
"Daughter-in-law, who made you resign, what did I do when I was hospitalized?" "Take your AA house rules"

Whether people are older will be more confused, otherwise why there are some old people's ideas I always can't figure out. Some old people do not know why from the beginning they will be malicious to their daughter-in-law, always wary of their daughter-in-law, but also always have to give their sons an eye drops, say bad things about their daughter-in-law, some people say dirty people will always think of others badly, I don't know if some mothers-in-law are like this, but they are really harsh on their daughters-in-law.


In fact, every mother-in-law should know in her heart that she will accompany your son through the end, but the person who is left in life will only be his wife, and the mother-in-law will eventually feedback to her son, and the things between husband and wife will let them make their own decisions, and sometimes the person who interferes too much and finally regrets will be yourself.

Liu Minjia did not think of her mother-in-law looks kind and good-looking, what she thinks in her heart is how to prevent her, the mother-in-law does not want her daughter-in-law to take advantage of her son, even the absurd idea of the AA system can be thought out, the mother-in-law feels that Liu Minjia is extravagant and wasteful, but does not know that Liu Minjia spends her own money, Liu Minjia will agree to the AA system of course because of gambling with her mother-in-law, she just wants her mother-in-law to understand that women can support themselves now, There's really no need to take your son so seriously.

"Daughter-in-law, who made you resign, what did I do when I was hospitalized?" "Take your AA house rules"

01. The mother-in-law was afraid that the daughter-in-law would spend a lot of money, so she proposed the AA system.

Liu Minjia and her husband Chen Chengyi met through the introduction of others, Liu Minjia actually hates those matchmakers, these matchmakers' mouth crosses are not the truth nine times, low can be blown high by them, and fat people can be blown into thin by them, anyway, it is a variety of words to play with you, and then wait for you to happily choose to meet, only to shout that you have been deceived, the odds encountered during the blind date can be much higher than the odds of meeting strange things in ordinary life, Liu Minjia originally wanted to shirk this time, But she could not stop her mother's nagging from morning to night, and her mother told her that she would see her once she saw it, and that she would not drop a piece of meat when she saw it, and maybe there would be a miracle.

The next thing is that series of processes, love to see parents and then get married, Liu Minjia did not escape these, the first time she met Chen Chengyi's parents, she was nervous and even had some words to say unfavorable, the first time they met, they called their aunts as mothers, Chen Chengyi's mother was of course happy, in fact, this time they met both sides were very satisfied, but I don't know why in the future the situation turned sharp, Liu Minjia and her mother-in-law became intolerable.

"Daughter-in-law, who made you resign, what did I do when I was hospitalized?" "Take your AA house rules"

The reason is that the mother-in-law saw Liu Minjia buy those luxury bags, as well as those sent back from abroad she can't even understand the brand name of the clothes, the mother-in-law has always been unable to figure out how to dare to sell others tens of thousands of others on that layer of rags, isn't this purely robbing money, and her daughter-in-law not only does not know how to save, picking up these things can be said to not even blink an eye, which one of the family's mortgage car loans is not to rely on their sons, and now there is a daughter-in-law who supports such a loser. Mother-in-law's heart is hundreds of unwilling, mother-in-law at the beginning also knocked on the side, but Liu Minjia never knew what her mother-in-law wanted to say, she also thought that her mother-in-law also wanted to buy clothes, without saying a word, she bought it for her mother-in-law, she did not expect that her mother-in-law was angry, Liu Minjia was the person who was confused by the second monk, the mother-in-law's daily job was to stare at her daughter-in-law, watching her spend money like flowing water, the mother-in-law was a pain, and finally the mother-in-law also planned to directly explain the words. Liu Minjia, a person, can't understand the eyes of others.

Mother-in-law and Liu Minjia mentioned the AA system, Liu Minjia asked her mother-in-law why, the mother-in-law said to Liu Minjia that her family does not raise those who are delicious and lazy to do only know how to spend money, Liu Minjia guessed the mother-in-law's idea, "You think I spent your son's money, so you are now distressed, to tell you the truth I have a monthly salary higher than your son's ten thousand, the family's mortgage car loan has always been repaid by the two of us, I have always spent my own money, you yourself don't know these are still there to think about the west, If you say it, then we will AA system, but you must not regret it in the future. ”

"Daughter-in-law, who made you resign, what did I do when I was hospitalized?" "Take your AA house rules"

02. Find another way.

For the daughter-in-law's words, the mother-in-law's heart is actually a little shocked, but the words she said out are like spilled water harvest can not be collected, this AA system has been fixed, but this matter they have not told Chen Chengyi, the mother-in-law two people in the accounting of the most serious person is him, said to be AA system Liu Minjia is really half of everything, slowly she feels that there is a crack in the feelings between herself and Chen Chengyi, the topic of the two people talking more about is money, that is, how to be fair and just Chen Chengyi did not like this feeling, a good marriage is now like an exchange, the contradiction between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is now cold and cold in the whole family, all these things are caused by the mother-in-law, but the mother-in-law is unwilling to apologize, so it can only be stalemated like this.

"Daughter-in-law, who made you resign, what did I do when I was hospitalized?" "Take your AA house rules"

But then Liu Minjia also figured it out, the mother-in-law proposed that there were only two parties to the AA system, then this agreement was only valid between the two of them, why did she have to really get the feelings between the husband and wife are in trouble, there is no need, after ah, let the old lady be alone to go to distress, the husband is willing to be good to himself and why should he refuse.

I know that there are some old people who can't change the idea that men are the pillars of the family, always feel that all the expenses of the wife must come from her husband, but ignore that now women have their own jobs, they have their own income, and their income is not less than their husbands, they can take on the family with their husbands, many old people actually have to abandon such ideas, in this era of equality between men and women These things are not unusual, Women are no longer dependent on the male silk, they have become independent and self-reliant, and some preconceived notions should have been abandoned long ago.

Spending your own money to buy what you like is never something that needs to be pointed out by others, because your prejudices have misunderstood others, and you have done excessive things, the first thing to do is to apologize, not to carry a little indifference in the mistake of being wrong, and the husband and wife are originally a community, one glory and one loss, do not let your own behavior destroy the original happy life.

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