
Stuffed red oil shrimp, lime oil drizzled with bamboo shrimp, parsley truffle beef cake


Wine stuffed red oil shrimp

Stuffed red oil shrimp, lime oil drizzled with bamboo shrimp, parsley truffle beef cake

Ingredients & Ingredients:

10 red shrimp, 100 grams of shredded green radish, eight beans, 30 grams of red oil hot sauce, 40 grams of sweet wine, corn starch, garlic hot sauce 20 grams, bean paste 20 grams, hot sauce 10 grams, salad oil 50 grams


Shell the red shrimp and sizing it with corn starch

Season with eight beans, minced garlic hot sauce, bean paste, and hot sauce, add salad oil, and slowly sauté to make a red oily hot sauce

Place the pat-pink red shrimp in a frying pan and quickly fry the crusts for later

Made with red oil hot sauce and sweet wine into wine stuffed red oil

Wrap the mustard naturally, wrap it in shrimp balls, put in the green radish shreds soaked in pure water for 3 hours, and sprinkle with green onions

Stuffed red oil shrimp, lime oil drizzled with bamboo shrimp, parsley truffle beef cake

Lime oil drizzled with bamboo shrimp

Stuffed red oil shrimp, lime oil drizzled with bamboo shrimp, parsley truffle beef cake

8 stick shrimp, 100 grams of dragon's whiskers, 2 red thai peppers, 2 oranges, 1 egg white, 30 grams of soy sauce, 2 grams of mustard, 10 grams of lemon juice, 30 grams of shallots, 50 grams of hot oil, 10 grams of salt, rice wine, 15 grams of corn starch

Wash and shell the bamboo shrimp, remove the sand tendons with a knife to remove the red coat, add salt, rice wine, egg white, corn starch and marinate for 2 hours

Cut the green oranges and red thai peppers into slices, and cut the shallots into rings and set aside

Cook the dragon's whiskers in a pot of water, drain and spread out on a plate

Grease the sizing, put the hot water in the pot, bring the water to a boil, and then raise it for three minutes until the shrimp are ripe

On top of the shrimp, add the shallot rings, red bell peppers, green orange slices and drizzle with hot oil

Plate and drizzle with sauce, mustard and lemon juice

Stuffed red oil shrimp, lime oil drizzled with bamboo shrimp, parsley truffle beef cake

Parsley truffle beef patty

Stuffed red oil shrimp, lime oil drizzled with bamboo shrimp, parsley truffle beef cake

300 g beef ribs, 30 g horseshoe, 30 g celery, 10 g black truffle, 1 sugar hawthorn, egg white, salt, monosodium glutamate, brandy

Beef ribs are cut into rice-sized cubes, salt and MSG are added to taste, and egg whites are added to add strength

Finely chop the horseshoe and celery and stir into the flavored beef

Cut the black truffle into small pieces, simmer in oil, remove and cool and stir in the beef

Make the beef the size of a ball, fry it in boiled black truffle oil until it is half-colored, fry over low heat for 5 minutes, and add brandy to add flavor when it is almost cooked

Serve with fresh black truffles on top of the beef patties and add sugar hawthorn

Stuffed red oil shrimp, lime oil drizzled with bamboo shrimp, parsley truffle beef cake

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