
Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

Then in our "Explanation of Characters in Speaking Texts" course, this lesson talks about six Chinese characters, namely the five Chinese characters of the "丮" department [Cai Zhi], [Gong Qi], 谻, [Ge Qi], [Anti-Qi], and the Chinese character "斗" of the "Dou" department. These five Chinese characters in the "丮" department are basically strange characters in modern Chinese, while "斗" is simplified to "斗" in modern Chinese, and "斗" is a common Chinese character in modern Chinese, so the focus of this lesson is "斗". The details of the six words are as follows:

1. [Only eating] Read zài. The explanation given in the Shuowen Jiezi is: "Shi Rao ye." From the sound, from the food, only the sound. Read it. "Shape sound word. The original meaning is to set up wine and food (for guests). Lin Yiguang's "Wenyuan": "Like two hands holding food, only sound." ”

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(Set-up sake)

Duan Yujie's Commentary on the Interpretation of The Text: "(Rao), Song Ben made food. "Jade Chapter" same. "Shao Ying's "Qunjing Zhengzi": "There is no [Cai Shi Qi] character in the classics today, and the word "Cai Shi Shi" is mostly borrowed from the provincial pen," Zhang Binglin's "New Dialect Interpretation": "The stone drum is loaded with [Cai Shi Shi]. Nowadays, people stay in the guests to set up wine and food. Although they are treated as if they were treated as "only to eat". Zaimoto tone wear. ”

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(Narrated by [Cai Shi Shi] in the "Stone Drum Text")

"[Cai Jie]" can also be extended to eat. Zhang Binglin's "New Dialect Interpretation": "[Cai Shi] is to set food, by extension to eat, Yu food for food, extended to food, now Zhili, Shandong, Huainan, Hubei, other languages are called food [Cai Shi] rice, read as Dai." In fact, in some dialects of Henan, the name for eating is also called dǎi rice, which means that the "[cai shi] pronunciation of "dai" is pronounced.

There are other uses of "[Cai Jie]":

(1) Start. "Chapters of Sea Categories, Food Commodities, and Food Department": "[Only food], the beginning also." ”

(2) Assumptions. Guangya Commentary: "[Cai Yu], Shiya." Wang Niansun's "Guangya Shu Evidence": "Loaded with [Cai Shi] tong, loaded as a decoration, but also as a hypothesis." The Prophets of the Prophet: 'Or: The Law of the Messengers. Jin Lee Rail Note: "Load, set also." ’”

The small seal of "[Cai Jie]" is written as follows:

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(The small seal of [Cai Shi] is written)

2. [Gong Qi]. Read gǒng. The explanation given in the Shuowen Jiezi is: "[Gong Qi], Hug Also." From the sound of work, work. "Shape sound word. The original meaning is to hug. This word is also set up in the "Hand" section of the "Shuowen" with the word "[Gong Shu Hand]", which is interpreted as "hug also", which is actually a different character re-emerging, and both words can be interpreted as "hug". Xu Kai's "Biography of the Shuowen Family": "Gong, Hug Ye." ”

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(Girl holding cat)

Note that although the glyph is similar to "Gong" and the pronunciation is the same, it must be noted that it is not a traditional character of the word "Gong" that we usually say. Li Shoukui of the Etymology: "It is suspected that '丮' is the first word for 'Gong'", but "now 'Gong' only survives in words such as 'consolidation'" in its pretense. Therefore, the word "consolidation" in modern Chinese, in which "Gong", uses a false loan meaning. The word "Gong", which means "solid", is "鞏", which we have already talked about in the "Revolution" Department (see Lesson 517).

"[Worker]" may also refer to the expansion of an object. In the Qing Dynasty Fan Yin's "Yue Proverbs" volume: "[Gong Qi], things are full but not flat. ”

The small seal of "[Gong Qi]" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(The small seal of [Gong Qi] is written)

3. Slander. Read jí. The explanation given by the "Explanation of Words" is: "Praise, reciprocity." Sounds from the valley, the valley (is the jué, not the valley of the valley). "Shape sound word. The original meaning is the appearance of leaning on each other. Xiang Shuzhi, "Collection rhymes and medicinal rhymes": "Praise, foot phase appearance." Gui Fu's "Proof of Sayings and Righteousness": "Foot tiredness depends on each other." "When people are tired, they cross their feet and lean on each other.

