
Let's talk about the excipients used in beer brewing...


Many breweries in Europe do not use excipients, which is formed by many reasons such as process continuity, regulations, production facilities, and consumption environment! The abiotic stability of pale beer produced using whole malt is poor (the protein content of malt is higher... Macromolecular proteins are easy to precipitate in colloidal solutions, causing beer turbidity), wort color is also darker; the choice of non-protein excipients such as rice can better solve this problem (the use rate of excipients is about 30%), and it can also adjust and stabilize the color of beer... Wait a minute. Note that the price of most excipients is not lower than that of malt, so the main reason for using excipients is not to reduce costs! In addition, the use of excipients can complicate the brewing process and equipment (usually the boiling saccharification method is used, while the whole malt can be leached with a relatively simple and easy-to-control leaching saccharification method). Most of China's beers are pale beers, which are deeply influenced by nordic and Japanese brewing technology, and the history continues to this day. It's not wrong to use excipients! While using excipients, the original wort concentration of beer is getting lower and lower, even as low as 6 to 7% P (this is to reduce costs!). This is the reason why Chinese breweries need to reflect on the so-called "beer water"...

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