
One day, an old pedant was walking at night and suddenly met a friend who had been dead for a long time. When he encountered a ghost, the old scholar did not feel afraid, and asked the friend: Where are you going? that

author:Haruyama breeze bright moon

One day, an old pedant was walking at night and suddenly met a friend who had been dead for a long time.

When he encountered a ghost, the old scholar did not feel afraid, and asked the friend: Where are you going?

The dead friend replied to him: I am now a ghost messenger, and I want to go to the South Village to seduce people's souls.

The ghost was going to the South Village, and the old scholar was just on the way, so they walked together.

As we walked, a man and a ghost came to a broken room.

The ghost pointed to the house and said: This should be the home of the literati.

The old pedant was very curious and asked the ghost: How do you know?

The ghost said: Ordinary people are busy making a living during the day, and their hearts are pure and vulgar, so that they can hide their original spirituality. Only when you sleep at night and don't think about anything, then a person's spirituality is clear and clear. And the reader, the books they have read, will shoot out all the words, and radiate out through the holes in his whole body, so ethereal, colorful, and as splendid as a splendid embroidery. Scholars like Zheng Xuan and Kong Anguo, and articles like Qu Yuan, Song Yu, Ban Gu, Sima Qian, and others, the light emitted by them went straight into the clouds and competed with the stars and the moon; less than theirs, the light was also a few feet high, or a few feet high, and decreased in turn. Even the most inferior person can emit a faint light like a small oil lamp, and can see the doors and windows. However, this kind of light is invisible to the naked eye, and only ghosts and spirits can see it. The reason why I say this is the home of a literati is because on this broken house, the light is as high as seven or eight feet.

The old pedant asked more curiously: I have read all my life, how high is the light when I fall asleep?

The ghost wanted to talk and stopped, and groaned for a long time before saying: Yesterday after passing through your private school, you were taking a nap. I saw in your chest a high-headed sermon, five or six hundred ink scrolls, seventy or eighty scriptures, thirty or forty strategies, all of which turned into black smoke and hung over the roof. The students' reading sound seemed to be sealed in a thick cloud and fog. I couldn't really see a glimmer of light, and I didn't dare tell a lie.

The old scholar listened to the angry rebuke of the ghost, and the ghost laughed and left.

This is a story in the Notes on Reading Wei Caotang, a short literary novel written in the form of notes by Ji Yun, a scholar of the Hanlin Yuan of the Qing Dynasty, in the form of notes written by Ji Yun between the fifty-fourth year of Qianlong (1789 AD) and the third year of Jiaqing (1798 AD).

Reading this novel, I was reminded of today's novel writing. According to the data, there are more than 10,000 novels published every year, and as for the novels and online novels published at their own expense, there are countless vehicles.

However, in the ghost words of the above story, how many can compete with the stars and the moon? Second, how many feet of light can there be, and how many can there be? Ten thousand steps back, can emit a faint light like a small oil lamp, and what proportion of those who can see doors and windows can account for it?

It must be said that the writing speed of modern people is unmatched by any era, the total number of words in each book is more than 10 million, the starting number of daily updates is 10,000 words, and even Zhang Hateshui, who is known as the first writer of the Republic of China, is beyond reach!

1928 was the busiest period for Zhang Hexhui to write. This year, he also had "Chunming Foreign History", "Chunming New History", "Golden Powder Family", "Flower of Youth", "Heaven on Earth", "Sword and Guts Qin Heart" 6 novels serialized in different newspapers and periodicals, 6 novels with different characters, plots, and processes, so outstanding writing ability, it is indeed very human. According to the legend of Wen you: Every night at nine o'clock in the evening, the editors of the newspaper library who came to ask for manuscripts lined up at the door of Zhang's house, and Zhang Hexhui bowed his head and wrote a book on the manuscript paper, thousands of words were written in one go, and each person handed it over. Even one day, he sat on the mahjong table and became addicted, and the newspaper hall came to urge him to write, he played mahjong with his left hand, wrote with his right hand, and still delivered the manuscript on time.

It is such a super writer, these six novels, the total number of words is not tens of millions, compared to today's novels with more than ten million words of masters, or a lot inferior.

However, when it comes to readers, today's writers cannot be compared with Mr. Zhang. His readers ranged from Hongru down to Bai Ding. Chen Yinke, a university scholar revered as the "Professor of Professors", is also a fan of Zhang Hexhui. As early as the time of the Southwest United University, Chen Yinke was seriously ill and blind in both eyes, and he invited his friend Wu Mi to the school library to borrow Zhang Hexhui's novel "Water Margin New Biography" and read it to him every day, which became the only pastime in his daily hospital bed.

Lu Xun's mother was a "fan of novels" by Zhang Hexhui, and Lu Xun was a filial piety, and whenever Zhang Hexhui's new book was published, he must buy it back and give it to his old mother. Some people have consulted the "Complete Works of Lu Xun", which directly mentions that There is only one place where Zhang Hates Water, which is a letter written to his mother when he was in Shanghai in 1934: The mother's lord kneels to pay homage to him, three days ago, he bought a twelve copies of "The Golden Powder Family" and a three copies of "Beauty and Grace".

When "The Cause of Laughter" was serialized, there was a long line in front of the newspaper office, competing to recite it. According to records, when Shanghai citizens met, they often took the stories in their works as the subject of conversation and predicted the fate of the characters; many people who did not read newspapers on weekdays also subscribed to newspapers; Shanghai citizens developed culture, and the requirements for adapting dramas and movies came one after another. Even for the issue of "production exclusivity", star film companies and Dahua Film Company have started a lawsuit... These lively actions have further aroused the interest of readers and become the external factors driving the "fanaticism" of social newspaper reading.

What's more, the "good and bad" comments from all walks of life at that time also added oil and vinegar to the work and drove popularity. A natural science worker named Cheng Mingxiang also took the initiative to write a review: "Therefore, I think that the success of the creation of "Laughter Causes" is two reasons. First, the author is full of genius descriptions. Second, the facts adopted by the author are not illusory, but can stand in a purely objective position. "'Causes of Laughter' can promote the style of 'pleasure and not obscenity'. He wants to stir up people's emotions, he wants to hint at the joys of life. He has his own noble and pure pen and ink, and absolutely disdains to make a record of the salted meat house book. The four words of 'pleasure and not obscenity' can only be borne by "The Cause of Laughter". ”

This comment is probably the light in the ghost mouth of "Notes on Reading Wei Caotang".

We look forward to those works that compete with the sun and the moon, even if they emit a faint light like a small oil lamp, and can illuminate the doors and windows, which are worth looking forward to.

However, thousands of typos have turned into black smoke to pollute the environment.

One day, an old pedant was walking at night and suddenly met a friend who had been dead for a long time. When he encountered a ghost, the old scholar did not feel afraid, and asked the friend: Where are you going? that
One day, an old pedant was walking at night and suddenly met a friend who had been dead for a long time. When he encountered a ghost, the old scholar did not feel afraid, and asked the friend: Where are you going? that

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