
Confinement can not drink carp soup? The confinement meal is eaten like this, and the mother's body recovers well and the mother is breastfeeding

Fang Fang gave birth to a big fat boy, and when she was discharged from the hospital and returned home, her mother-in-law was already waiting at home with the ingredients prepared from the countryside. When the mother-in-law saw Fangfang, she quickly helped her to lie down in the room, let Fangfang recuperate well, everything in the family could be done by the mother-in-law, and she would definitely be able to take care of Fangfang and the baby very well.

As a daughter-in-law, I am sure to be happy to hear such words from my mother-in-law. Although FangFang was very tired, she still said to her mother-in-law: "Mother-in-law, you have worked hard." ”

Confinement can not drink carp soup? The confinement meal is eaten like this, and the mother's body recovers well and the mother is breastfeeding

When it was time for dinner, the mother-in-law took a large bowl of fish soup and told Fang Fang to get up and drink fish soup, giving birth to a child is so hard, it is necessary to make up for it. Fang Fang took a few sips, felt that the taste was strange, and asked in passing: "Mother-in-law, what kind of fish is this soup made of?" ”

The mother-in-law smiled and said, "This is the big carp that my father-in-law caught from his own fish pond early in the morning, several pounds, you drink two more bites." ”

Confinement can not drink carp soup? The confinement meal is eaten like this, and the mother's body recovers well and the mother is breastfeeding

Fang Fang heard that the bowl was carp soup and quickly stopped. Fang Fang grew up from childhood to adulthood, and people around her often mentioned that pregnant women are confinement, and they must not drink carp soup! Now that I have drunk a small half bowl of carp soup, I don't know if it is harmful to my body, Fang Fang quickly called her friend.

It turns out that pregnant women can drink carp soup, but some pregnant women have indigestion and are allergic to eating carp, so it is not suitable to drink carp soup.

Although the mother has completed the delivery and there is no baby in the stomach, there is no emphasis on what to eat and how to eat. Let's see, how should pregnant women eat?

Confinement can not drink carp soup? The confinement meal is eaten like this, and the mother's body recovers well and the mother is breastfeeding

Eliminate the lochia moon meal

In the minds of ordinary people, the mother has just given birth to the baby, the body is weak, it is the time to make up for it. In fact, just after giving birth to the baby, don't make up for it.

What is the reason for this? Because the first 7 days after giving birth to the baby are the golden period for the elimination of lochia. It takes 4 to 6 weeks for the lochia to be completely drained, but the first week is very important.

If the waste in the body is not discharged, it is hurriedly arranged to supplement, which will prolong the recovery period of the uterus, and even cause lochia in severe cases.

According to my previous experience during confinement, I eat millet porridge, steamed eggs, soup noodles, rib soup, lily soup, lean porridge, egg noodles, biochemical soup, angelica crucian carp soup, sweet potato porridge, boiled water eggs, winter melon rib soup and so on.

Confinement can not drink carp soup? The confinement meal is eaten like this, and the mother's body recovers well and the mother is breastfeeding

Recovery of the body confinement meal

In the second week after childbirth, the mother can adjust her daily diet appropriately. For example, you can eat more blood and calcium foods, which can restore the pelvis and promote the contraction of internal organs.

Of course, adding more types of food does not mean that you can let go and eat casually. The diet is still light, and greasy food is not recommended.

With the increase in the amount of food the baby eats, some pregnant women may feel that the baby will not be hungry? Do not eat more prolactin foods. This week's diet, the important thing is to restore the mother's body, eat some prolactin food appropriately, can not be too hasty.

In my experience at the time, pregnant women could eat chicken porridge, boiled eggs, milk, striped fish, yellow bone fish, rice, boiled eggs, peanut stewed pig's trotters, beef, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, mullet soup, papaya milk, pork liver, crucian carp soup, etc.

Confinement can not drink carp soup? The confinement meal is eaten like this, and the mother's body recovers well and the mother is breastfeeding

Conditioning the body, milking confinement meal

In the third week of confinement, the maternal body will recover a lot, the previous discomfort will be reduced a lot, and the gastrointestinal function will be basically restored, starting from this week, you can eat some nourishing food appropriately.

However, the physical fitness of each mother is different, and the mother should choose the tonic ingredients suitable for her according to her own physical condition and begin to supplement nutrition.

In addition, the baby's food intake is getting larger and larger, and the mother should take into account eating some milk-inducing food to ensure that the baby has enough "food" to grow up healthily.

When I sit in confinement myself, I will eat TianQiwu chicken soup, black sesame peanut porridge, steamed pork ribs, red date ginseng soup, bone millet porridge, pig tail soup, pork belly soup, black chicken white phoenix soup, pork liver porridge and so on.

Confinement can not drink carp soup? The confinement meal is eaten like this, and the mother's body recovers well and the mother is breastfeeding

Nourishing body confinement meal

After three weeks of recuperation, the mother's mental outlook and physical condition have been renewed. This week is a critical time for women to recover their health and physical well-being.

As the saying goes, "confinement is the second life of a daughter", and if this week is well conditioned, the mother will become more and more radiant. Therefore, on the basis of insisting on nourishment, eat more foods that enhance bone quality and waist and kidneys.

You can eat more bone soup, and while drinking soup, you eat all the stewed meat and tendons, and the nutrition is here. After a large amount of supplementation, pay attention to observe your body changes, if there is constipation, bleeding gums and other phenomena, you must be careful.

When I confinement, I would eat rib soup, carrot tube bone broth, milk, beef, pork liver porridge, chicken, fresh milk stewed papaya, black bean pork bone porridge, goji berry black chicken soup, crucian carp soup, dumplings and so on.

Confinement can not drink carp soup? The confinement meal is eaten like this, and the mother's body recovers well and the mother is breastfeeding

Written at the end: Postpartum diet matching, is very important, keep in mind the above four weeks of confinement meal combination, can help the mother better recovery. In addition, during the confinement period, the mother should not be too tired, in order to make the body recover better. (The picture is from the network, if there is infringement, it must be deleted)

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