
The daughter is looking for a remarriage partner for her mother, and she does not want to be an old man today but to see the achievements of her children

Since the death of her father, Zhou Jingling has always wanted to "sell" her single mother Li Yongmei out - to find a post-wife for her.

The daughter is looking for a remarriage partner for her mother, and she does not want to be an old man today but to see the achievements of her children

But the mother did not agree, she found a relatively good one herself, Zhou Jingling and her brother Zhou Chuandong did not agree, so the situation has been deadlocked.

On this day, Zhou Jingling wanted to take her mother to a blind date for the elderly, but her mother did not agree, which made her a little angry: "As long as you and Uncle He are together, you will agree?" I really don't understand, then what kind of life has the He family's own life become, you follow him, what good can you do? ”

What the daughter said was the truth, which made Li Yongmei a little soft-mouthed, and she could only say: "Just go, I want to see what kind of one you can find for me." ”

The daughter is looking for a remarriage partner for her mother, and she does not want to be an old man today but to see the achievements of her children

Li Yongmei died in a car accident a few years ago. Now that her son and daughter have started their own families, she can't help but be a little lonely, so she has the idea of remarriing.

At the beginning, the reason why she had an interest in her old friend He Qifeng was actually because Over the years, He Qifeng had helped her.

And He Qifeng's wife died early, and she already wanted to live with Li Yongmei, and Li Yongmei told her daughter Zhou Jingling about this idea.

Zhou Jingling immediately objected, and after her son Zhou Chuandong learned about it, he also expressed his opposition, and the two seemed to have agreed.

The daughter is looking for a remarriage partner for her mother, and she does not want to be an old man today but to see the achievements of her children

"We are not opposing your remarriage, but opposing you marrying He Qifeng, because He Qifeng's children are not as good as us, and with He Qifeng's little retirement salary, you two old people can live a good life!"

Li Yongmei could only dispel this idea, but she did not expect that her daughter would continue to look for her after that, if she refused to meet her, her daughter would use various excuses to deceive her to meet, and said that this was all for her own good, making her cry and laugh.

After arriving at the blind date site, Li Yongmei saw that there were many blind date cards held by many old people, and the introduction to herself was very simple, but the introduction to her children was very detailed - high positions, high incomes, famous universities, returnees, etc. have become the capital to show off.

The daughter is looking for a remarriage partner for her mother, and she does not want to be an old man today but to see the achievements of her children

Often such old people are around a group of people talking to them, and those who have no children to show off are rarely around.

The first time Li Yongmei came to participate in such a blind date, she felt very new, so she pulled her daughter next to her and asked, "What is wrong with these old people, do they give themselves blind dates or give their children a blind date?" ”

Zhou Jingling explained with a smile: "Mom, you are old! Today's old people are blind dates, and they are all children! I brought you here, in fact, mainly to show you the current situation of this society! ”

The daughter is looking for a remarriage partner for her mother, and she does not want to be an old man today but to see the achievements of her children

When Li Yongmei heard this, she hurriedly waved her hand and said, "I don't need you to show me this, if I want to marry, I will only marry you Uncle He!" People are all about feelings, and after your father left, he gave us a lot of help. ”

But Zhou Jingling said, "He has given some help to our family, but you don't have to give a promise to each other!" And, what is your purpose in remarrying? It's for the sake of spending your old age! Only the old man with superior children can give a guarantee for remarriage, that He Qifeng's son is in his thirties and has not yet started a family, he knows all day long to play games and nibble on the old, and his daughter is not married well, if you remarry him, it will only add trouble and burden to your existing life. Do you think you're still young and you still have to talk about feelings when you get married? When the elderly remarry, the material is definitely the first! ”

The daughter is looking for a remarriage partner for her mother, and she does not want to be an old man today but to see the achievements of her children

Her words made Li Yongmei stop speaking, and she felt that her daughter was also right, and she could only go with her to Zhang Luo.

In fact, Li Yongmei's facial features are upright, her skin is fair, and the whole person appears to be very literate. Even if it is over sixty years old, but the charm is still there, as soon as Zhou Jingling holds up the blind date card, there are old people who come to talk.

Zhou Jingling accepted their information and began to compare them one by one.

After more than two hours of inquiry and exchange, she was very optimistic about an old man named Xiahou Yong.

This Xiahou Yong worked in the government before retirement, widowed in his early years, and had three children.

The daughter is looking for a remarriage partner for her mother, and she does not want to be an old man today but to see the achievements of her children

The eldest son and the second son jointly opened a company, with an annual income of nearly 10 million. The younger daughter is engaged in scientific research in the United States, but also has a lot of income, and the old man has a suite under his name, and his life is very superior.

Zhou Jingling felt that if her mother married this old man, it would be equivalent to marrying into a rich family, so she quickly exchanged contact information with the old man Xiahou Yong and promised to take her mother to visit in the future.

After returning home, Zhou Jingling asked her mother to contact the elderly Xiahou Yong for a chat. But Li Yongmei shook her head vigorously after listening to it, feeling that it was too snobbish, and there was no way to face He Qifeng in the future.

The daughter is looking for a remarriage partner for her mother, and she does not want to be an old man today but to see the achievements of her children

Zhou Jingling was a little angry: "Haven't you woken up today?" This is not to blame you, only to blame He Qifeng's children for not being angry, and if his son can be as successful as Xiahou Yong's son, then I promise not to stop you. ”

Li Yongmei immediately argued, "Nonsense! How is it possible that everyone can start a company? ”

Zhou Jingling said: "Then I don't really want his son to open a company, but as long as his son can not stay at home all day to play games and eat the old, I will agree!" ”

In this way, Li Yongmei had to say: "Forget it, you don't have to worry about it, today you should go to see the liveliness, I will not marry anyone." ”

The daughter is looking for a remarriage partner for her mother, and she does not want to be an old man today but to see the achievements of her children

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