on the wall in the future, and to paste it on the sticker book in the future. The child naturally said yes and was very happy.

Seriously, this sticker book is really a good helper for me to coax my baby.

Since buying sticker books, children have less time to watch TV and look at mobile phones. Because for children, sticker games are more attractive than TVs and mobile phones.

At the beginning, I played with my children, told my children how to play with the sticker book, how to paste it, and I would also compete with the children to see who could paste it fast and stick well.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

After the child plays well, he likes to play by himself. And you can sit there alone and play for half an hour, or even an hour. When my child plays with stickers, I can take the opportunity to take a break, finish the work at hand, or do housework.

The child has been playing with stickers for almost half a year, and I can clearly feel the changes in the child. He was indeed more able to sit still than before, and he concentrated a lot on things; his small hands became much more flexible; his observation was much stronger; and more importantly, with these sticker books, the child no longer plastered on the walls of the house.

The sticker book is simple in content and full of play, which is very suitable for children aged 2-6 years old. In the process of playing with stickers, children recognize the shape, color, size, how much, classification, etc., exercise observation, concentration, logical thinking ability, etc., but do not leave traces of learning, which can be said to be a good early education.

Among the sticker books that my children have played, this set of "Children's Whole Brain Development Concentration Stickers" is something that I and my children like more.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

The reason is that it has 4 main advantages:

1. This set of sticker books has as many as 16 volumes, 196 situations, and 3080 exquisite stickers. A set of stickers that children can play with for a long time.

2, rich themes, life, language, reasoning, mathematical ability, judgment ability, behavior, potential, observation, reaction, creativity, concentration, imagination, emotional business, logical ability, etc. are involved, it can be said that it covers mathematics, language, thinking and other intellectual training.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

3. In line with the thinking of 0-6-year-old children, the understanding of physical objects, problem solving and hands-on stickers are combined, so that children can use both hands and brains to develop children's brain potential.

4, the pattern is brightly colored, the story is interesting, let the child like it at a glance. The important thing is that environmentally friendly printing and good paper will not affect the health of children.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

To be honest, playing with children is a very low-cost early education, dozens of dollars, you can be both a toy and an early education.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

This set of books is suitable for children aged 1-5 years old, if your child is in this age range, it is recommended to give your child a set and play with your child. If the child can't help but watch TV, look at the mobile phone, cry and go to the playground, then this set of books can come in handy, can be used as a coaxing artifact.

You can't understand a child's fascination with stickers, it may be that you don't know what playing stickers means to your child. Stickers are one of the more convenient tools for children to create and transform the world.

Playing is not the same as playing, do you know how to play can make children play smarter and smarter?

A small sticker game can make the child's fine movements develop, can develop the child's intelligence, let the child play more and more intelligently, and can make the child's concentration better.

There are so many benefits for children, children like to play, how can parents not buy it for their children?

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