
I don't know how to eat it, try this bowl of red bean barley sweet wine, sweet but not greasy

author:Small taste

I don't know how to eat it, try this bowl of red bean barley sweet wine, sweet but not greasy

Sweet wine brewing is what my mother taught me to make, and my favorite dessert when I was a child was it, even in the winter, my mother would wrap my small quilt around the crock pot and stuff it into my clothes to ferment the sweet wine. Sweet wine can be used to boil eggs to boil tangyuan or directly boil hot with brown sugar, nourishing the stomach and nourishing the face.

I don't know how to eat it, try this bowl of red bean barley sweet wine, sweet but not greasy

Young and old can eat, sweet wine brewing, the four seasons are also very suitable, moderately eat some sweet wine brewing, you can be shule jingguo, warm heart and stomach, as well as the effect of nourishing the face. Sweet wine is suitable for both hot and cold, and in winter we eat more hot sweet wine.

I remember that it was winter when I was confinement, so I would cook a bowl of wine stuffed egg glutinous rice balls for myself every day, although sweet wine stuffed with a certain amount of alcohol, but the content was also very small, such as the general allergy to alcohol can be eaten. It is also possible to eat it directly raw with sweet wine, but it is hungry, and I use it to make red bean barley sweet wine, and the taste is upgraded.

I don't know how to eat it, try this bowl of red bean barley sweet wine, sweet but not greasy

【Dish name】: Red bean barley sweet wine brewed

【Ingredient List】: Red beans, barley, red dates, rock sugar, sweet wine, purified water.

【Cooking steps】:

1, red beans and barley should be soaked in water in advance for one night, if the weather is hot, put in the refrigerator for refrigeration overnight.

I don't know how to eat it, try this bowl of red bean barley sweet wine, sweet but not greasy

2, the soaked red beans and barley with water to clean, and then put into the inner tank of the rice cooker If you do not use the rice cooker to make this sweet wine, you can also use a casserole or milk pot to stew.

I don't know how to eat it, try this bowl of red bean barley sweet wine, sweet but not greasy

3, then we put the red beans and barley into the rice cooker Ling'er after adding pure water, the amount of water must be remembered to be a one-time increase, to the highest water level line prevails.

I don't know how to eat it, try this bowl of red bean barley sweet wine, sweet but not greasy

4, then we will rinse the red dates can not go down, the dates can be cleaned after you can remove the core of the red dates if you put together to cook it is easy to get on the fire, it is recommended that you still remove it as well, save a while when eating is also more troublesome.

I don't know how to eat it, try this bowl of red bean barley sweet wine, sweet but not greasy

5. After the lid of the rice cooker is covered, choose the cooking porridge function for two hours.

I don't know how to eat it, try this bowl of red bean barley sweet wine, sweet but not greasy

6. When the last 5 minutes of stewing remains, add 3 to 4 spoonfuls of sweet wine, and two pieces of rock sugar or brown sugar to cover the pot, continue to cook for 5 minutes, according to their own preferences to add walnuts, cinnamon or peanuts and so on. Such a bowl of hot and healthy sweet wine brewed is ready, it is really delicious, like the little sister to make it.

I don't know how to eat it, try this bowl of red bean barley sweet wine, sweet but not greasy


1, with an electric rice cooker to cook this sweet wine brew, it is very convenient, you can put the ingredients in advance a night in advance directly into the rice cooker to make an appointment, and then you can eat hot red bean barley sweet wine brewed in the morning on the second day.

2, sweet wine brewing in fact, we can boil our own can also buy ready-made, but I still think that I boiled out of the more additives, eat safe and rest assured.

3, sweet wine brewing we can do this recipe, used to boil eggs or boiled dumplings, directly add white fungus or brown sugar to boil out a bowl of sweet soup is also very good, it is recommended that women who love beauty often eat.

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