
"Yun HaiWen Tu Original" ___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly at will in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful... ^_^ The beautiful spring scenery seems to have been paved in this morning

author:Poems of the sea of clouds and distant places 666

"Yun Hai Wen Tu Original"

___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly freely in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful...


The beauty of spring seems to have filled this early spring season in February.

And tonight's scene, suddenly experienced the silent, clean soul of the sweet fragrance.

The wild passion of the spring night has clearly felt a full warmth pervading.

Although it has only been a while, the mood of longing for spring color is gradually heating up, just like a touch of red in spring...

At this moment, sit alone in a rocking chair; taste tea, and meditate in the window.

Inside, once again into the quiet and colorful world of words.

When the thoughts are enlightened, the dialogue of the heart and the whispers of feelings once again ring in the ears...

The drifting of the night wind, stirring up the shadow of the street lamp;

The dark fragrance of a night stand, the bloom of the heart;

The gentleness of the night, awakening a glimpse of Feihong;

The night is dark, and she continues to write beautiful dreams...

Is it the sparkling dripping hope, the drunken asahi of the watchman?


Let this warmth in your heart not be willing to hold each other, and gently drag on the thinness of that layer for a moment?

Just thinking, will wild thoughts, grazing on the wilderness in the depths of the soul;

Just want to put a curtain of spring dreams flowing in the long river of rushing thoughts;

Let these:

Little by little, vigorous, exuberant and pulsating.

At this time, the mind, with the deepening of the night, is full of hesitation,

Feel free to float...

Heaven and earth, north and north, integrating the past and the present;

In the home country, the feelings are infinite.

This, the ultimate invigorating!

The sea and the sky are wide, telling the story of the past and the present;

Between big things and small emotions, interpreting the intertwining of tragedy and joy.

This, pure heart!

When embracing each other, feel concerned and worried;

Where the truth is moved, feel the heart and hand in hand.

This, warm joy!

Straight and straight, show your love and keep your promises;

Strive to appeal to the ideal, must be down-to-earth.

This, upward aspirations! ......

Early spring nights, cozy. It is the best solitude space, calm and peaceful...

Here, you can let your mind run freely, or you can watch people and analyze things at will.

The heart, which can gradually feel in the text;

Love, can continue to mature in language...

I, in the silence of the early spring night, sat quietly on the pure land at the bottom of my heart, slightly closed my eyes, and thought quietly


Dear friend, is your spring night quiet? Can you really calm down your mind on a spring night? ......

——Yunhai early spring midnight whispering feelings, with the experience of writing, in order to share with partners.

Good night and good dreams to all of you.

"Yun HaiWen Tu Original" ___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly at will in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful... ^_^ The beautiful spring scenery seems to have been paved in this morning
"Yun HaiWen Tu Original" ___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly at will in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful... ^_^ The beautiful spring scenery seems to have been paved in this morning
"Yun HaiWen Tu Original" ___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly at will in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful... ^_^ The beautiful spring scenery seems to have been paved in this morning
"Yun HaiWen Tu Original" ___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly at will in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful... ^_^ The beautiful spring scenery seems to have been paved in this morning
"Yun HaiWen Tu Original" ___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly at will in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful... ^_^ The beautiful spring scenery seems to have been paved in this morning
"Yun HaiWen Tu Original" ___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly at will in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful... ^_^ The beautiful spring scenery seems to have been paved in this morning
"Yun HaiWen Tu Original" ___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly at will in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful... ^_^ The beautiful spring scenery seems to have been paved in this morning
"Yun HaiWen Tu Original" ___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly at will in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful... ^_^ The beautiful spring scenery seems to have been paved in this morning
"Yun HaiWen Tu Original" ___ Warm early spring midnight, let the mind fly at will in the best solitude space, calm and peaceful... ^_^ The beautiful spring scenery seems to have been paved in this morning

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