
Kindergarten Tips: Tips for Small Classes! After the start of school, it can relieve your baby's separation anxiety!

Dear Parents,


At the end of the winter vacation, the babies in the new kindergarten are officially entering kindergarten. I believe that many parents are now "sitting on the hard", afraid that the child will leave himself for the first time and not adapt, and he is afraid that they will not know anything in a small way, leaving the care of the family, and in the collective of many children, they cannot get meticulous care.

Don't worry, let this "new small class admission instructions" give everyone a reassuring pill, before the start of the school, please make the following full preparations, I believe that the baby, will be in the best state, take the first step in their lives!

Kindergarten Tips: Tips for Small Classes! After the start of school, it can relieve your baby's separation anxiety!

First, understand your child's anxiety about entering kindergarten

Children around 3 years old will find an intimate caregiver almost every 15 minutes.

This is the instinct of all mammals, including humans: after separating from their mothers and reaching a certain boundary of time and space, they need to return to their mothers and feel safe.

When the child goes to kindergarten, from the past can return to the arms of relatives at any time, suddenly become a new state of not seeing the family all day, such a huge change, will cause great psychological pressure, separation will produce anxiety.

So, separation anxiety is very normal and common.

This anxiety does not only appear in children, children and parents may cause uneasiness, and most children will slowly adjust and adapt.

Anxiety can be contagious, if parents are too worried in front of their children, it may be more difficult for children to feel at ease, which is why it is recommended that parents relax and then deal with them.

Some possible manifestations of separation anxiety:

1. Fear of life

Reluctant to socialize with teachers and strange children, avoid groups, shrink in corners, or stick only to one teacher.

2. Strong resistance

It is manifested as crying, hitting people, biting people, dropping things, etc.

3. Refuse to eat or drink

Some parents usually use inappropriate reinforcement methods at home, so that children can not eat strangers casually, these children come to the kindergarten, it is easy to show as refusing to eat, refuse to drink.

4. "Lying"

For example, go home and tell your parents that "the teacher (child) beat me", "there are no toys", "no food", etc.

5. Stage physique sensitivity

Due to the new environment, the child's mood fluctuations are larger, coupled with crying, nervousness, physical energy consumption is also larger, and metabolic disorders occur, which in turn causes physical sensitivity and easy to get sick within a certain stage.

6. Pee pants, bedwetting

Since it takes a certain amount of time for teachers to grasp children's habits, for children with weak self-care ability, it is possible to pee their pants in a new environment, as long as parents bring a few more sets of changing clothes and pants.

Second, eliminate the obstacles to children's admission to kindergarten in advance

1. Psychological preparation

1) Give children more time and opportunities to interact with others independently;

2) Talk to your child about kindergarten often.

2. Life preparation

1) Will eat with a spoon on their own;

2) Let the child know their own clothing, shoes and socks and other supplies;

3) Teach children to dare to make their own reasonable demands to adults: such as wanting to drink water, defecation, etc., instead of crying;

4) Please prepare two sets of replacement clothes and pants for your child (it is best to make a sign or write your name) into a school bag and bring it to the kindergarten, so that the teacher can change it in time after the child soils the clothes.

3. Preparation for communication

1) Teach children to learn polite words such as "please", "thank you", "sorry", "it's okay";

2) Usually do not respect only the child, so that the child is only accustomed to accepting the care of others.

4. Behavioral training

1) Cultivate children's civilized behavior, do not arrest, beat people, and hurt peers;

2) Educate children not to be willful and lose their temper in case of trouble.

Third, parents please "don't worry"

1. Children should drink water and have problems with bowel movements

When you first enter the kindergarten, the teacher will remind you from time to time.

After a period of time, there is a fixed time to drink water and go to the toilet after the routine is stable, but the children can still go as they please if they are required.

For younger children, the teacher will help when drinking water and going to the toilet until the child can complete it independently.

2. Nap problem

(Choosing a bed, changing the environment is not adaptable, sleeping is not honest)

The teacher will not force the child who has just entered the kindergarten to take a nap, but uses a step-by-step approach to induce the child to take a nap, such as: first echo the child's request to "wait for the mother", ask him to sit quietly by the bed, wait for the child to sleep, and then persuade him to sleep on the bed.

3. Eating problems

When eating, the teacher will give special care to the new children, teach them to use a spoon to eat, and for individual weak abilities, the teacher will also feed.

In order to stimulate children's appetite, kindergarten meals are full of color, aroma and taste. When serving rice, it is a principle to use a small number of times.

4. What should I do if I have an argument with a child in kindergarten?

It is normal for children to have arguments between themselves , including quarrels or even fights.

The teacher will use his professional experience to ensure that every child is in his field of vision and avoids physical conflict in the first time when an argument occurs.

After stopping the physical conflict, the teacher will resolve the dispute and guide the children to the correct way of communication, and parents can try to rest assured.

Fourth, parents must do these things after the start of school

1. Happily say "goodbye" to your child

Parents should leave as soon as possible after sending their children to the kindergarten and handing them over to the teacher.

Never hear your child crying and look back at your child, or even take it home.

Otherwise, the child has this "experience", and the next day when he enters the kindergarten, he will only cry even harder.

2. Don't deny your child's anxiety

Avoid criticizing or denying your child's difficulty in separation.

For example, avoid saying angry words like "You're really useless" or "I don't want a child like you."

3. Insist on sending children to kindergarten

It takes a process for children to adapt to their new environment.

Parents should not stop their children from going to kindergarten because they are crying.

The second day to the fourth day is generally the time when the child cries the most, and once the parents hand over the child to the teacher, they must leave in time.

Fifth, the parent treatment cheats for separation anxiety

Silently chanting in my heart "The teacher with the baby is professional"!

Read it a few more times and you will calm down.

Parents must start from themselves, and overcoming anxiety is the right solution.

After the children enter the kindergarten, we still don't have to peek at the window.

We give all the education and expectations to our children,

In order to cultivate children to be more independent,

Learn to let go, children can grow better.

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