
11.96 pounds! A giant baby was born, and the delivery process was thrilling! Doctors reveal the cause

According to Chengdu Business Daily, on May 8, Zhou Zhou (pseudonym) was born in the Industrial Street Branch of Chengdu Women and Children's Central Hospital in Sichuan. According to the recollection of retired elderly midwives, the heaviest newborn in the history of the hospital is about 5kg, and the state or the state has set a new record for the newborn body of the hospital.

11.96 pounds! A giant baby was born, and the delivery process was thrilling! Doctors reveal the cause

State (top) compared to other newborns 5.98kg! According to Zhang Jiajia, the attending physician of the hospital, the state mother is 27 years old this year, and in the early morning of May 8, there were irregular contractions, abdominal pain and other prenatal conditions, and she was sent to the delivery room at about 6 o'clock in the morning. The state mother weighed about 75 kg when she was pregnant, reached 100 kg before childbirth, and suffered from gestational diabetes. She has had two vaginal births, the first of which is about 3.5kg and the second of which is about 4.5kg. After arriving at the hospital, the doctor examined the height of the mother's womb in the state state of about 41cm, combined with the abdominal circumference, and estimated that the fetus would weigh about 5 kg.

11.96 pounds! A giant baby was born, and the delivery process was thrilling! Doctors reveal the cause

"If the birth is normal, we are worried that the state mother will have risks during childbirth, such as postpartum hemorrhage, perineal third- and fourth-degree lacerations, etc.; in addition, the fetus will have risks, such as shoulder dystocia, fetal distress, neonatal clavicle fracture, brachial plexus nerve injury, etc." According to the doctor, the medical team recommended that the state mother have a caesarean section, but she chose to have a smooth birth after full consideration.

At 8:00 a.m., the state mother broke the water, and then the uterus was opened, and the doctors continued to encourage her and guide her how to use the right force. "We see the fetal head delivered, and the fetal head is significantly much larger than the normal fetus." The doctor said, "The next process was very difficult and thrilling, and we did our best to protect the mother and child." ”

With the help of medical care, the state mother bends her knees and curls her hips, and if necessary, the medical care will implement the pubic joint pressure method. After the fetal head is delivered, the midwife helps the state mother to give birth to the machine, and slowly, the front shoulder of the fetus is delivered, and then slowly delivered out of the back shoulder. "Everyone was relieved to see the state successfully deliver." According to one, the ink screen shows a weight of 5.98 kg. The doctors exclaimed, "This is the heaviest we've ever seen!" ”

Why do giant babies appear?

According to the doctor, the state mother's pre-pregnancy weight is out of control, 75kg, which should be controlled to the appropriate weight and then pregnant; the pregnancy weight of the state mother is not well controlled, and she eats a lot of pasta and sweets during the period, reaching 100kg before giving birth. Du Yuhua, director of obstetrics at the hospital, stressed that for pregnant mothers, doctors will focus on weight management during obstetric examinations, according to the basic body mass index of the state mother, her gestational weight gain range is 7 to 11 kg, but the state mother's pregnancy period is 25 kg longer, so it is beyond the scope of weight management. The intrauterine health conditions involved in weight management during pregnancy can often determine a child's life.

11.96 pounds! A giant baby was born, and the delivery process was thrilling! Doctors reveal the cause

Du Yuhua so how to do a good job of weight management during pregnancy? Du Yuhua introduced that it is necessary to carry out multi-dimensional through dietary nutrition and reasonable exercise. We promote a balanced diet in which vitamins, proteins, sugars and fats are balanced. In general, it is recommended that fish, lean meat, eggs and other foods, containing fiber can also be, carbohydrates are not unpalatable, but to control the amount.

For pregnant women with gestational diabetes, it is more necessary to follow the specific guidance of nutrition departments and physicians to achieve a balanced diet, reasonable exercise, and formal obstetric examinations. To do this, the weight during pregnancy is manageable. Once the weight during pregnancy is out of control, the incidence of huge babies will increase in the short term, increasing the risk of obstructed labor, severe obstetric lacerations, and postpartum hemorrhage. In the long run, it is difficult for pregnant women to recover their pelvic floor function, and the probability of diabetes and obesity in the future of giant babies will increase, which will lead to more related diseases.

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