
Entering the kindergarten "ten no questions" + "nine questions" to ensure that children fall in love with the kindergarten! (Transfer parent)

Babies go to kindergarten, parents are most worried about how the child is doing in kindergarten, often ask the child "Baby is doing well today?" "Did you cry today?" "Did the teacher praise you?" ......

I don't know, such an expression will cause a certain negative hint to the child, and it is not conducive to the child's adaptation to the life of the kindergarten.

Today, Xiaobian shares the "nine questions" and "ten no questions" for everyone, parents do this, help their children do better and better, and pass the kindergarten period more smoothly

Ten do not ask

1, do not ask: in kindergarten someone bullied you?

The word "bullying" suddenly puts the child in opposition to other children. There will be some run-ins and disputes between children, but they will not remember revenge, or give children space to solve themselves.

2, do not ask: did you cry today?

When sending the child to kindergarten, the child cried badly, "fiercely" put the child in the kindergarten, and when they returned home, the parents could not help but ask, "Did you cry again today?" ”

After a period of winter vacation, children feel strange to collective life, so children will use some ways such as crying to resist. But in fact, after the parents left, the babies performed very well, and the rich group activities occupied the children's attention, and gradually helped the children adapt to separation anxiety. When Mom asks "Did you cry today?" "When the child is, the child will immediately show grievances and even cry.

The mother's words are a psychological hint, suggesting that "as long as the mother cries, she will be soft-hearted", so that the child is more reluctant to go to kindergarten. So at this time, parents must face it positively and praise their children: "Today only cried for a little while, mom believes that you will be better tomorrow!" ”

3. Don't ask: Has the teacher criticized you?

Babies who have just entered kindergarten are not adaptable, often there will be grievances and unhappiness, children will not express, parents will often have a variety of speculations, will naturally want to ask, "Has the teacher criticized you?" ”

For the newly established collective environment, there are new rules, and the teacher will help the child to complete the routine cultivation on the basis of the child's adaptation. Parents ask their children "Did the teacher criticize you?" This can easily become an excuse for children to do various things, or it will make children burdened and lack self-confidence, and children should be encouraged to communicate with teachers more, and as parents, all they have to do is to be a warm listener.

4, do not ask: are you doing well today?

Such a question is more general, children do not know how to answer, do not know how to measure their performance, often to the parents of the answer is "good performance" and "good". Parents can care more about their children "Are you happy in kindergarten today?" "What makes you happy?" , so as to give the child a positive and specific guidance.

5, do not ask: have children robbed your toys?

Each child's growth environment and personality are different, parents should help their children make friends together, or share interesting things in the class with their children, so that children gradually form a concept of "good friends" and look forward to the life of kindergarten.

Entering the kindergarten "ten no questions" + "nine questions" to ensure that children fall in love with the kindergarten! (Transfer parent)

6. Don't ask: What did you learn in kindergarten today?

It is difficult for kindergarten children to answer this question clearly, do not challenge the child's language organization ability, do not put pressure on the child, so as not to cause the child to be bored with school.

7, do not ask: does the teacher like you? Did the teacher praise you today?

Parents will not only worry about how the child adapts, but also worry about whether the teacher likes their child, and often knows whether the teacher likes their child through the child's mouth.

Kindergarten children do not understand the concept of "like", how to distinguish it? This is actually a parent's distrust of the teacher. Kindergarten teachers will take care of every child seriously, and parents must give full trust in order to give children a full sense of security.

8, do not ask: what kind of food do you eat in kindergarten? Does it taste good?

The child has just returned to kindergarten and is still in the adaptation period, during which the appetite may be poor. The teacher will gradually help the child to be independent and adapt to the collective life, and will also carefully observe the child, properly help the child to eat, and parents do not have to worry about the child's poor eating.

9, do not ask: do you like to go to kindergarten?

When a child first starts school, he is mostly hostile to everything in school, and if the baby's answer to these questions is negative, it will definitely have a great impact on his mood for school. We can give children more positive knowledge of kindergarten and help children accept and adapt to kindergarten life early.

10, do not ask: which teacher do you like? Which teacher took you to play?

When the child returns to kindergarten, he will have some discomfort when he first faces the new environment, without the care of his family, and the most worrying thing is the relationship between the child and the teacher, whether the child can like the teacher and have an attachment relationship with the teacher.

When the child first enters the kindergarten, because the people and things in the kindergarten have replaced their families, the child has an aversion to all the things in the kindergarten. If the parent keeps stressing which teacher she likes, it is a hint that she wants to be more with the teacher she likes, and the child is reluctant to contact other teachers.

Entering the kindergarten "ten no questions" + "nine questions" to ensure that children fall in love with the kindergarten! (Transfer parent)

Nine questions

1. You can ask: What did you help the teacher/child do today?

After asking questions, parents can guide the child to start the "recall" mode, try to comb through the experience of getting along with teachers and children throughout the day with him, help teachers and children, let him enhance his self-confidence and sense of honor, and love to go to kindergarten.

2, you can ask: Who is your good friend? Why do you like him?

Raise this question, consciously let the child communicate and communicate with the children in the kindergarten, and find their own good friends. At the same time, let him know the advantages of children, establish values, and strengthen children's memories of kindergarten advantages.

3. You can ask: What interesting things happened in the class today?

When the child answers, parents should not rush to evaluate, but should pay attention to listening and guiding the child to express their views. After the child has finished expressing, discuss with him more, which can not only increase the understanding of the child, but also convey the correct views and values in the discussion.

4. Can you ask: Is there anything you don't understand that you need help from your parents?

This problem can make the child feel that the parents are very concerned about you, and the problem can be raised at any time, so as to get the child's trust, help him open his heart, and no longer resist the kindergarten because of various problems that cannot be handled.

5. You can ask: What games did you do with the children today?

Such a question is specific and clear, the child knows how to answer, and has the desire to answer. The more children say, it helps parents understand their children's situation in kindergarten, and at the same time stimulates their children's interest in kindergarten.

6, you can ask: teach your mother how good is it to teach your new paper boat today?

Discuss topics of interest with your child with specific, detailed questions, and slowly, your child will enjoy sharing a day's life in the kindergarten with their parents.

Entering the kindergarten "ten no questions" + "nine questions" to ensure that children fall in love with the kindergarten! (Transfer parent)

7. You can ask: Is it a long skill today?

Ask your child if he can pull the lock and tie his shoelaces by himself? Guiding children to establish their own sense of growth is to stimulate children's internal energy, rather than simply asking children to change.

8. You can ask: What story did the teacher tell you today?

If you want to know what your child learns in kindergarten, you can avoid the word "learning", intuitively mention some specific questions such as "what paintings were drawn today" and "what crafts were done today", indirectly and skillfully understanding the children's life in the kindergarten, and also allowing children to consolidate the learning content.

9. You can ask: Did you say thank you to the teacher today?

Eliminate the hostility of children to the teacher at the beginning of the opening of the kindergarten due to incompatibility, let the child know that the teacher is very hard, the teacher is helping him grow, let the child know how to be grateful, and learn to say thank you.

Entering the kindergarten "ten no questions" + "nine questions" to ensure that children fall in love with the kindergarten! (Transfer parent)

Rather than asking children what they "eat" and "cry or not cry" in kindergarten, children's feelings, growth, and care for others are the aspects that really need parents to care about. "Parent-child communication" seems to be just a few simple and ordinary words, but in fact, it has an important impact on the growth of children.

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