
The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

author:Yuanyuan's delicious Xuan
The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

Sweet wine, also known as river rice wine, wine brewing, mash, its main raw material is glutinous rice, so in Hunan, we call sweet wine glutinous rice wine, sweet wine sweet and mellow, low ethanol content, the elderly and children can eat. In our countryside, many people have to make their own glutinous rice wine during the New Year, in addition to being eaten directly, sweet wine can also be used as a condiment for stir-frying or boiling soup, such as sweet wine eggs, sweet wine tangyuan, are very nourishing. The glutinous rice wine brewed by the farmer is mellow and sweet in taste, and it can often be eaten to relax the muscles and vitality and strengthen the body.

The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

The production method of mash, sweet rice wine glutinous rice wine farmhouse traditional method, wine aroma mellow, nourishing and nourishing, very simple, Xiao Bai will look at it, three days can eat.

Ingredients: Glutinous rice, koji koji (available in supermarkets)

Here are the steps to make it:

The first step: wash the prepared glutinous rice, about 10 pounds of glutinous rice, our rural sweet wine is generally soaked in glutinous rice a day in advance, so that the dessert wine tastes better. Wash the glutinous rice and soak it overnight.

The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

The next day, we take a grain of glutinous rice and crush it with a gentle squeeze of our hands, indicating that it has been soaked, and drain the soaked glutinous rice

The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

Our rural steamed glutinous rice is generally steamed in a large wooden barrel, of course, this is steamed dozens of pounds of glutinous rice, if the steamed glutinous rice is less, it is also possible to use a steamer. Use chopsticks to poke some holes in the glutinous rice to facilitate the glutinous rice to be gassed, which is also easier to steam. Cover and steam over high heat.

The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

How long does it take to cook glutinous rice? If it is a steamer basket, it will be cooked in about 20 minutes, if it is such a large wooden barrel, the time is longer, generally 40 minutes to cook.

Pour the steamed glutinous rice flour into a larger basin and let it cool. Remember, the glutinous rice flour must be left cool before proceeding to the next step, otherwise the sweet wine will be sour.

The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

After the glutinous rice flour is completely cooled, we prepare a waterless and oilless basin, remember, be sure to be waterless and oilless, otherwise the sweet wine will become flavorful. Pour the sticky rice in, we sprinkle a little cold white on top of the sticky rice (remember to be cool white, not with cold water), use our clean hands (you can also wear disposable gloves), spread the sticky rice flat and try not to stick together.

The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

Then add the prepared sweet wine koji, sweet wine koji according to the instructions, generally one pound of glutinous rice 4g of sweet wine koji, 10 kg of glutinous rice to add 40g of sweet wine koji, stir well, so that the sweet wine koji and glutinous rice are fully mixed together. Prepare a ceramic or glass jar, do not use a plastic jar, pour the glutinous rice in, press it evenly with a spoon, and use the spoon to dig a hole in the middle. If there is less rice, you can also use a tin pot. Cover it with a lid or seal it with plastic wrap

It should be noted that the container for making sweet wine must be clean and cannot have oil, salt and raw water.

The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

After sealing, put it at room temperature above 25 degrees Celsius to ferment, we in the southern countryside in the winter with a fire barrel, do sweet wine fermentation is also put into the fire barrel, covered with a quilt, below the charcoal fire baking fermentation, generally baked for 72 hours on the fermentation. Home air conditioning can also be placed in the air conditioning room, the temperature of 25 degrees Celsius can be, 2-3 days can also be fermented.

After 3 days, we opened the plastic wrap and we could see that there was already sweet wine coming out of the hole

The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

The wine is fragrant, sweet and mellow, and the glutinous rice is soft and sweet, which is very tasty. After the sweet wine has been fermented, we have to put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate, let it stop fermentation, if you continue to let it ferment, the sweet wine will age, the taste will become bitter, and it will be easy to mold.

The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

Like this dessert wine? Sweet and delicious, nourishing and nutritious, able to strengthen the body. If you like it, try it too.

The method of making mash, the traditional method of sweet wine glutinous rice wine, the wine aroma is mellow, nourishing and nourishing sweet wine

To summarize:

1. Glutinous rice should be soaked in advance for one night, so that the texture of glutinous rice will be soft and delicious. The ratio of glutinous rice to koji can be based on the ratio written on the instruction manual.

2. The container must be guaranteed to be water-free, oil-free and raw water, and it should be sealed after adding wine koji. Put into the 25 degrees Celsius indoor or fire barrel fermentation, 3-4 days can be, sweet wine fermentation, must be put in the refrigerator refrigeration to stop fermentation, otherwise the sweet wine will be old, old will not taste good, and easy to mold.

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