
"Read one more day, eat one more piece of meat" Day 1132

A foreign scholar said that he spent twenty years to conduct a follow-up survey of 10,000 primary school students in school, and found that all families attach more importance to their children's education, and after twenty years, children have become useful people in society, especially those children whose parents attach great importance to them. Whether the conclusion is correct or not, it at least reminds us of the importance of homeschooling for children. Many parents should have had this feeling, when we are strict with our children, although the children have such and such problems, but many aspects of the child will still develop in the direction we envision. As soon as we lack supervision of children, the problem of children comes. Therefore, as parents, we must take responsibility for running our home well and creating a good learning environment for our children. Home is a child's first school, and the quality of this school directly affects the child's future. Therefore, we must pay attention to our own image and build our own home for our children. Create a warm, harmonious and happy family environment for children.

"Read one more day, eat one more piece of meat" Day 1132
"Read one more day, eat one more piece of meat" Day 1132

The photos posted in the article are collected and sorted out by me through various channels over the past fifteen years. Therefore, the era background of each photo is different. These photos are posted daily in the hope that children with similar situations will receive more attention from caring people. At the same time, I also hope that children with good family conditions will learn more about the situation of children with poor family conditions in life and learning, and know how to cherish their happy life! (Some of the images come from the Internet, if there are portrait, copyright or other issues, please contact me in time to correct them.) Edit: Uncle Bamboo Ball

"Read one more day, eat one more piece of meat" Day 1132
"Read one more day, eat one more piece of meat" Day 1132

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