
Issue 492 treats itself as a work of art, polishes it well, and loves it with heart", "Like, watch, retweet is better support" The first item: Weibo Selection 1, asecretpl

author:Han Bingyin's life is set to be cast

Issue 492

Treat yourself as a work of art, polish it well, and love it with your heart

"Likes, looks, retweets are better support"

The first item: Weibo selection


"The best way to solve a puzzle is often to drop it and turn to solve a new problem that is 10 times larger than it – the solution of this puzzle will make the previous small puzzle too small to be meaningful."

One of the tenets of life

2. Global Reading, 2022-02-01

Remember that man has gone astray not because of his ignorance, but because he thinks he knows.

- Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Man is at the mercy of something that TA cannot accept

If you keep fighting against something, that thing will always fight you. The effects of forces are mutual

The outside world can interfere with me in the parts of my body that are not yet honest with me


Give yourself more options for big things and less options for yourself on small things. Too many people have been reversed

"As long as something feels like an adventure, I keep doing it; when it feels like work, I stop." —Neil Gaiman


The best way to stay active is to exercise, progress, learn and move forward, to be exposed to new things, to learn new skills, to love yourself and to love someone who deserves it

7. The original source was not found

Treat yourself as a work of art, polish well, love with your heart, you look good, the world will look good.

--Yang Xiwen

8. Silicon Valley Wang Chuan, 2019-03-20

1/ Pain, as a negative feedback, is very important. It can tell you what you can't do, and it can give you deep memories. As long as the pain is controlled within the appropriate range, it is very important and beneficial for healthy growth. The so-called "paper to finally feel shallow", because there is no pain in paying, so some things can not always be remembered, can not be solidified into the brain's neural network, once the practice will be problematic.

2/ So look at pain with a healthy mindset and understand the signals behind it, rather than turning a blind eye like an ostrich.

3/ So be wary of all kinds of anesthetics, because it obscures the negative feedback signal, so that the risk is not avoided, and the objective world is completely misunderstood for a long time, and there is no difference between zombies and zombies.

4/ Therefore, when encountering people who want to take shortcuts, who want to avoid pain, who do not want to pay a price, they must be vigilant and cannot accommodate, otherwise they will be taken to the ditch by these people.

9. Silicon Valley Wang Chuan, 2019-03-10

1/ Data, information, knowledge, insight, wisdom, and influence are piled up layer by layer. After laying a good foundation, and then doing the above things, it will come naturally.

2/ External influence is easy to see, and it is also what everyone wants to get, but there is no bottom layer of foundation piled up, it will be difficult to really do it, it is not possible, and finally it is found that it is still forced to return to the bottom layer to lay the foundation.

3/ Be careful of some shortcuts, it seems to be clever, but if there is no real underlying knowledge / insight / wisdom to support, the situation changes slightly, do not know how to deal with, immediately appear in the original form, the so-called "virtue is not matched"

4/ Multiple data cross-verification, into information; a variety of information synthesis, the formation of knowledge; knowledge re-refinement, the formation of insights; a variety of insights and re-synthesis, into wisdom. It's a constant cycle. With wisdom, it is more likely to do the right thing at the right time and exert greater influence.

5/ When encountering difficulties and getting stuck, the fastest way is to look for insight and wisdom of the so-called dry goods, but this often only cures the symptoms. If you go back to the bottom and look for new raw data and information, although it takes a longer time, you can often discover new insights and wisdom, and you can really cure the root cause.


In this era, very few young people can arrange themselves right. The wiser the person, the easier it is to have desires, and the more he does not know where to put that heart. The mind should really rest in the present moment.

But smart people, always running away, irritable and restless. Therefore, it goes without ambition that it is necessary to say that those who think they have ambition are often not ambition but desire.

—— "ChaoYue" Liang Shuming

Indulgence is letting your weaknesses control your strengths; allowing the unhealthy part of your life to take control; knowing that you have to do something but not bothering to do it, and allowing inertia to manipulate your life.


11. Hua Rong, 2022-02-01

【How to be an interesting person?】 Have a fun life? 】

1. Read world masterpieces, learn from people in world masterpieces, do world masterpieces, and learn from the experiences and lessons in world masterpieces (my favorite is "Les Misérables").

2, have a replicable example in reality, learn from him, catch up with him, surpass him (my example is Wang Yangming).

3, learn to make money, all your study, hard work, the first goal must be money, the first 10 million, this is an interesting premise, the poor can not be noble and interesting (there is only accidental and modified).

4) Do at least one fun and long-term thing you can (like "Million Pounds").

12. XinjunYi 58, 2022-01-31

Chinese pay the most attention to eating, and even the saints say that the people take food as the sky, and they also say that everything is leisurely, and only eating is great. The Dream of the Red Chamber is written in a large number of pages to eat, the Water Margin is even more wine and meat, and the Journey to the West begins with eating the meat of Tang monks. Eat the pot, since ancient times

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