
The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Why did you take pictures in the first place? Most people do it to record the moments that move us, even if it's only 1/125th of a second.

"There's nothing worse than a picture with a vague concept but brilliant images." Ansel Adams, who is regarded by many photographers as a master, said so.

There are photos of stories that move people the most.

Today to share a brushed screen article, although there is no provenance so far, but each picture has a story, I hope to give our photographer some inspiration.

— 1—

On the streets in the winter evening, a father who picked up his daughter from school took off the thickest cotton coat on his body and put it on his daughter. While shivering, she looked at her daughter with a loving face, afraid that she would accidentally tripped over the clothes that were about to be mopped.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Father's love is silent, but it has always been there.

— 2—

A haggard-faced father was silently watching his two daughters eat fried chicken, but he didn't order anything. He told his daughter that he was not hungry, but in fact he did not have more money in his pocket.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

When we grew up, we learned that the warmest lie in the world was said by mom and dad:

I don't love to eat, I'm not hungry.

— 3—

A mother bought a hard seat for the train back to her hometown at night, and after putting her young child to sleep, she protected the child in this position and stood for 11 hours.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Mom's arm bend is your eternal haven, always able to protect you without hesitation.

— 4—

Also on the train, in order to make his son sleep more comfortably, the father simply sat in the aisle to rest.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

No matter how small and crowded the world is, father will give you the love of the greatest space.

— 5—

As a mother, for the sake of life, for the sake of the family, I am persistently working hard every day. Well, after sweeping this street we will go home.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Mother's love is always a thread, holding the most precious you.

— 6—

At the Nanchang Railway Station in Jiangxi Province, a mother carrying oversized luggage. The heavy bag bent her waist, but she held the swaddled child strongly.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

The female is weak, and the mother is strong. She picked up the child and carried the love on her back.

Chinese-style parents are mostly not very expressive

Probably never heard them say "I love you"

But from childhood to adulthood, I secretly loved you with actions for a lifetime

As a child, they never said they loved you

But quietly gave you the best

Rich or poor, sick or miserable

Give everything to love you, including your own life

— 7—

A father carried more than 200 pounds of goods on his shoulders, clutching one corner of the goods with one hand and leading his little son down the stairs with the other.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Fathers not only have the iron and hardness of shouldering heavy burdens, but also the tenderness of holding their children's fingers.

— 8—

On one construction site, there was a woman who stood out. Carrying one or two hundred pounds of cement mortar on his shoulders, he also had to carry his own children on his back. The child slept quietly and nicely.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

If you think the years are quiet, someone must be carrying the weight for you.

— 9—

In a major traffic accident in Yunnan, the mother protected the child with her body. After being rescued in the hospital, the first thought was that the child was hungry and it was time to breastfeed...

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

The nurturing grace of parents is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea!

— 10—

A poor mother in Jilin has bone cancer, which is already advanced, and doctors say she only has 15 months left. Worried that she would not be able to take care of her son after death, she knitted all the sweaters she needed before the age of 25 in the last part of her life.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

When there is no mother in this world, do you feel cold?

— 11—

My daughter's nine-month-old liver transplant, the father gave her a part of his liver, this is the child has just transferred from the ICU to the general ward, the father's eyes have never left the daughter's face...

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Although your parents can't give you the best in the world, they do their best to give you the best within their ability.

— 12—

In Xingtang County, Hebei Province, a child suffered from a skin disease, and her mother cut off the entire abdomen, ribs, and buttocks to skin the child, a total of more than 2,000 square centimeters. In order to save all the money for the child's post-treatment, the mother did not use painkillers after surgery, and insisted on stopping the treatment after 4 days of infusion!

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Mother, may you exchange your body for the health of your life.

The skin of the body, the parents of the receiving, born as a human being, should be filial to the parents.

— 13—

On Tianhe Road in Guangzhou, a mother held her child tightly in her arms and knelt in the direction of the sports center, paying no attention to the contemptuous eyes of others.

Her child had an eye disease and couldn't afford treatment, and the mother posted online for help. Some netizens let her hold her child from the middle of Guangzhou Avenue while kneeling to the sports center, and if she could kneel, she would give her 20,000 yuan, and she believed that it was true that she was eager to save her child...

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

There is a narration in the TV series "Please Answer 1988":

Occasionally I feel that my mother is very humiliated, why don't I even have the most basic face and self-esteem?

That's because, more than herself, she has more precious things she wants to protect...

That's you.

