
Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

Then our "Explanation of Characters in Speaking" course, this lesson talks about the Chinese character "painting" in the "Painting" department. "Painting" is simplified to "painting" in modern Chinese, and "painting" is a common Chinese character in modern Chinese, which is included in the "List of Common Words in Modern Chinese" promulgated by the State Language Commission in 1988, and its details are as follows:

Paint (draw). Read huà. The explanation given by the "Explanation of Words" is: "Painting, boundary, and the four realms of Xiangtian, so Nie painted it." "Can mean words. The original meaning is to divide the boundaries. Here it is said that "the four realms of Xiangtian, the painting of Nie" is an explanation of "jieye", look at the evolution of glyphs:

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(Glyph evolution of painting)

In the oracle bone, the upper part of the word "painting" is the "聿" in the hand, that is, one hand holds a pen, and the two curves intersecting below are depicted figures. It is a meaning word, and the original meaning is to draw with a pen. In Jinwen, the components of "Tian" were added below, and there is controversy about this "Tian":

Zhang Shunhui's Commentary on the Interpretation of Characters in Shuowen: "The original meaning of the ancient Wen Yu congtian was to draw lines for carpentry, and the boundaries drawn by Tian Xiang were not the fields of the fields." At the beginning of the carpentry work, he always used a bamboo pen to take ink and bounded it on the wood according to the size of the utensils, which is the ancient testament,...... The carpenter draws the line boundary, and then follows it to apply an axe to the knife, so the ancient character is also from the knife as '劃'. Xu Shen explained that this "tian" is related to the field, but in fact, the "tian" here is actually the ancient "Zhou" character, that is, Guo Moruo said that "to draw a circle with a plan".

Zou Xiaoli's "Interpretation of the Meaning of Basic Chinese Character Shapes": "The upper part of the glyph is the right hand pen, and the lower half is the two-legged rule. Jin Wen added 'tian' to more clearly indicate the boundaries of the painting field. I think the "field" here is related to the field. Shang Chengzuo also said that "elephant painting field is the right boundary".

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(Measuring the boundaries of land)

As far as possible, we think that the "field" here is related to the field, because the word "field" reflects the real situation in which the slave owner attached importance to the boundary of the field during the period of slave society.

To sum up: "painting" is a synaesthetic word. The original meaning is to divide the boundaries. Its original meaning is related to "field". In fact, understanding Xu Shen's statement is also conducive to mastering the small seal writing method of "painting" characters.

"Jade Chapters and Painting Department": "Painting, division also; boundary also." "Book Of Life": "Shen painted the suburbs and carefully sealed it." Kong Chuan: "Although the suburbs are old and planned, they should be clearly distinguished." "It is necessary to clearly demarcate the boundaries between suburbs and cities. "Zuo Chuan Xianggong 4th Year": "Mang Mangyu Traces, painted as Kyushu." Du pre-note: "Painting, points also." "The ruins of Xia Yu in Liaoyuan are divided into Kyushu.

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(Yugong Kyushu map)

In addition to the original meaning, "painting" has many uses:

(1) Painting; drawing. "Interpretation of the Name and Interpretation of the Book": "Painting, painting also." With five-color painted objects like also. "It's about painting the image of things with paint." "The Biography of Gu Kai in the Book of Jin": "Every painting of Kaizhi is made, or for several years, without pointing out the essence of the eye." "Every time Kaizhi paints a human portrait, he often doesn't dot his eyes for years.

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(Part of the facsimile of Gu Kaizhi's "Roselle Futu")

(2) Pictures. For example: New Year paintings; oil paintings; murals. Erya Commentary: "Painting, form also." Su Shi's "Nian Nu Jiao Chibi Huaigu": "The rivers and mountains are picturesque, and there are many haojie in a moment." ”

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(Part of Fu Baoshi's "Former Chibi Fu")

(3) Decoration; decoration. "Huainanzi Master Technique": "The main road is not painted, and the crossing is not the edge." "(Emperor Yao)'s car is unadorned, and the grass mat is not lace-filled.

