
Why don't children want to go to kindergarten? Do this and make him fall in love with kindergarten

Some children are reluctant to go to kindergarten, and when they say that they want to send kindergarten, they start crying, and they may even lie about it. So, why do children not want to go to kindergarten? There are many reasons for this, and parents should analyze them on a case-by-case basis.

Why don't children want to go to kindergarten? Do this and make him fall in love with kindergarten

Why don't children want to go to kindergarten?


Kindergartens do not have freedom at home

Although there are many children in kindergartens, they can play and play with children, but the kindergarten does not have the freedom at home after all, and children must be constrained by the teacher, eat regularly, sleep on time, and cannot do whatever they want and do what they want at home. Therefore, even if it is good after school every day, when they wake up in the morning, children will still resist going to kindergarten.


Didn't want to be separated from Mom and Dad

For children, when their parents are around, they will have an incomparable sense of security in their hearts. After kindergarten, to face and deal with problems alone, it is not difficult to imagine that children will have feelings of loss, anxiety and overwhelm.


Inability to adapt to group life

When children arrive at kindergarten, they must abide by the collective norms, what they want to share with others, they have to queue up if they want to eat snacks and play with toys, and there are restrictions everywhere, so that children feel that kindergarten is not fun.


Play with children less than a piece

Children are eager for friendship and can play with many children in kindergarten, however, after really going to kindergarten, if they are bullied and excluded by other children, children may not want to go.


Holiday syndrome

After weekends or long holidays, children's resistance to kindergarten will be more pronounced. It is not easy to get to the weekend, parents will go to bed late and get up late, take the child to do the activities he likes, the child's life order established in the kindergarten is completely disrupted, such a life and the scene when going to kindergarten is in strong contrast, the child naturally does not want to be constrained.


Find reasons to refuse to attend kindergarten after falling ill

As soon as the child is sick, parents will try to let the child stay at home to nurse the disease, the child can not only not go to the kindergarten, but also get the careful care of the whole family, some parents who are distressed about the child will also give up the usual principles to meet some unreasonable requirements of the child. In this way, after the child is well, he will find ways to find an excuse to refuse to go to kindergarten.

※※※ Solution ※※※

Parents should recognize that sending their children to kindergarten is the beginning of their children's future viability learning, regardless of whether the child resists, they must insist. It is very normal for children to cry because of anxiety in the early stage of entering the kindergarten, and must be treated correctly, do not take them home because of children crying, otherwise this front will be extended indefinitely.

Parents must consistently let their children stick to kindergarten. In addition to special circumstances such as holidays or illness, parents must insist on letting their children go to kindergarten, not three days of fishing and two days of drying nets.

Kindergarten can cultivate children's sense of responsibility, if the child expresses reluctance to go to kindergarten, parents unconditionally cooperate, looking for excuses to help children take leave, children will see the benefits of lying, have a way to learn, and try their best to find excuses to escape kindergarten.

How to make children fall in love with kindergarten?

Put your child in a good mood

Let your child be as happy as possible when they go to kindergarten. "Send you to meet your little friend!" On the way, tell the child: "When you finish your activities in the afternoon, finish eating, and finish school, your mother will come to pick you up." "Of course, you have to do what you say, try to pick up the child on time, if you pick up late, you must tell the child in advance, don't let the child's expectations fall short."

Parents leave quickly when sending them to the kindergarten

When sending the child to kindergarten, the parents will leave quickly after handing the child over to the teacher, otherwise the child will be very reluctant. Once the parting emotion is rendered, the child may be spoiled or cry.

Cultivate children's self-care skills and good habits

Understand the specific requirements of the kindergarten for educating children, cultivate the child's initial self-care ability and good habits, arrange the corresponding work and rest time for the child and the kindergarten, shorten the distance between the family and the kindergarten life and health habits, and make it easier for the child to adapt to the collective life of the kindergarten.

Encourage your child to make more friends

Kindergarten children are very important for children. With the company of friends, children will not be obsessed with things that adults leave around. Therefore, other children and their parents can also be invited to play at home to promote friendship between children.

Insist on sending your children to kindergarten

No matter whether the weather is hot or cold, windy or rainy, we must insist on sending our children to kindergarten on time. If you often emphasize that objective reasons do not go to kindergarten, you will develop the bad habit of cowardice, squeamishness, willfulness and freedom and freedom. Once these behaviors are formed, they are difficult to eradicate. It will not only affect a child's enthusiasm for kindergarten, but also have a detrimental effect on his personality. Therefore, parents should cultivate their children's discipline from an early age and cultivate his strong will.

Communicate with children and teachers in a timely manner

If it has been a long time since entering the kindergarten, and the child still has strong fears and resistance, parents should pay attention. Communicate with children and teachers in a timely manner to find out the specific reasons so that the right medicine can be prescribed. If the child encounters difficulties in kindergarten, or is criticized, parents should help the child overcome the difficulties, or find out the reasons for doing wrong things, and educate the children to have the courage to overcome the difficulties, admit and correct the mistakes, and be a strong child. If you find that your child is unwell, you can temporarily not go to kindergarten and observe at home.

In short, parents should believe in kindergartens, firmly believe that children must go to kindergarten to grow better, but also let children understand that going to kindergarten is a must-do thing, and it is a happy thing that can know more children and learn to live a regular life, so that children can persist to the end.

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