
Mouth full of "No! No! No! ", even the best temper is gone!

1 to 2 years old baby, full of mouth "no no no no", simply let the mother collapse...

You ask Baby:

- Going out? No!

- What about playing at home? No!

-No... No... No...

What the hell is going on here? Where's not happy?

What exactly do you want?

How to end the vicious entanglement with the child?

Why is that?

Children at this stage, into the explosion of self-awareness, and their language is just beginning to mature, can say some simple words;

They suddenly realize that their own language can express their will;

Happy to say "No! No! No! What I want to say is actually - Mom and Dad, I'm going to make my own decisions!

It turns out that children have entered a new milestone in cognitive development and are one step closer to the development of more independent and confident individuals.

You can do this

1, parents rarely say "no"

If there is a camera staring at us with a baby 24 hours a day, we will find that we ourselves are often saying to the child, "No, no, no, no..."

Parents are the first imitation objects of children, when they receive a lot of the information every day is "no", are negative words, then naturally first learn to say "no".

For bottom-line issues of principle, (such as touching an outlet) – firmly saying "no".

Conversely, in daily life scenarios, parents can do more positive reinforcement and only selectively say "no".

Mouth full of "No! No! No! ", even the best temper is gone!

Scenario reproduction

Little D was standing in the bathtub playing, dangerous, and wanted her to sit down.

It's not so much: you don't stand in the bathtub!

Rather: we sat down and took a shower, the tub was too slippery and we would fall down standing.

2. Help children expand their expressions

At this stage, the child saying "no" may form inertia, and "no" said too much, becoming a habitual blurt.

We can use simple conversations to help your baby learn other ways to express themselves.

Mouth full of "No! No! No! ", even the best temper is gone!

Little D especially likes animal farm bricks, and I will take them and play games with her.

At the beginning, it was all my self-questions and answers:

"If we ask the kitten, do you want to eat fish?" How does the kitten answer? ”

- "Yes! ”

"If we ask the calf, do you want to eat grass?" How does the calf answer? ”

After this sentence pattern has been carried out a few times, I will ask in a good way:

- "If we ask Little D, would you like to have lunch?" How does Little D answer? ”

Sometimes, Little D will say "Yes!" ”

This kind of game, guiding children to use other ways of speaking, replacing "no, no, no", can also be carried out when reading picture books and singing children's songs.

More copy homework tips: "No! No! No! "What do I say, the children say no, how to break?"

Words to Cloud Girlfriend:

Mouth full of "No! No! No! ", even the best temper is gone!

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