
A psychology experiment tells you what effect praising a child will have on them...

In 1925, the famous American psychologist Herrock did a group experiment. The researchers gathered 106 students in the fourth and fifth grades of elementary school and divided them into four groups.

A psychology experiment tells you what effect praising a child will have on them...

Each group of students had the same level of learning ability, and the task assigned to them was the same, that is, to let them do equal difficulty arithmetic addition problems, and the experiment was carried out for 5 days, 15 minutes a day.

The first group is the control group, the experimenters do not make any evaluation of their results, and let them stay alone in one place to practice; The second group is the praise group, after each completion of the task, the experimenter will praise and encourage them one by one; The third group is the criticism group, they do not get any praise, and when there is a mistake, they are severely criticized by the experimenters; The fourth group was a bystander group, and the experimenters did not make any evaluation of their performance, but they could see the praise and criticism received by the second and third groups.

A psychology experiment tells you what effect praising a child will have on them...

It was found that the best performer was the praise group, followed by the criticism group, again the bystander group, and the worst was the control group. According to the researchers' analysis, the control group's performance was the worst because they didn't receive any feedback, that is, they were a completely ignored group. Although the fourth group of bystanders did not receive praise or criticism, the attitude of the experimenters towards the other two groups indirectly affected them.

The results of this experiment show that ignoring children is a very serious behavior of harming children, ignoring students, and giving up on their learning has great destructive power on students.

Many parents should have a deep understanding of this, when the child has a problem, parents will actively find ways to help the child at the beginning. However, if the long-term efforts do not work or the children do not cooperate, a sentence that parents often say is: "Whatever you do, I don't care." "Then ignoring the child is typical neglect."

Adult neglect can have a negative impact on a child's academic performance.

A psychology experiment tells you what effect praising a child will have on them...

Effective parental companionship can help children develop good learning habits, and parental supervision and reminders can help children catch up with the progress of learning. Parents' attention allows them to better understand the problems their children encounter in their studies and provide help in a timely manner. Some methods and strategies for parents can help develop their children's interest in learning.

If children often lack the company of their parents, their parents will not be able to find out in time when they encounter difficulties, let alone provide timely and effective help. Children may become less confident and even hate learning. This is especially evident in children's lower grades, which is also mentioned by many education experts, and parents should accompany and pay more attention to their children's learning when they first enter school.

Adult neglect can affect a child's personality.

A psychology experiment tells you what effect praising a child will have on them...

The guidance of parents has a very important impact on the formation of children's personality. Parents who often accompany their children can have a clearer understanding of their children's personality characteristics and help their children make up for their personality defects through some methods. For example, when parents find that their children are more introverted, they can take their children out for a walk, create opportunities for children to communicate with others, and exercise their courage. When parents find that their children are more lively, they can teach their children to be more considerate of the feelings of others and establish a sense of rules.

On the contrary, children who lack the company of parents are not only not understood by adults, but also cannot get timely guidance and help when they encounter difficulties. They may feel lonely, not valued, unimportant, not liked, etc., and in the long run, they may develop a personality that does not like socialization, inferiority, and loneliness.

A psychology experiment tells you what effect praising a child will have on them...

The neglect of adults is not conducive to the spiritual growth of children.

Some parents have a lot of companionship with their children, and they think that as long as they stay with their children more, they can do it. But true companionship is not just physically close, true companionship is about going inside children and listening to and understanding their true thoughts and feelings.

Some parents like to act arbitrarily and make decisions for their children in everything. From food, clothing, housing and transportation to interest classes, these parents do not allow their children to have their own ideas, because they feel that children are small and do not understand anything, and what adults say is right. Although the starting point is good, but the long-term practice is also the neglect of the child, this neglect is not easy to be perceived, will make the child become unconfident, no opinion, affect the child's future social interaction.

Children are independent beings, they have their own souls. Every child longs to be seen, heard, and understood, and every child is afraid of being ignored.

In the early stages of a child's life, adults' companionship, concern, understanding and attention to children are the best nourishment to nourish life. Love children, start with never ignoring children.

This article is original by "Guo Lifang Psychological Studio", welcome to pay attention to, like, comment, the article is not reprinted.

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