
Analyze the marriage crisis: Why men after marriage are more and more annoyed with their wives, nothing more than these reasons

Analyze the marriage crisis: Why men after marriage are more and more annoyed with their wives, nothing more than these reasons

Emotional night said

Release on 2022-03-2123:03


From two people knowing and falling in love with each other, to entering the sacred hall of marriage. At the beginning, the two people were holding the heart of love, to walk through this part of life together, to fight for a better future together, but why did some people "drop anchor" in the middle of the road, began to be more and more harsh on the other half, and finally the two parted ways? This phenomenon happens a lot to men. After marriage, men began to annoy their wives more and more, and he had long forgotten the vows of marriage. What caused the change in his personality, from love to hate for his wife?

Analyze the marriage crisis: Why men after marriage are more and more annoyed with their wives, nothing more than these reasons

In fact, many times, you can find the reason from human nature.

Human nature is intrinsic


It's like a little child who goes from loving toys to idle. human

By nature

There are genes that like the new and dislike the old. Men marry wives, at the beginning they still love her, and over time, they will have a estrangement mentality, after all, there is a saying called "what you can't get is always in turmoil." Now that you have got it, you don't cherish it as much as you used to. Men's likes for the new and dislike the old, which is precisely manifested in this aspect. The smile of his wife could no longer arouse his desire, and the longer his wife appeared in front of him, the more it would make him feel irritable. In a marriage, the majority of men are often changed, they fantasize about the three wives and four concubines system allowed by the previous society, in fact, they do not have the ability and financial resources, and sometimes they think of going outside to "get into trouble", because of their "machismo" thinking. In fact, in today's society, the status of women has long been equal to that of men, since men want to annoy women, women are naturally not easy to provoke, quarrels between husband and wife have become daily, and marriage crises have naturally come.

Analyze the marriage crisis: Why men after marriage are more and more annoyed with their wives, nothing more than these reasons

Men are getting more and more annoying to women,

In fact, it is not achieved overnight, but the accumulation of small things.

Men are not expressive creatures, and sometimes even if something is not accustomed to it, he does not necessarily say it, and women do not realize it much. Unlike women who are likely to shout when they encounter things, men are more willing to bury these things in their hearts, but this practice is easy to cause a man's temper to erupt when an event occurs. For example, if you are not accustomed to the cleaning up situation at home, eating meals made by women, listening to women's nagging, etc., once or twice men will endure, but if the number of times is more, and there is no change, men's hearts will become more and more annoyed, until it breaks out. There are actually traces of cracks in the emotional life of two people, but if these cracks are ignored, it is easy to cause greater harm.

Analyze the marriage crisis: Why men after marriage are more and more annoyed with their wives, nothing more than these reasons

On the issue of children's education,

Men disagree with their wives.

Children are the future of a family and the backbone that determines the rise and fall of the family. Both husband and wife want to educate their children, but in the way of education, there are different views, such as men may want to be more ruthless, let the children suffer early, understand the cruelty of social competition, but women are often very emotional, do not want their children to suffer too much, think that as long as they can achieve the purpose of children's cognition. This different view may also be because of other things. In short, the argument between husband and wife is that it is justified and reasonable, and when it has not been resolved, a sense of powerlessness will arise in the man's psychology, thinking that if he had not married her, he would not have spent a lot of time and energy to deal with these problems now. There can be arguments between husband and wife, but don't gamble because of arguments, otherwise, it is easy to have emotional problems and marital crises.

Analyze the marriage crisis: Why men after marriage are more and more annoyed with their wives, nothing more than these reasons

Men are reluctant to take responsibility for themselves anymore.

Love is the romance of two people, and marriage represents responsibility. When a man does not want to take on his share of responsibility, the more he looks at his wife, the more annoying he becomes. After all, responsibility needs to be shouldered, and men need to take out their shoulders and fight with their own strength. Although in human nature, we all like to do the simplest things and get the richest rewards, but the real life is completely different from what you imagine. Marriage represents many things, and responsibility is the most important part of it. When a man loves his wife deeply, he does not feel that his daily life will be tired, because no matter how tired he is, as long as he returns home,


With a thoughtful wife, a warm family, a night off, and the next day I can go to work in good spirits. But if a man does not love his wife, this responsibility becomes a burden that crushes him, bends his body, and he cannot bear it.

Analyze the marriage crisis: Why men after marriage are more and more annoyed with their wives, nothing more than these reasons

Marriage is not a simple life, it requires two people who are married to run it well, and if they are tired of the other half, escape is not the solution to the problem. Many things need to communicate, mutual understanding and support between husband and wife, if both parties are going their own way, for a long time, marriage will inevitably have problems, men will be tired of women, women will not look at men. Only the joint debugging of both parties is the solution to the problem of marriage, for the sake of the family and children,

Might as well give the other party one more chance,

I believe that I will also find the feeling of love and save the marriage with cracks.

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