(4) Signature. For example: painting pledge; painting confession. Lu Xun's "Brother Wandering": "You go to the book and draw a 'to' is it." ”

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(A Q Painting Pledge)

(5) The horizontal pen of calligraphy is called painting, the stroke of Chinese characters is called a painting, and the horizontal line of ancient guaxiang is also called painting. Han Yu's "Stone Drum Song": "In the depths of the year, there is no lack of paintings, and the fast sword cuts off the raw tuó (a reptile)".

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(Shi Guwen)

(6) Texture. "Lingshu Jing: Twenty-five People of Yin and Yang": "Two kisses and more paintings", and there are many lines on the lips of the two pieces.

(7) Compare painting, make a certain movement with your hands, feet or utensils. Lu Xun's "Scream and Dragon Boat Festival": "He drew a semicircle in the air in the tent with his second finger. Cao Xueqin's "Dream of the Red Chamber" 22nd time: "Only to see Baoyu run to the screen lamp, pointing fingers and feet, and criticizing them." An idiom "pointing fingers" was developed here, describing the use of gestures when speaking. It is also described as rashly pointing, criticizing, or arbitrarily giving orders. The idiom "painting", which means "than painting", cannot be understood as drawing a foot against one hand.

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(Pointing fingers at the child)

(8) A technique of playing the lute. Also known as "sweep". Bai Juyi's "Pipa Line": "At the end of the song, beware of the painting, and the four strings are like cracks." ”

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(Poetic intent of "Pipa Xing")

(9) Strategizing; strategizing. "Jade Chapters And Books" "Painting, Ji ya, Strategy also." "The Chronicle of the Marquis of Huaiyin": "Han Xin Xie Said: 'The king of the subject matter, the official is not langzhong, the position is not stubborn, the words are not listened, the paintings are not used, so the times are chu and return to Han.'" Han Xin said, "I serve King Xiang, but the official is not Langzhong, and the position is nothing more than that of a guard with a sword, and I don't listen to what I say, so I don't want to go back to Han." It also refers to planning; planning. "Zuo Chuan, Twenty-six Years of The Duke of Sorrow": "Summoning the six sons, he said: 'Smell that there is a teacher, and the king asks the six sons to paint.' Du pre-noted: "Plan, plan." He sent someone to summon Liu Qing and said, "I heard that there was a war in Xia Yi, and the monarch asked Liu Qing to plan together." ”

(10) Cut-off; stop. "Jade Chapters and Books": "Painting, stop also." "Orthography Toshi tabe": "Painting, deadline also." "Analects of Yongye": "Those who lack strength, the middle way and the abolition, the present female painting." "People who are not capable enough stop until they are halfway through, and you stop moving forward.

(11) Delimitation; Limitations. The Five Dynasties of the Jin Dynasty Ancestor "Beckoning Yin Hui Lou Ji Yingxun": "In all places, good fine characters are collected, etc., and their catchers still give preferential rewards, and their fine people are cut off when they draw." "Cutting when painting is cut at the right time is cutting at a limited time."

(12) Acting rudely; not being law-bound. "Zhuangzi Gengsangchu": "The introducer is a painting, and the outside is not prestigious." "The reason why the one-footed man is informal is because he has put the reputation aside.

In addition, "painting" is still a surname. "Continuation of the Tongzhi Clan Sketch VII": "Painting, see "Surname Yuan". Minghuafang, Yihuangzhi County. ”

The small seal of "painting" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(Drawing of the small seal)

What needs to be understood is that "painting" could have been classified as the "Nie" department or the "Tian" department, so Xu Shen put it as a separate head of the department because the word "painting" reflected the content of important political and economic life in ancient times. "It can be seen that the importance of the field boundary of the scripture painting. This is also Xu Shen's "writer, the foundation of the scriptures, and the beginning of the royal government." The predecessors are therefore behind, and the posterity is the reflection of the philological view.

Lesson 565: Speaking of the word "painting", what does the idiom mean that the painting word is drawn by hand and foot?

(Xu Shenxiang)

Therefore, Xu Shen's "Shuowen" is the head of philology, while the first parts of other dictionaries in later generations (such as "Zihui") are mostly the beginnings of the calligraphy method.

([Explanation of words] no. 565, some pictures from the Internet)

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