
An executive in Shaanxi Province beat his wife in a frenzied domestic violence in front of his children, traumatizing or deeply rooted in DNA

author:Xu Dewen Science Channel
An executive in Shaanxi Province beat his wife in a frenzied domestic violence in front of his children, traumatizing or deeply rooted in DNA


An executive in Shaanxi Province beat his wife in a frenzied domestic violence in front of his children, traumatizing or deeply rooted in DNA


The Rwandan genocide occurred in the 100 days from April 6 to mid-July 1994, and some 500,000 to 1 million of Rwanda's more than 7 million people were killed in the genocide.

Rwanda, which is mainly composed of 80% Hutu and 18% Tutsi, has been ruled by a minority Tutsi, and after the end of Belgian colonial rule in 1962, the regime was handed over to the majority Hutu, which led to a policy of racial discrimination against Tutsi, which led to a long civil war between government forces and the Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front.

An executive in Shaanxi Province beat his wife in a frenzied domestic violence in front of his children, traumatizing or deeply rooted in DNA

On 6 April 1994, a plane carrying the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi was shot down near the capital, Kigali, killing two Hutu presidents, and the genocide against the Tutsis broke out and quickly spread to every corner of the country.

Rwanda is one of the most densely populated countries in Africa, and overnight, the mixed Hutu and Tutsi have become enemies, with Hutu setting up barricades, checking everyone's identity card, killing all Tutsis, young and old;

Not only that, but moderate Hutus who did not want to participate in the killing of Tutsi, as well as Hutu women who married Tutsi, were also targeted, and according to the final estimate, up to 500,000 to 1 million Tutsi and Hutu were massacred in this genocide, accounting for about 10% of the country's total population.

An executive in Shaanxi Province beat his wife in a frenzied domestic violence in front of his children, traumatizing or deeply rooted in DNA

Extremely bad rapes also occurred during the Massacre, with Tutsi women and Hutus women married to Tutsis experiencing exceptionally brutal sexual violence, and some women who were raped were even subjected to genital injuries with knives, sharp sticks, boiling water and acid. According to a 2012 study, almost all female survivors over the age of 12 have been raped, and the number may be between 250,000 and 500,000.

Even more frightening, most of the weapons used in the massacre were familiar tools such as machetes, sticks, shotguns and axes, and 37.9% of them were killed by machetes, which had a terrible consequence: many survivors suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or traumatic sequelae, in their daily lives.

An executive in Shaanxi Province beat his wife in a frenzied domestic violence in front of his children, traumatizing or deeply rooted in DNA

Post-traumatic sequelae refers to mental illness caused by people after experiencing traumatic events such as emotions, wars, and traffic accidents, and its symptoms include unpleasant thoughts, feelings or dreams, mental or physical discomfort and tension when contacting related things, attempting to avoid contact or even destroying related things, sudden changes in cognition and feelings, and frequent stress. These symptoms tend to appear after a traumatic event and persist for more than a month.

Not only can the victim develop travascularities, but the perpetrator may also lead to PTSD, such as the killing of a soldier, the execution of a criminal police officer, or even the slaughter of an animal, and this psychological trauma may be more severe.

An executive in Shaanxi Province beat his wife in a frenzied domestic violence in front of his children, traumatizing or deeply rooted in DNA

The University of South Florida study took blood samples from 33 women and 26 offspring who were pregnant at the time of the Rwandan genocide for DNA testing, of which 20 women were affected by genocide-related trauma, 13 were not experienced, 16 were affected, and 10 were not affected.

An executive in Shaanxi Province beat his wife in a frenzied domestic violence in front of his children, traumatizing or deeply rooted in DNA

The results showed that women who were pregnant at the time of genocide and the children they were pregnant had chemical modifications associated with mental disorders that occurred in genes previously associated with the risk of mental disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. Studies have shown that what happens during pregnancy can have long-term effects on the fetus — many symptoms don't appear until later in life; unlike genetic mutations, these chemical "epigenetic" modifications can produce post-traumatic stress responses for generations.

An executive in Shaanxi Province beat his wife in a frenzied domestic violence in front of his children, traumatizing or deeply rooted in DNA

Many people in Rwanda currently suffer from PTSD or other mental health disorders, and they want to know why they experience these feelings and these problems, and they want to know as soon as possible whether this trauma has epigenetic effects on the third generation. Researchers are taking more DNA samples to gain insight into how trauma affects the risk of specific mental health disorders, such as PTSD.

An executive in Shaanxi Province beat his wife in a frenzied domestic violence in front of his children, traumatizing or deeply rooted in DNA

Since violence can lead to DNA modifications associated with mental disorders in pregnant women and fetuses, this means that violent events in ordinary people or children may also be imprinted on the DNA and affected from generation to generation. Therefore, the Shaanxi domestic violence man mentioned at the beginning of the article is really very bad, especially the violence committed by the mother in front of the young child, and some terrible events in the Rwandan massacre, there may be no essential difference in post-traumatic stress disorder, and the whole society should take this as a warning.

From the video and the woman's article, we can see that this woman is no problem, and this man may really be a scumbag. First, when he was beaten, the woman was still protecting her daughter, and the sentence "Baby, don't be afraid" made people cry; second, the two-year-old daughter was afraid of him, and as soon as she saw him, she hid in her mother's arms. Of course, after watching the "heroic" feat of this guy hitting a woman who has no way to fight back, I feel that the word "scumbag" is too unfair to him and must be severely punished!

The study was published in Epigenomics.

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