
How to make the painful and anxious heart calm, become calm, live more open-minded and happy? This 90-year-old psychiatrist, Tsuneko Nakamura, teaches you 19 life rules! Super useful,

author:Hear Blue say

How to make the painful and anxious heart calm, become calm, live more open-minded and happy? This 90-year-old psychiatrist, Tsuneko Nakamura, teaches you 19 life rules! Super useful, super healing [come on]

01. It's no use worrying about the future, have you ignored what's in front of you? I only care about what's in front of me.

02. I think in my heart that "worrying about the future does not help, and no one can predict the future".

03. I think it's enough to think clearly about today's day.

04. Take the family affairs, my husband is an alcoholic, the children are frail and sickly, and there are many things that bother me. Even so, I should eat as much as I want, sleep when I should, and treat life well, so that most of the things that bother me will disappear.

05. When you try to do the right thing in the moment, you will be pleasantly surprised to see that your worries have disappeared.

06. Suffering will become an important experience in the future, so don't waste it once.

07. Sometimes it seems that everything has returned to zero, but in fact it may be a new starting point. When things are over, as if you are reborn like a "phoenix nirvana", you will feel that "the previous troubles are not worth mentioning", or feel "how you have suddenly become stronger". In such a process, life will become much easier.

08. If it doesn't always go well, then you have to realize that "life is like this". "Bad" doesn't just come to your life. I've been in contact with all kinds of people, and no matter what kind of people will experience bad things. At this time, we may wish to learn to practice the "way to survive in the face of adversity".

09. In the face of adversity, it is more practical to adjust slowly than to make a big effort.

If exhaustion is equivalent to 100 points, then at this time, you only need to use 60 points of strength. If you do a good job in work and life step by step, you can grasp the turnaround.

10. In fact, there are many small things that go "smoothly" in "bad times". For example, you don't have a bigger disaster, your family is healthy, you can eat delicious food, you have good friends, waiting for your brother. There are many more happy things.

11. Another effective way to maintain peace of mind is to "think about work outside of working hours."

12. Even if something big happens, I'll go to bed first and tell myself to "wait until I wake up tomorrow and think about it."

13. Most of life's troubles are often "10" or "20" in the mind of something as simple as "1".

14. Self-confidence means making progress little by little in what you didn't do well. For example, successful exams, excellent work, etc., these are gradually obtained over time.

Confidence is by no means static, and we can only experience it for a certain period of time or in a certain field.

15. Work hard for things you're not good at, and don't force yourself to do things you're not good at. For some of the things that must be done, you may not be good at it, then you can master it to the minimum.

16. When you encounter something you don't understand, say, "I don't understand, trouble you, ask me for advice";

When you encounter something you don't understand, say "I don't understand, please tell me, I will learn";

When you encounter something that you can't do, say" I can't do it, please tell me how to do it."

Such a sincere and frank approach can simplify life. There is no need to have low self-esteem. This is an important thing for getting a peaceful life.

17. Pain and sadness are also innate things. People who live will certainly experience suffering... In my experience, try not to think wildly, not to be idle, but to keep yourself busy.

18. Try to expand your social circle and explore the unknown world, which will bring you a different experience. This is the teacher's extremely annoying thing. All in all, one of the biggest secrets of not being affected by negative emotions is to live well.

19. In difficult times, don't try to grit your teeth in everything, just accept the attitude of "it's basically okay to do this today", and insist on accumulating day after day.

Since learning nakamura's grandmother's simple philosophy of life, I feel that my anxiety is easy to worry a lot. Life is only one trip, don't live with yourself, in every ordinary day, as long as you do what you should do, only consider today's things, the rest, naturally will slowly come to fruition!

[Original author: Zi Lan, emotional writing blogger, spiritual growth explorer, with the power of thinking to accompany you through the fog of the heart, harvest love and maturity. Welcome to @Hear Blue Say Co-Practice 🌹】#Psychology##正能量 #

How to make the painful and anxious heart calm, become calm, live more open-minded and happy? This 90-year-old psychiatrist, Tsuneko Nakamura, teaches you 19 life rules! Super useful,
How to make the painful and anxious heart calm, become calm, live more open-minded and happy? This 90-year-old psychiatrist, Tsuneko Nakamura, teaches you 19 life rules! Super useful,
How to make the painful and anxious heart calm, become calm, live more open-minded and happy? This 90-year-old psychiatrist, Tsuneko Nakamura, teaches you 19 life rules! Super useful,

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