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(Foot-leaning appearance)

The small seal of "谻" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(The small seal of the curse)

4. [Ge Qi]. Read huà. The explanation given by the Shuowen Jiezi is: "[Ge Qi], hit the ankle also." From The Gou, from the Go. Read like an ankle. Xu Shen believes that it is a yi character, and the original meaning is to hit the ankle bone. Yu And Go will understand. Pronounced like "ankle (huái, the convex part on both sides of the ankle)". Because it is a ideographic word, we need to look at the glyph for this word:

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(Glyph development of [Ge Tuo])

In the Jiajin script, the character [Ge Qi] is both like a person sitting and reaching out to hold a go, or like a person sitting down and reaching out to hit another person's ankle bone. Lin Yiguang's Wenyuan Volume VI: "Immediately cut it or body." Elephant with two hands in hand. "Our opinion is that when Xu Shen's statement has no reason to overturn, we still use Xu Shen's explanation.

The small seal of "[Ge Qi]" is written as follows:

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(The small seal of [Ge Qi] is written)

5. [Regurgitation]. Read jú. The explanation given in the Shuowen Jiezi is: "Drag also." From rumination. Que. "Hieroglyphs. The original meaning is to hold. The glyph and exactly the horizontal flip of the word "丮", the meaning is also held, but the direction of holding is exactly the opposite of "丮". "Que" refers to the pronunciation that has not been passed down, but he still marks the pronunciation as "Juyuche". In fact, as long as you understand its Oracle Gold glyph, its meaning is very clear:

(Glyph evolution of [rumination])

In the Oracle and The Golden Text, the [Ruminant] Elephant man crouches or stands and extends his hands, in the form of an operation or action. Wang Yun's "Explanation of the Sayings": "The Shuowen [Regurgitation] descends into the clouds: 'Also holding also' to inherit the head of the ministry '丮, holding also'. It has the same meaning as "丮".

The small seal of "[ruminated]" is written as follows:

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

([Ruminant] small seal writing)

6. Fight (斗). Read dòu. The explanation given in the Shuowen Jiezi is: "The two soldiers are opposite, and the scepter is behind, like the shape of a struggle." "Hieroglyphs. The original meaning is to fight; to fight. Xu Shen believes that "fighting" is a hieroglyph, but the specific explanation is not accurate. Look at the glyph evolution:

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(Glyph development of the bucket)

Oracle's "fighting" resembles the image of two people fighting each other with their bare hands, simplified and omits long hair. Luo Zhenyu's "Revised Yin Xushu Qi Examination Interpretation": "All the words of Bu Ci are like two people fighting each other, and there is no military staff." Xu Jun's mistaken human form is a staff and a staff. From the glyph view, fighting with bare hands is called fighting. In other words, there is no so-called scepter, just hand-to-hand combat, called "fighting."

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(Hand-to-hand combat)

The word "struggle" changed in the process of evolving towards xiao zhen, and the hands of the two fighting were separated from the body. Therefore, the meaning of the words explained by Xu Shen is no problem, but the glyph analysis is not correct. In modern Chinese, the simplified word "斗" is borrowed from the glyph of "sheng dou" dou. When writing the traditional character for "bucket", it should be noted that the "bucket" of "sheng dou" cannot be written as "bucket". Compared with "fighting" and "fighting", if the meaning of "struggle" is expressed, "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting", and simplified characters have their own advantages compared with traditional characters.

Duan Yujie's Commentary on the Interpretation of The Text: "When the clouds fight for it. "Mencius Leaving Lou Xia": "There are fighters in the countryside, and those who are sent to the crown and go to save them are confused." Although the house is closed, it can also be. "If there are people fighting in the countryside, and they also wear hats to stop them with their hair scattered, it is too confusing, and it is okay to ignore this kind of thing even behind closed doors." "Sun Tzu Void Reality": "Although the enemy can make no fight, he knows the strategy of gain and loss." Tian Han's "Legend of the White Snake" thirteenth scene: "How can she withstand this vicious fight?" ”

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(Ancient Battles)

In addition to the original meaning, bucket has other uses:

(1) Competition, competition to win. For example: wits and courage. Tang Qintaoyu's "Poor Girl": "Dare to exaggerate the ten fingers and do not draw the double eyebrow bucket long." Sha Jiabang's "Battle of Wisdom" refers to the victory of Ah Qing's sister-in-law and Diao Deyi's intelligence.

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(Peking Opera "Sha Jiabang ZhiDou"

(2) Disclosure; criticism. For example: criticism fighting; fighting bullies. Lu Xun's "And The Collection, Answering Mr. Youheng": "If I continue to fight, I may be 'physically and mentally sick'." ”

(3) Use the same as "tease". Tease, tease. The seventy-fourth time in Li Ruzhen's "Mirror Flower Edge": "Zizhi came, took a bundle of arrows in both hands, and threw it at the pot: 'I am chopping wood. The fighting crowd was amused. ”

The small seal of "struggle" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 542: It means "struggle", "struggle" is much more intuitive than "fighting"

(Fighting small seal writing)

([Explanation of words] no. 542, some pictures from the Internet)

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