
Food recommendation: raw pop bait block turtle, fried squid roll, tomato poached tofu preparation method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: raw pop bait block turtle, fried squid roll, tomato poached tofu preparation method

Raw bait block turtle

Ingredients: 1 turtle (about 600 grams) Bait 200 grams of green two thorn knots, red two thorn knots each 30 grams of ginger slices, garlic slices 5 grams of salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, black pepper grains, salad oil each appropriate amount.


1: Slaughter and clean the turtle and remove the shell of the turtle for use, then chop the meat and skirt of the turtle into pieces, take the bowl and add black pepper, salt and cooking wine, and fry the shell of the turtle in a pan of hot oil and set aside. Cut the bait into cubes, put them in a pot of boiling water and set aside.

2: Heat a little salad oil in the pot, sauté the turtle meat pieces until just broken, pour them out and set aside.

3, put another oil in the pot to heat, first put in ginger slices, garlic slices stir-fry incense, and then under the Qinger jingjiao knot, red erjing knot and fried turtle pieces together to stir-fry well, during which salt, monosodium glutamate and cooking wine to adjust the taste, out of the pot plate, put on the fried turtle shell can be served.

Food recommendation: raw pop bait block turtle, fried squid roll, tomato poached tofu preparation method

Fried squid rolls in oil

Ingredients: 400 grams of water squid, 100 grams of cucumber, 10 grams of green onion, 5 grams of ginger, 5 grams of garlic, 20 grams of cooking wine, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of sugar, 10 grams of water starch, edible oil.


1. Wash the squid and remove the head, bone and inner membrane. Cut into ears of wheat from the inside with a knife and cut into diamond-shaped slices for later.

2: Wash and cut the cucumber into diamond-shaped slices, then marinate with a little salt and drain to remove the water.

3: Finely chop the green onion and ginger, and cut the garlic and set aside.

4: Make water in a pot, bring to a boil and pour in the squid fillets with a chopped flower knife. Wait for the squid fillets to be rolled up and then fished out to control the moisture and set aside.

5: Make oil in the pot, add squid rolls and cucumber slices when 60% is hot, slide together and fish out the oil control and set aside.

6: Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, when it is 80% hot, add the minced green onion and ginger to stir-fry, cooking wine, add squid, cucumber slices, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar and stir-fry evenly, then hook the thin mustard, stir-fry the garlic grains again, and then you can eat it.

Food recommendation: raw pop bait block turtle, fried squid roll, tomato poached tofu preparation method

Tomato poached tofu

The dish is a dish of smooth and delicate Japanese tofu cut into thin slices, sandwiched with a little meat filling in the middle, wrapped in egg skin, steamed and then simmered in a thick soup fried with tomatoes to make a semi-soup dish, which is not only very pleasing to sell, but also has a very appetizing taste.

Production Process:

1: Cut the Japanese tofu into thin slices, sandwich a little meat filling in the middle of each two slices, wrap the tofu with a trimmed egg skin, wear a toothpick to fix it to prevent scattering, steam it in a steaming box for 6 minutes, take it out to cool, and remove the toothpick for later.

2, put in the pot into the chicken fat 30 grams to 50% heat, under the tomato block 150 grams stir-fry until soft rotten, pour in 1000 grams of thick soup, high heat to turn into a low heat, down into the potato puree (potato peeled and cut into pieces, steamed into the steaming box and crushed into a puree) 50 grams, fried garlic 5 grams, salt 5 grams, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence 3 grams each stir well, under the tofu blocks 12, gluten blocks 50 grams, organic cauliflower 30 grams cook for a minute, from the pot into the pot, sprinkle chopped shallots to garnish.

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