
The 58-year-old aunt cooks porridge with barley every day and drinks it, and after 3 years, she goes for a physical examination, and what are the changes in various physical indicators

author:Lao Li Health said

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"It's been three years since I cook porridge with barley and drink it every day!"

Aunt Zhang chatted with her neighbors in the community square while proudly showing off her porridge cooking skills. Aunt Zhang, 58 years old this year, was an ordinary employee of a private company before her retirement.

Every morning at 6 a.m., she wakes up on time, puts a small handful of barley into the pot, adds water, and slowly cooks it into porridge, as if it has become a ritual in her life.

The 58-year-old aunt cooks porridge with barley every day and drinks it, and after 3 years, she goes for a physical examination, and what are the changes in various physical indicators

It is said that it can dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, beautify the skin, and also help to lose weight, anyway, there are many benefits. Her neighbor Xiao Li, young and promising, is an IT engineer, although she is not very interested in these health regimens, but she is also infected by Aunt Zhang's persistence and enthusiasm, and always patiently listens to her "health regimen".

Time flies, and three years have passed in the blink of an eye. Aunt Zhang's life has not changed much, she still drinks barley porridge every day, walks in the square in the morning, and plays cards and chats with old friends in the evening. Soon after, the annual physical examination began.

The 58-year-old aunt cooks porridge with barley every day and drinks it, and after 3 years, she goes for a physical examination, and what are the changes in various physical indicators

Dr. Wang of the hospital is a veteran doctor with more than 30 years of experience and knows a little about barley. After listening to Aunt Zhang's situation, he decided to give her a comprehensive examination, from blood to internal organs, from bones to skin.

Lao Wang muttered while looking at the report, "Blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids are normal, heart function is normal, liver function is normal, kidney function is normal." ”

The 58-year-old aunt cooks porridge with barley every day and drinks it, and after 3 years, she goes for a physical examination, and what are the changes in various physical indicators

Lao Wang didn't answer immediately, but carefully read the report again before he slowly spoke: "Aunt Zhang, your barley porridge, it seems that the effect is not bad!" Your indicators are very good, especially your kidney function, which is much better than it was three years ago. ”

Lao Wang paused, looked at Aunt Zhang, and continued: "Moreover, barley also has a strong dampness removal function, which is the vitamins B and E in barley, which have a good regulating effect on the body's immune system and can enhance resistance. ”

Dr. Wang continued, "The fact that you have been drinking barley porridge for the past three years and that your blood lipids and blood pressure are well controlled is the best proof of this. ”

The 58-year-old aunt cooks porridge with barley every day and drinks it, and after 3 years, she goes for a physical examination, and what are the changes in various physical indicators

Lao Wang said it rightly, and Aunt Zhang listened to it with relish, and she trusted the barley porridge even more in her heart. After she got home, she couldn't wait to tell the good news to her neighbors, and Xiao Li couldn't help but admire when she heard it: "Aunt Zhang, it seems that your health regimen really makes sense!" ”

However, Aunt Zhang was not satisfied, she still insisted on drinking barley porridge every day, and promoted this good habit to more friends and family. Her son, Xiao Wang, is a designer in an advertising agency, and he is usually busy with work and irregular life. After listening to his mother's advice, he also began to drink a bowl of barley porridge every day, and gradually, he found that his mental state was much better and his work efficiency improved.

The 58-year-old aunt cooks porridge with barley every day and drinks it, and after 3 years, she goes for a physical examination, and what are the changes in various physical indicators

Lao Wang smiled with satisfaction: "Health preservation is a science, and moderation is the most important. It's good that your family is very health-conscious, but you should also adjust it according to your own constitution and situation, and don't blindly pursue one method or another. ”

Aunt Zhang nodded thoughtfully, and had a deeper understanding of health preservation in her heart. Since then, she has not only drunk barley porridge every day, but also adjusted her diet and schedule according to her family's situation to ensure that everyone can live a healthy and happy life.

One day, Aunt Zhang's daughter-in-law, Xiao Zhang, asked her: "Mom, I heard that barley can lose weight, I want to lose some weight recently, is this method reliable?" ”

The 58-year-old aunt cooks porridge with barley every day and drinks it, and after 3 years, she goes for a physical examination, and what are the changes in various physical indicators

Aunt Zhang said with a smile: "Xiao Zhang, barley does help to lose weight, because it is low in calories and high in fiber, which can increase satiety and reduce calorie intake. But weight loss does not only rely on barley, but also pay attention to a balanced diet and moderate exercise to achieve the best results. ”

Xiao Zhang replied: "I will pay attention, barley porridge with healthy lifestyle habits will definitely achieve good results!" ”

The 58-year-old aunt cooks porridge with barley every day and drinks it, and after 3 years, she goes for a physical examination, and what are the changes in various physical indicators

Since then, Aunt Zhang's health tips have spread among relatives and friends, and everyone has begun to pay attention to health and pursue a better lifestyle. As for Aunt Zhang, she drinks her barley porridge every day and lives a healthy and happy life in her old age.

What do you think about barley weight loss? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 58-year-old aunt cooks porridge with barley every day and drinks it, and after 3 years, she goes for a physical examination, and what are the changes in various physical indicators

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