
Lesson 547: Elaborate on the word "father", the origin of the meaning of "father"

Then our "Explanation of Characters in Speaking Texts" course, we talk about the two Chinese characters of the "and" department: ", father". "In modern Chinese, it is basically not used, and the variant word "claw" is used instead (in the "Shuowen" system, the claw and the word are not the same word), "father" is a common word in modern Chinese, included in the "List of Common Words in Modern Chinese" promulgated by the State Language Commission in 1988, so the focus of this lesson is "father". The details of the two words are as follows:

1、 。 Read zhǎo. The explanation given in the Shuowen Jiezi is: ", hand and foot armor also." From again, pictograms. "Hieroglyphs. The original meaning is fingernails of the hands and feet.

Lesson 547: Elaborate on the word "father", the origin of the meaning of "father"

(Eagle's Armor)

The oracle bones and gold texts are shaped like the fingernails of birds and beasts, as shown in the figure:

Lesson 547: Elaborate on the word "father", the origin of the meaning of "father"

( Glyph evolution)

Duan Yujie's "Notes on the Interpretation of Words in Shuowen": ", claws, ancient and modern characters." Ancient works, now with claws. That is to say, and claws are ancient and modern variants, ancient and modern, modern with claws.

The small seal is written as shown in the figure:

Lesson 547: Elaborate on the word "father", the origin of the meaning of "father"

(Small seal notation)

2. Father. There are two pronunciations:

(a) fù. This is the pronunciation of the Zhonghua Book Company's Zhuyin edition of the "Explanation of Words", and the explanation given is: "Father, Moment, Parents Lead the Teacher." Raise the staff from again. "Can mean words. The original meaning is father. Xu Shen believes that the "father" is the one who adheres to the rules, is the head of the family, and is the one who guides and educates the children. It is up to "hand holding a staff" to understand. Raising a cane in a hand indicates a parent exercising the power to beat up education.

But Xu Shen's statement is problematic, look at the evolution of the glyph:

Lesson 547: Elaborate on the word "father", the origin of the meaning of "father"

(Glyph evolution of the parent)

In the Oracle and The Golden Script, the Father's glyph resembles a stone axe in one hand. Guo Moruo's "Oracle Bone Script Research": "Father is the first word of the axe." In the Stone Age, a man held a stone axe (丨 is the pictogram of a stone axe) to operate, so the milk was the father of his parents. "Hand-held axes indicate domestic labor engaged in such labor.

Whether it is Xu Shen's method of understanding or the method of oracle bone, the basic meaning of "father" is the same as that of ancient and modern times. From the Shang Dynasty to today, "father" has been a common word.

"Release of Names and Interpretation of Relatives": "Father, Fu Ye, born of oneself." "Yi Prologue": "There are husband and wife, and then there is father and son." Bai Juyi's "Long Hate Song": "So let the parents of the world's hearts not be reborn as men and women." Lao She "Camel Xiangzi" I: "Because his parents died early, he forgot what day his birthday was." ”

Lesson 547: Elaborate on the word "father", the origin of the meaning of "father"

(Father and Child)

In addition to the original meaning of "father", there are many uses:

(1) A generic term for male elders. For example: uncle; uncle; grandfather; father-in-law. "Erya Shiqin": "The examination of the father is the king's father, and the father's concubine is the queen mother; the examination of the king's father is the great-grandfather's father, and the king's concubine is the great-grandfather's queen mother." "The father's father is called the king father, and the father's mother is called the queen mother. The grandfather's father was called the great-grandfather's father, and the grandfather's mother was called the great-grandfather's queen mother. "Father, brother of the father, uncle, father, father, uncle "Warring States Policy Han Ce II": "The enemy of the subject, the puppet of Han Xiang, the puppet and the ji father of Han Jun." "My enemy is The Korean Minister of State, Han Puppet, who in turn is the uncle of Han Aihou.

(2) The ancient titles of tianzi and princes with the same surname. "Poetry Xiaoya Logging": "There are fat antelopes, and the fathers are fast." "Since the fat lamb is there, please come to the uncle to tell the friendship."

Lesson 547: Elaborate on the word "father", the origin of the meaning of "father"

(Xiaoya Logging)

(3) Males in animals. "Speaking of Wen Niubu": "Mu, the father of the animal also." "The Book of Han and the Chronicle of Food And Goods": "Those who ride on the gourd are not allowed to gather." Yan Shigu's ancient note: "All ride on the father horse, and there are horses between them, and they are hesitant to whistle and wave their sons." "[Everybody rides a stallion, so] the mare rider is excluded from being with everyone.

(ii) fǔ. This pronunciation is from "Guangyun". Usage is many:

(1) An honorific title for the elderly. Dialects, Book VI: "Ai, the Elders also... Nan Chu is the father. "The Biography of Feng Tang Lie of Zhang Shizhi" (史史· Zhang Shizhi) "Emperor Wen said: 'During the reign of Emperor Wuju, Gao Yuan, the food supervisor of Wushang, fought for me zhao general Li Qizhixian and fought under the deer. Every meal I eat, I don't want to taste it in The Deer Also. What does the Father know? Emperor Wen of Han said, "When I was in Dai County, my food supervisor Gao Yu repeatedly talked to me about the talents of the Zhao general Li Qi and told me about his battle under Julu City. Now every time I eat, I always think of Li Qi at the Battle of Julu. Does the old man know this person? ”

(2) Ancient name for men. Also written "甫". "Guangyun Andi Rhymes": "Father, Father, Father Shang, are all good names for men." "Zihui • Father": "Father, the ancients matched the father with words, and the father and the father were also." "Poetry Daya Han Yi": "Manifest father raozhi, sake hundred pots." Lu Deming explained: "Father, Ben is also a husband." "The Manifest Father set up a feast to feast on the feast, and prepared a hundred pots of wine that were sweet and clear. We often see the works of "a certain father" in seal engraving works, most of which are of this meaning.

Lesson 547: Elaborate on the word "father", the origin of the meaning of "father"

(Wu Changshuo "ZiXiang Father")

(3) The general name of people engaged in a certain industry. "Zhuangzi Fisher Father": "Those who have a fisher father, get off the boat." Lu Deming explained: "Those who have a fisherman's father, Yinfu, take the fish father also." "The Fisherman, the Fisherman."

Lesson 547: Elaborate on the word "father", the origin of the meaning of "father"

(Fisher Father)

(4) Start. Lao Tzu chapter 42: "He who is strong will not die, and I will think of himself as the godfather." River's note: "Father, the beginning." "Those who commit suicide and rape have no place to die. I take this sentence as the beginning of teaching.

(5) Days. The ancients thought that the heavens and the earth gave birth to all things, so they called the heavens "father." Yi Shuo gua: "Qian, Tianye, is therefore called the Father; Kun, the earth is also called the First Mother." ”

In addition, when "parent" is pronounced this sound, it is still a surname. "Genealogy of Ten Thousand Surnames, Partridge Yun": "Father, Guan Zhong is called Zhong father, and then the Yin clan." ”

The small seal of "father" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 547: Elaborate on the word "father", the origin of the meaning of "father"

(Father's Small Seal Writing)

([Explanation of words] no. 547, some pictures from the Internet)

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