
Real estate buyers have the feeling that when you walk into a big city alone, don't buy a house because of the high salary level in this area, why? Because the dividend of the high salary in this area has been

author:Go and see the world

Real estate buyers have a feeling

When you walk into a big city alone, don't buy a house because of the high salary level in this area, why? Because the dividend of higher salaries in this area has been harvested by real estate.

When you walk into a big city alone, don't buy a house just because you found a job you don't like, why? Because by buying a house, you may be able to do only work for the rest of your life that you are not interested in.

When you walk into a big city alone, if your salary level is only enough for you to maintain a mortgage and maintain your living standards alone, don't rush to buy a house, why? Because then you can't afford to take care of your wife and children and your elderly parents, so you have to choose to be single.

Don't believe that real estate is a lie about investing in commodities that preserve and increase in value, and the commodities themselves are used for consumption. Buyers are used to consume, and sellers are used to make money and cash out. If you spend thirty years on a mortgage and live in a house for thirty years and still make money, there is only one possibility, that is, the money you sold at that time can no longer buy a brand new house, and the money at that time is no longer the value of your original money. At that point, you'll have to make up a lot of money to get into a brand new house, because the inflationary part of the price difference, the bank has already helped you in.

If you walk into a big city, find a satisfactory job, think that you can live and work in peace, you can afford to buy, you have the ability to re-establish a new family, and you have the ability to support your own family, you don't have to worry about what you have to lose, you should buy it, this is just what you need.

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