
Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

author:Amei's circle of friends

Today I will share with you hydroponic red beans, red bean seedlings that can replace red roses to express love, fiery beans, heart-like leaves, and blazing love.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

The hydroponic red beans are green, vibrant, and full of love, which is really intoxicating.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

The small red fruits of the red beans, surrounded by green leaves, are like shy girls, shy and cute.

Red beans also have a romantic name, called Acacia, which is often used to symbolize the deep affection between lovers and express endless thoughts for their lovers.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

This hydroponic red bean is not only romantic and beautiful, but also exudes an elegant charm, which is really pleasing to the eye and heart.

If you want to raise your own pot of hydroponic red beans, let me give you some tips!

First of all, prepare a handful of red beans, if you want to make this love more meaningful, you can choose 52 pieces, which means "I love you".

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

Soak the red beans in water for half a day, and when they are full of water and become bulging, wrap them in wet paper towels or soaked toilet paper to encourage germination.

When the soft shell of the red bean is in a semi-shedding state, carefully remove the outer skin to avoid moldy and bacteria growth in the shell during later maintenance.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

Generally, it will sprout in about 3 days, remember to change the paper towel once a day to avoid stinky and rotten.

Then prepare a hydroponic container, and fix the beans with a grid, fruit net sleeve, plastic box punching, etc., as long as you make sure that the rhizome of the red beans is facing down to drink water, and the beans will not slip and roll.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

Connect the container to tap water and start curing, remember to spray the beans once a day for the first 3 days to keep them moist.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

The life thief is vigorous.

In this world, red beans are like a bridge that connects our hearts and minds, allowing us to understand each other more deeply.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

The small bean sprouts grow rapidly, and the green leaves emerge within two days, and the whole picture is full of vitality and vitality, which makes people sigh at the exuberance and beauty of life.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

After that, you can put the hydroponic red beans on the desktop, window sill, and workstation, as long as you ensure ventilation and light, you can grow healthily.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

Don't forget to change the water every day, it is easy to breed mosquitoes in summer, and changing the water frequently can also prevent the cute red beans from smelling and rotting.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

If you have a lot of bean sprouts, you can also cut them and fry them or eat them with fried eggs, which are fragrant and refreshing and nutritious.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

Looking at this pot of hydroponic red beans, I seem to see what love looks like.

It is like a clear spring surging in the heart, rippling layer by layer, turning into a beautiful poem, writing endless attachment and expectation. This trickle nourishes my heart, tells the power of love, and makes me feel the beauty and warmth of life.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

What a gift of love and meaning!

In this chaotic world, our hearts are like two lost boats, until we meet each other, we begin to ripple with warm ripples.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

At first, it is just a small seed, but as long as we take care of it, it will slowly sprout, grow tender green leaves, and finally bloom beautiful flowers.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

Red bean is not only a plant, it is also the sustenance and symbol of our emotions. It represents our thoughts and care for each other, just like those love letters that travel through thousands of mountains and rivers, full of sincerity and affection.

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, it expresses love that is hotter than red roses

Let's raise a cup of red beans with the person you like, and witness its growth and change together, just like witnessing your love.

Red beans sprout, happy love, bless you!

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