Growing up, they never said they loved you

But silently supporting you to fly behind your back

For you to succeed in your studies, to see your career take off, to see you marry happy

When we occasionally looked up, we found our parents left behind

But they smiled and waved at us and said:

"I'm fine" "It's okay"

"Leave us alone, you can try to live the life you want."

But you don't know: every time you watch your back drift away

When they turned back, they quietly shed tears

— 14—

I failed in my graduate school, cried and called my parents, and the next day my father showed up. In the train while he was sleeping, he traveled thousands of miles to see me just to say: It's okay Daddy is coming. @Liu Jiupeng-

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

People who truly love you are never willing to leave you alone.

— 15—

After the college entrance examination, I came out of the examination room and felt that I had taken a very bad test.

Father said: You are already very good, it doesn't matter, even if you can't pass the exam, Dad is proud of you.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Maybe you're not good, but they still value you as much as they want.

— 16—

At Beijing West Railway Station, a couple stood in the cold wind for a long time. They rushed from Henan to Beijing, they wanted to quietly look at their son who was standing guard and leave, but they did not expect to be discovered by their son, and when they saw their son's red circles, their parents' footsteps could no longer leave...

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

You have your career and persistence, your parents are only you, and they only want to see you at all.

— 17—

Every time I return from a long vacation, the trunk of the car is like this, and it is about to be stuffed! Even the passenger seat has fallen, and Mom and Dad said: Don't go if you don't fill it up!

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

This full car is full of mother's worries and reluctance.

— 18—

Every time I leave home, I say goodbye to them and rush to catch the car, for fear of delaying the return time.

Until I bought a car this year and saw in the rearview mirror that they had followed my car all the way to a long way...

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Long Yingtai said: I slowly and slowly learned that the so-called father-daughter mother-son relationship only means that your fate with him is that you and this life continue to watch his back drift away.

— 19—

I thought my dad never cried. But my mother said: Your father has only cried twice in most of his life, once when you were born and once when you were married.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

When you were born, his whole world was illuminated.

When you leave, his whole world is taken away.

— 20—

My mother also cried for a long time on the day I got married. She said: My little cotton jacket has been given to someone else, what will I do in the future...

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

It is not their daughters who marry out, but their lives!

— 21—

I always think that life is so long, and there are more opportunities to meet with my parents. But unexpectedly, after getting married, I couldn't go home twice a year, and only then did I understand the words my mother cried and said: "After that, we will be left with two old families, and it will not be lively at all."

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Marrying far away is the most regrettable decision in my life.

When your life has stepped on one new level after another

When you're busy getting excited about going to school again and again

When you are immersed in the joy of promotion after promotion

When you have your own lover and family

But your parents have quietly aged before you

When you're old, come and quietly love you

— 23—

In a county town in Shanxi, there are rice song performances on the streets, and the old father is short and cannot be seen outside the crowd. Just like when he was a child, he rode on his father's shoulder to watch a play, and the son picked up his skinny father so that he could see it effortlessly.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Time flies, my father's hair begins to gray, his muscular body is already slumped, and when you look closely, you will find that he is as old as an old newspaper...

— 24—

The son took the old mother up the mountain to visit the grave, because the mountain road is not easy to walk, and in some places the son got out of the car and pushed the mother forward. The octogenarian mother kept saying, "Let me come down, don't work so hard, you are old, your body can't eat." ”

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Mom, I want to protect you as much as you protect me.

— 25—

In Shandong, the son used a scooter to push his eighty-year-old mother, talking and laughing all the way, walking and stopping.

The mother's legs and feet are not good, but she often thinks about going out to see the outside world, so as soon as she has free time, the son pushes his mother to go around and go to more places to see.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Where has the time gone, and before I can take you out for a walk, I can't walk.

— 26—

The old mother, who was over eighty years old, was weak and wanted to sit down and rest when she went out for a walk, but there was no bench on the side of the road, so the son picked up his mother and let her sit on his lap.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

Where has the time gone, and before I have properly hugged you, I am old.

— 27—

A man in Shandong, who left his hometown to work hard in Beijing, went home to see his father's gray hair, could not suppress the guilt in his heart at the station, turned to his elderly parents on his knees and prostrated, and said goodbye with tears.

The technique of these photographs is poor, the picture quality is very poor, but it is very moving

There will always be a last goodbye, and hopefully not every time it will be full of guilt.

Parents are here, life still has a place to come, parents go, life is only the way home.

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