
Children who grow up to be cowardly and inferior, most of them have these 3 kinds of mothers, and it is too late to change now

What is inferiority? Inferiority is a negative state of mind with low self-evaluation, many children will have such a mentality, they are inferior, dare not communicate with others, feel inferior, do not have any self-confidence, this mentality is not good for the growth of children, and even affect their future learning and work.

The child's inferiority and family environment have a great impact, and the mother is the most influenced, the father's role in the family is the pillar, bearing the responsibility of raising a family, the child's concern may be relatively small, the child and the mother spend more time together, the mother's personality will affect the child's personality.

Children who grow up to be cowardly and inferior, most of them have these 3 kinds of mothers, and it is too late to change now

Linlin's childhood is a nightmare for her, her parents often quarrel, her father beat her mother twice for three days, scolding her mother is useless, and her mother is only promised, do not dare to resist, at the beginning when her father beat her mother, Linlin will be protected by her mother, and then her mother will not protect her, she is often beaten by her drunken father with her mother.

Mother often told Linlin, if it were not for you, I would have divorced a long time ago, Linlin was very sad to hear her mother's words, she felt that she was the culprit of this matter, it was she who caused her mother's misfortune.

When going to school, there are often children who show off how good their parents' feelings are, go out to travel together, Linlin never participates in this topic, when the teacher talks about children are the crystallization of parental love, Linlin only feels that she is the beginning of her mother's misfortune, if there is no herself, her mother will live better.

Children who grow up to be cowardly and inferior, most of them have these 3 kinds of mothers, and it is too late to change now

This kind of thinking makes her inferior, she feels that her existence is a mistake, she does not dare to communicate with others, for fear of bringing her own bad luck to others.

Linlin grew up, and finally got rid of that family, but the inferiority has been deeply rooted in her heart, when her husband proposed to go back to Linlin's house for two days, she quickly refused, she was afraid that her husband knew that she caused her mother's misfortune, for her husband she was also obedient, she has always felt that she is an unlucky ghost, and her husband is willing to ask her to be her luck.

Children who grow up to be cowardly and inferior, most of them have these 3 kinds of mothers, and it is too late to change now

If the mother has these three behaviors, the child may be affected, and the mother who has won the game must change

First, the mother overbears

Some mothers have a traditional and conservative ideology, they have been enduring domestic violence and abuse and do not want to divorce, in their view, they are old, if divorced there is no place to go, this may be their fate, they have been endured, in this case, the children will also be affected, they will also begin to believe in fate, encounter unfair things to endure, they will be degraded, feel that they are very bad, have inferiority complex, dare not try new things.

Children who grow up to be cowardly and inferior, most of them have these 3 kinds of mothers, and it is too late to change now

Second, there is no confident mother

Some mothers are very inferior people, they feel that they can't do anything, don't dare to challenge some things, afraid that they have done the wrong thing to make others unhappy, the mother's psychology will affect the child, the child will also learn the mother's psychology, encounter things do not dare to take responsibility, will only push three blocks, subconsciously feel: I can't do it, I don't do it, I am worse than others.

Children who grow up to be cowardly and inferior, most of them have these 3 kinds of mothers, and it is too late to change now

Third, the mother who does not work hard

Meng Meng's mother plays cards all day, does beauty, does not advance at all, just cares about eating well and drinking well, Meng Meng Dad is very hard every day, Mom educates Meng Meng all day, people's fate is destined, you see aunt Lin next door is destined to marry the rich second generation, living a good life, you see mom is destined to marry your father, this is fate, you have to believe, such education makes Meng Meng feel that her fate is destined to be an ordinary person, she began to become unconfident, in front of others can not look up, feel that she is too bad.

Children who grow up to be cowardly and inferior, most of them have these 3 kinds of mothers, and it is too late to change now

The unmotivated mother will always feel that everything is predestined, and also educate the child in this way, her negative emotions will affect the child, let the child feel that his fate is like this, can not look up in front of others, and dare not do something.

Mother's education has a great impact on children, what kind of mother educates what kind of child, if you want your child to have a strong heart, self-reliance and self-reliance, mothers must pay attention to it, to educate children scientifically, and lead by example.

The child's character determines the fate of the child, and parents must correctly discipline the child and cultivate a good character for the child.

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