
Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

7 months pregnant, this is the last month of the second trimester, and some nutrition-related problems will be exposed at this time.

For example, the appearance of constipation in expectant mothers, anemia during pregnancy, etc., the occurrence of these symptoms also shows that the diet of expectant mothers in the early stage is not too reasonable, so these symptoms will appear.

However, expectant mothers do not have to worry, as long as the diet is well adjusted next, these problems can be effectively solved.

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

Hello everyone! I'm a Guide to Expectant Mothers: Nannan.

Focus on in-depth good articles, multi-angle analysis, escort for expectant mothers.

Next, Nan Nan came to talk to the expectant mothers about the dietary principles of 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be 3 taboos

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

01 Eat more nuts

Nuts contain rich nutrients, if expectant mothers eat more, they can not only supplement their own nutrition, but also promote the growth and development of the baby, especially conducive to the baby's brain development.

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

Expectant mothers can take walnuts as the first choice, because walnuts not only strengthen the brain, but also improve immunity, and also have certain effects on cough and asthma.

If expectant mothers do not sleep well at night, they can eat a handful of sunflower seeds at night, sunflower seeds can help stabilize the nervous system and blood pressure, and can help expectant mothers sleep peacefully.

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

02 It is advisable to eat more vegetable oil

In the second trimester, the development rate of the fetal baby has accelerated, and the demand for essential fatty acids and lipids has also increased, so the expectant mother should supplement in time so that the growth and development of the fetal baby is guaranteed.

Vegetable oils such as olive oil, corn oil, and sunflower oil all contain essential amino acids needed by the body, and also contain a variety of vitamins, which are very helpful for health.

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

03 It is advisable to supplement ARA and DHA

At this stage, the brain cells of the fetal baby are developing, and ARA and DHA can help the development of the brain and retina, so expectant mothers should pay attention to timely supplementation.

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

04 It is advisable to supplement trace elements

Trace elements are very important for the operation of the body, and expectant mothers should supplement trace elements reasonably and evenly, such as folic acid, iodine, iron, manganese, zinc, and cobalt.

The importance of folic acid, iodine, and iron can be seen in the previous article "In addition to folic acid, expectant mothers also need to supplement these 3 nutrients", and then talk about zinc, manganese, and cobalt.

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

Zinc deficiency may lead to embryonic abnormalities, premature birth, etc.; and manganese is closely related to the body's metabolic activities, if lacking, it is not good for the fetus; cobalt is part of vitamin B12, lack of cobalt may cause dementia, megaloblastic anemia, etc., so expectant mothers should also pay attention to timely supplementation in daily life.

05 It is advisable to supplement fat, high-quality protein and thermal energy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the basal metabolism of expectant mothers will be accelerated, so expectant mothers need to reserve fat, high-quality protein and heat energy at this stage to prepare energy for subsequent production.

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

After talking about the appropriate matters of the mother-to-be's diet at this stage, the next dietary taboos should also pay more attention.

01 Avoid eating and drinking, overeating

Although it was mentioned earlier that expectant mothers should supplement nutrition and do a good job of energy storage, they should also pay attention to not eating and drinking, overeating, because such words will bring a great burden to their own digestive system, easy to indigestion, and serious cases may lead to acute pancreatitis and other symptoms.

Expectant mothers can eat until eight points per meal, eat less and eat more meals.

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

02 Avoid skipping breakfast

Many expectant mothers either eat breakfast because they are lazy or because they lose weight, but if they do not eat breakfast, expectant mothers may have no spirit and are not good for the stomach and intestines, so it is best to eat breakfast every day.

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

03 Avoid eating too much sugar cane

Sugarcane has a very high sugar content, eating more will cause blood sugar to rise, at this stage, if the expectant mother eats too much, it will increase the chance of gestational diabetes.

And eating sugar cane may also accelerate the growth and reproduction of staphylococcus on the skin of the expectant mother, which in turn will lead to skin boils.

The above is the dietary principle of 7 months of pregnancy, 5 should 3 taboos, do you remember?

Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

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Dietary principles for 7 months of pregnancy: 5 should be avoided, early to know early benefits

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