
Adults, please quit the weakness in your body

author:Amei's circle of friends


There is such a friend, she always feels like a piece of plasticine, pinched and pinched by the people around her.

In the company, she is a well-known good lady who always takes into account everyone's emotions, just like a big parent.

She never dared to refuse other people's requests; She could only laugh at other people's teasing and pretend not to hear.

Let's just say that once, she worked hard to complete a project, but because she was afraid that others would say that she loved to be in the limelight, she didn't dare to report to the leader, and missed the promotion opportunity.

Although I regret it, if I try again, I still don't dare.

In this way, year after year, she was diligent, but her treatment never changed, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

In fact, this kind of person is really not uncommon around us.

They are always habitually accommodating to others and never dare to say "no".

As a result, he was always called around, his personality was weak, and he was bullied by various strong characters.

Adults, please quit the weakness in your body


Then again, why are these people always being bullied?

Actually, this is not a coincidence.

When a person feels weak and powerless in his heart, it is easy for him to put himself in a lower position than others.

In this way, even if he encounters injustice and suffering, he does not have the courage to resist and change.

In interpersonal relationships, we always crave the approval and liking of others, but sometimes, we forget the "strong" nature of human nature.

The heavier the "weak breath" in a person, the less respect he deserves, and the more bad things he will have around him.

If you feel like you're being bullied and not being treated with the respect you deserve, reflect on this:

Is the "weak breath" in his body too heavy?

If yes, then try to change it! After all, no one in this world wants to be bullied and suppressed all the time.

Only when you dare to face your own weakness, dare to refuse unreasonable demands, and dare to fight for your due rights and interests can you truly win the respect and recognition of others.

If you always cooperate with other people, it's like playing a role-playing game of "I'm weak".

Whenever the role is more weak, those with bad intentions surround them like sharks that smell blood.

In real life, such people are not uncommon.

Adults, please quit the weakness in your body


This is actually something called the "law of the jungle" at work.

In the jungle, the weak are always bullied by the strong, this is the law of nature.

But in human society, we can't let this law dominate our relationships.

We have to learn to protect ourselves, learn to say no, learn to say no.

Teacher Zhang Defen once said that when you feel inferior, it is because you have a villain with low self-esteem deep in your heart.

Only when you dare to face yourself and dare to challenge yourself can you truly get rid of this shackle.

So, dear friends, don't let yourself fall into the cycle of "I'm weak" anymore. We have to learn to be strong and learn to protect ourselves.

When we dare to refuse and dare to challenge, we can truly control our own destiny and live our own wonderful life.

Adults, please quit the weakness in your body


Ah Hua used to be the kind of person who always retreated and didn't dare to fight, but one day, she decided not to be a weak person anymore.

You know what? Her popularity is getting better and better, and her work is going smoothly and enviably.

This tells us that if you always feel like a victim in a relationship, it's most likely because you're not taking your feet.

This "underdog vibe" will only make others feel like they can treat you at will.

In fact, what others treat you is what you allow.

Don't help others suppress yourself, stick to your bottom line.

If you live like an angular diamond, then how powerful your aura will be, good things will naturally move closer to you.

In psychology there is a concept called "self-fulfilling prophecy".

It means that the kind of person you feel you are will eventually become.

So, it's really important to think about yourself. If you always feel weak, you will easily become dependent and pleasing others, and you may end up feeling trapped and complaining.

So, we need to quit this "underdog mentality".

Adults, please quit the weakness in your body


Give yourself some positive cues often, and life will change for the better.

For example, don't always say "I'm not worthy", dare to accept praise from others, dare to try new things, dare to pursue your dreams.

Also, don't always blame yourself, even if you make mistakes, learn from them instead of blindly belittling yourself.

Remember, we are all unique and all have our own value. Therefore, you must believe in yourself and look at yourself in a positive light, so that you can harvest a more fulfilling and beautiful life!

Did you know that sometimes our hearts can feel like a heavy burden that makes people breathless?

However, it is not really the difficulties that are contained in this baggage, but those negative thoughts and self-denial.

Therefore, if you want to get rid of this baggage, you must learn to have a positive psychological dialogue with yourself.

When you're in trouble, stop complaining like a little resentful woman: "Why am I so stupid? Or, "If only I had done that." ”

Trust me, you're definitely not really stupid, and you haven't really done anything wrong.

Instead, you want to tell yourself, "Hey, everybody makes mistakes, and that's normal. ”

Also, "Next time, I will definitely do better." ”

This positive attitude is like adding a pair of wings to your mind and allowing you to fly higher and farther.

There are two ways of thinking about people, one is fixed thinking and the other is growth thinking.

People with fixed thinking always feel that life is like a proof question, and the denials of others are like a series of problems, making them feel that they are a failure.

And what about people with a growth mindset? They never set limits for themselves and treat growth as a marathon with no end.

When the problem comes, they smile and say, "It's only temporary, I can change it." "Even if they can't solve it, they will gain experience and become stronger themselves.

Therefore, we need to develop a "strong mindset" instead of a "weak mindset".

Adults, please quit the weakness in your body


Stop pinning all your value on other people's opinions and evaluations, that will only make you humble and flattering.

Look at yourself objectively and believe that you are malleable and changeable.

That way, no matter what setbacks you encounter, you'll have the courage to face them.

Speaking of which, I would like to mention two concepts mentioned in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: the "Circle of Influence" and the "Circle of Attention".

The circle of attention is like the weather and circumstances in our lives, and sometimes we really can't change it.

The circle of influence is like our inner strength and wisdom, completely under our control.

So, when we focus on the circle of attention that we can't change, we feel that life is passive.

Conversely, when we focus on the circle of influence, we regain our inner sense of control and become the master of our lives.


The real strong person is not without setbacks, but can discern the essence of the problem in the frustration, and then bravely change those that can be changed.

For things that we can't control, we have to learn to accept and let go.

In this way, we can become the ferrymen of our own lives and sail in the vast ocean of life.

So, dear friends, let's work together to cultivate the "strong mindset" and face every challenge in life with a positive attitude!

Believe in yourself, believe in your ability and wisdom, and we will definitely be able to overcome all difficulties and become a stronger version of ourselves!