
The retired mother-in-law does not teach her granddaughter knowledge, and plays with her baby all day, and the daughter-in-law goes from complaining at the beginning to being convinced

Hello everyone, I'm a tomato mom!

As a mother of two children, I understand the urgent mood of my parents to "hope that their children will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes", and I am eager to advance education and let my children win at the starting line.

But if parents carry their children's ears and speak, can they let their children remember Chinese characters, learn mathematics, and improve their intelligence? Of course not, but many parents have long been accustomed to it, and like to use this "tough" way to nag their children to learn knowledge. Although the original intention of parents is to quickly cultivate their children into talents, if the method is used incorrectly, it will be counterproductive, and finally the child loses interest in learning knowledge, so how can it be done well in early education?

The retired mother-in-law does not teach her granddaughter knowledge, and plays with her baby all day, and the daughter-in-law goes from complaining at the beginning to being convinced

So what do parents do to achieve the purpose of early education? You can learn the method of the retired old man below.

Retired mother-in-law does not teach children to learn knowledge, and takes 1,000 yuan per month with a baby fee, but only takes her granddaughter to play?

A fan mother left a message saying that her mother-in-law is very cultured and was a middle school teacher before. I gave my child to my mother-in-law to take with me, and then I found a job, thinking that I would be at ease at work. But unexpectedly, Bao Mom came home from work every day and saw her mother-in-law taking her children to "play".

The child holds the sticker in his hand and often smiles and grins. This made her feel very uncomfortable in her heart, feeling that her mother-in-law was "fooling with the baby".

Several times, before going to bed, Bao Mom deliberately asked the child: "Did your grandmother teach you anything today?" As a result, the children replied, "No! This made Bao Ma even more angry, and her heart was very awkward.

After all, Bao Mom also paid her mother-in-law for her work, and she would give her mother-in-law 1,000 yuan with a baby every month. However, it is obvious that the mother-in-law did early education and did not do it at all, which is a serious dereliction of duty.

Bao Mom's heart became more and more panicked, and finally confessed to her mother-in-law: "Mom, can you take the baby seriously?" You see I come back from work every day, but also to accompany the baby to count, and then teach her to learn pinyin, am I not tired? ”

Unexpectedly, without waiting for the mother-in-law to reply, the daughter who was playing very hily over there suddenly jumped out of an English sentence: "One, two, three!" "The children can speak English, which surprises the mother. Then the child also casually said a few short Sentences in English, and it was at that moment that Bao Mom felt that she might be wrong to blame her mother-in-law.

Perhaps, the mother-in-law has integrated knowledge into the fun, and is not like herself, very rigid in educating the baby.

Bao Mom was extremely ashamed and left us a message to tell us about this matter. Bao Ma believes that the mother-in-law uses the "new type of early education method", and her own concept is still stuck in the past era. It was also at that time that she followed our account and learned more about the science of early childhood education.

In fact, early education is really important for children. The method of early education is more important to the results of early education. If the method is correct, early education can do more with less. It can help children promote brain development, develop intelligence, and make children's language and mathematics and other aspects of the foundation solid.

Generally speaking, as long as the positive purpose can be achieved, then the "new early education method" used by this mother-in-law is worth promoting.

What are the characteristics of the "new early education method" of retired mother-in-law?

1. Do not stick to the form of early education

Some parents always think that they should sign up for tutoring classes and early education classes for their children, and let the teacher give lectures to their children, so that the children are afraid of the majesty of the teacher and will listen to the lessons very seriously. Some parents pondered that even if the child is too young, or there are other reasons, it is inconvenient to send to early education, but it should also be led by adults at home to learn all the knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to give lectures and teaching to children at a fixed time every day, so that children can remember the content of the day like taking notes.

Although these methods can make children remember the knowledge points, the difference between the new early education method is that early education is no longer limited to the form, but pursues to achieve the goal and harvest the effect.

For example, the mother-in-law will use some early education tools, what she often does is to accompany the child to play stickers, this kind of book sticker game activities, very in line with the characteristics of children's thinking, children are happy to play. Although it is play, in the process of sticker stickers, the book contains a variety of intellectual training such as mathematics, language, creativity, etc., and the mother-in-law will tell it in passing, which can make children learn in play and have fun.

This is the past kind of "sitting on the cold bench" early education model, can not be compared with the advantages, the new early education method does make children enjoy it more!

2. Edutainment, children's concentration is stronger

If you call the child to the front, tell the child very seriously, numbers, pinyin, explain the name of the object to the child, describe the animal image in the story, etc., the child may feel bored, the spirit slips, and can not remember.

But the new early education method is different, in this mode, children in the atmosphere of play, but it is easy to concentrate on playing. Children can also easily remember the real thing, and they can also rely on pictures to imagine the appearance of real objects, and their concentration is stronger.

The retired mother-in-law does not teach her granddaughter knowledge, and plays with her baby all day, and the daughter-in-law goes from complaining at the beginning to being convinced

Most importantly, her home sticker game books generally require children to interact with their hands and brains and play with them. There are more than a thousand exquisite stickers in this book, and each book has enough cute stickers to make children feel the pleasure of playing with stickers. Visual stimulation and increased imagination. Manually cooperate to develop the brain. Small stories and small problems fully mobilize children's thinking, cultivate children's curiosity, and tap children's curiosity.

The retired mother-in-law does not teach her granddaughter knowledge, and plays with her baby all day, and the daughter-in-law goes from complaining at the beginning to being convinced

With a series of cooperation, most children can learn mathematics and language in advance. Moreover, because children are not bored and happy, children can usually learn very well, which is the charm of the new early education method.

Happy learning is of great significance to children

Psychology believes that emotional memory is a more persistent and profound memory.

That is to say, children are more likely to remember knowledge in a happy state. And those children who are always nagged by their parents to learn knowledge are likely to be in a state of pain, the left ear listens to the right ear and forgets the knowledge. Therefore, learning knowledge in happiness is of great and far-reaching significance to children.

So, how do you let your child learn happily?

First of all, it is best for parents to accompany their children and create a relaxed and pleasant learning atmosphere for their children, just like the retired mother-in-law, do not force children to learn, and use new early education methods to guide children to learn knowledge.

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