
The fastest weight gain for the fetus in the last month? Congratulations, the answer is wrong, it is actually this month

Many mothers in the first trimester are tired of doing "resistance" with the early pregnancy reaction, for many things about pregnancy can not be taken care of at all, it is difficult to get to the second trimester, there is no "entanglement" of the early pregnancy reaction, can eat, drink and sleep, the small days are particularly moist, almost all imagine that the entire pregnancy has passed like this.

The fastest weight gain for the fetus in the last month? Congratulations, the answer is wrong, it is actually this month

When the third trimester came, the pregnant mother found that her body was getting more and more bulky, and she was surprised to find that the stomach seemed to be a lot bigger, especially when the baby was about to be born, the stomach was like a balloon full of gas, bulging.

Does that mean that the weight gain of the fetus in the last month of pregnancy is the fastest?

Let's first look at the stages of fetal weight distribution:

First trimester

The first trimester is the first three months of pregnancy, 0 to 12 weeks, at this time the small fetus, in fact, should be called a fetus after the ninth week, before which it was only an embryo.

At this time, the small fetus grows from a small fertilized egg to the 12th week, and the weight is only about 28 to 40g, and even the weight of an egg is not as good.

This is because the fetus in the first trimester is concerned with the differentiation of various organs and the development of the brain.

That is to say, in the first trimester, the fetus does not care about weight growth at all.

In fact, the current size of the uterus is only equivalent to about 3 times before pregnancy, and the pre-pregnancy is only about 50g, so as far as the current space of the uterus is concerned, in our view, the weight growth of the fetus is really not obvious.

The fastest weight gain for the fetus in the last month? Congratulations, the answer is wrong, it is actually this month

Second trimester

The second trimester is from 13 to 28 weeks. During this time, the fetus has more things to do.

Because the fetus will undergo another peak period of brain development around 20 weeks, the development of gums, hearing, vision, etc., as well as various organs of the body, will also be completed during this time.

In particular, the development of bones will enter a peak period, during which time the fetus will grow nails, joints will form, limbs can move, and bones will harden.

By the end of the second trimester, the weight of the fetus is about 1000 g.

Look, when a full-term fetus is born, the weight is generally between 5 and 8 pounds, and by the end of the second trimester, the pregnancy period has passed most of the time, but the weight is only about 1/3 of the time of birth.

It can be seen that the weight gain in the second trimester is also not large.

The fastest weight gain for the fetus in the last month? Congratulations, the answer is wrong, it is actually this month

Third trimester

It is not until the third trimester that the fetus really enters the peak of weight gain.

The weight of the fetus at 32 weeks of pregnancy is about 2000 g, compared with 1000 g of weight gained last month;

The fetal weight at 36 weeks of pregnancy is about 2800 g, compared with 800 g of weight gained last month;

The weight of the fetus at 40 weeks of pregnancy is about 3200 to 3400 g, compared with about 400 to 600 g of weight gained in the previous month.

This is how the fetus grows in weight throughout pregnancy, and it is clear that it does not grow at a uniform rate, but in stages.

The fastest weight gain for the fetus in the last month? Congratulations, the answer is wrong, it is actually this month

At which month is the fetus gaining the fastest weight?

Is the fetus gaining the fastest weight in the last month?


The weight gain of the fetus throughout the third trimester increased by 2200 to 2400 g compared with the second trimester, and in the three months of the third trimester, the fastest weight gain was 29 to 32 weeks.

This is the 8th month of pregnancy.

The fastest weight gain for the fetus in the last month? Congratulations, the answer is wrong, it is actually this month

Regularity of fetal weight gain in the third trimester  

29-32 weeks' gestation

This is the fastest month of fetal weight gain throughout pregnancy, during which the fetus gains about 1000 g, with an average increase of 250 g per week.

In fact, in general, it is most normal for the fetus to increase by 200 to 300g per week, as long as the nutritional supply of the pregnant mother is sufficient.

There are also two cases:

(1) Insufficient intake of pregnant mothers leads to insufficient fetal nutrition, and the weight of the fetus will not keep up;

(2) Or the nutrition of the pregnant mother is too good and has been excessive, resulting in excessive fetal weight growth.

The fastest weight gain for the fetus in the last month? Congratulations, the answer is wrong, it is actually this month

33-36 weeks' gestation

The weight gain of the fetus this month is not as fast as last month, but it is not bad.

The fetal weight gain in this month is about 800g, which means about 200 grams per week, and there are 1.6 pounds in a month.

If the nutrition of pregnant mothers is better, it is generally more than this number.

37-40 weeks' gestation

It's the last month of pregnancy.

Although everyone thought that the fetal weight gain this month was the fastest, it was also disappointing.

But in this month, the fetal weight gain is only about 400 to 600g, which means that the average weekly weight is 100 to 150g, which is actually quite a lot.

After all, the fetus is also very busy this month, busy packing up and preparing to check out.

The fastest weight gain for the fetus in the last month? Congratulations, the answer is wrong, it is actually this month

Of course, these data are average when we look at it ourselves, but when the fetus is long, it will not follow these data, refer to it, as long as the overall difference is not too much, the fetus is not thin or fat, after all, the fetus is too light or too heavy is not good.

If the pregnant mother has higher requirements for the weight of the fetus, then it is usually necessary to pay more attention, and the third trimester can also adjust the diet structure according to their own needs, so that the fetus can reach the "ideal weight".

1. Although it is already the last month, the weight gain rate is not as fast as the previous two months. If the fetus is underweight, it can still be turned around hard in this last month.

● You can eat more foods that can have long tires, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, durian, pregnant women's milk powder, etc., and the usual diet should also pay attention to the combination of nutrition to ensure that there is enough nutrition for the fetus.

The fastest weight gain for the fetus in the last month? Congratulations, the answer is wrong, it is actually this month

● Usually, you should also exercise more, and you can walk around on the flat ground, which can not only promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, but also provide sufficient blood oxygen to the fetus to prevent fetal hypoxia.

And when the fetus is exercising, it sometimes follows the movement, because more exercise will have a better physique.

● Pregnant mothers should also pay attention to more rest and do not worry about work. The pregnant mother rests well, and the fetus can grow better.

2. If the weight of the fetus is relatively standard, it is the best result, and the diet of the pregnant mother does not need to make major changes, just according to the usual.

3. If the fetus is heavy, the pregnant mother should eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, be full and avoid excess nutrition, and at the same time do more exercise to cooperate.

The fastest weight gain for the fetus in the last month? Congratulations, the answer is wrong, it is actually this month

In general, the fastest growth in fetal weight is in the third trimester, especially in the 8th month of pregnancy, but pregnant mothers should also ensure balanced nutrition so that the fetus can grow healthier.

I'm a lazy mom, a multi-platform original author, and your support is my motivation. The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted.

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