
The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Bean Sprouts Food

In summer, the heat is hot, and people are prone to sweating and heavy dampness, resulting in various uncomfortable symptoms. As the saying goes: "If the dampness doesn't go away, it's old and ugly, and the dampness is heavy and sick." "In such a hot season, drinking a bowl of red bean barley water can not only clear away heat and relieve heat, but also dispel dampness and reduce swelling, which is an excellent conditioning for the body.

The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

When red beans and barley are combined, not only is the taste rich, but also the best effect can be brought out by the correct cooking method. Today, let's learn the correct way to cook red bean barley water and prepare a healthy drink for your family.

The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

Red bean barley water has a significant effect of dispelling dampness and reducing swelling, clearing heat and relieving heat. Red beans, also known as red adzuki beans, are flat and sweet, and have the effects of diluting water and dehumidifying, strengthening the spleen and reducing swelling. Barley, on the other hand, is slightly cold, which can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, clear heat and drain pus. The combination of the two can effectively improve the problem of heavy moisture in the body, especially suitable for summer drinking. In addition, red bean barley water can also help lose weight, which is also a very suitable choice for people who want to maintain their figure.

The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

Ingredient list: 100 grams of red adzuki beans, 100 grams of small barley, 25 grams of dried yams, 20 grams of seeds, appropriate amount of poria cocos, appropriate amount of water.


The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

Choose slender adzuki beans instead of round red adzuki beans, as adzuki beans have a better dampness removal effect. Then put the adzuki beans in a bowl, pour in water, rinse thoroughly, and remove dust from the surface. Again, choose small barley over soybean-sized barley because small barley has higher medicinal value. Then, put the barley in a bowl and rinse it with water.

The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

Step 2: Stir-fry the barley

Pour the washed barley into the pot and stir-fry over low heat for about 3 minutes, until the barley no longer sticks and the moisture on the surface is completely dry. Stir-fried barley will be milder and will not cause discomfort when consumed for a long time.

The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

Step 3: Stir-fry the adzuki beans

Pour the washed adzuki beans into the pan and stir-fry over low heat for about 10 minutes until the red beans darken in color. Stir-frying red beans can make them easier to cook, shorten the cooking time, and also enhance the dampness removal effect of red beans.

The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

Step 4: Prepare other ingredients

Dried yams are broken into small pieces, which are easier to cook and taste. Rinse the yam and yam in clean water. If you have Poria cocos at home, you can also add it in moderation to enhance the effect of dampness.

The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

Step 5: Boil the red bean barley water

Put the fried adzuki beans, barley, washed yam and yam in a casserole. Add enough water at one time according to the number of people in the family, and do not add water halfway through, so as not to affect the taste and effect. After the casserole is boiled over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for half an hour, do not open the lid frequently during the cooking process to avoid heat loss.

The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

Step 6: Simmer the red bean barley water

After half an hour, turn off the heat, cover and continue to simmer for half an hour. The process of simmering can make the ingredients softer and more delicious, while also fully releasing the nutrients in them. Then, after half an hour, open the lid and use chopsticks to check that the red beans and barley are cooked through. At this point, both the red beans and barley should become swollen and soft, and they can be crushed with a light pinch of chopsticks.

The correct way to cook red bean barley water, sweating and humidity in summer, make more pots for your family to drink

With the right cooking method, red bean barley water can not only exert its maximum effect, but also bring a refreshing taste, which is ideal for summer health. I hope that through the detailed steps and introduction of this article, you can easily master the production method of red bean barley water, prepare a healthy drink for your family, and enjoy the coolness and health. Whether it's a hot summer day or daily health care, red bean barley water can be a health guardian for you and your family.

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